What is wrong with IndyMedia?
Geronimo | 22.06.2004 18:28 | Indymedia | London
This article was removed from the newswire without explanation:
Perhaps somebody at IndyMedia can explain exactly what part of the Editorial Guidelines have been breached here. Or does your blind dismissal of this article suggest that whoever removed it is either ignorant of what is transpiring or somehow in favour of it?
Being a regular reader of the newswire I am aware that the frequency of the removal of newswire articles has increased lately. What is your agenda? It could be interpreted as an effort to perpetuate tension in order to maintain control. Let's all argue about stuff that you allow on the menu whilst the bigger picture is disregarded.
dh has his allies - we aren't all the product of SWP brainwashing.
Perhaps somebody at IndyMedia can explain exactly what part of the Editorial Guidelines have been breached here. Or does your blind dismissal of this article suggest that whoever removed it is either ignorant of what is transpiring or somehow in favour of it?
Being a regular reader of the newswire I am aware that the frequency of the removal of newswire articles has increased lately. What is your agenda? It could be interpreted as an effort to perpetuate tension in order to maintain control. Let's all argue about stuff that you allow on the menu whilst the bigger picture is disregarded.
dh has his allies - we aren't all the product of SWP brainwashing.
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22.06.2004 20:19
Tom A of IMC-UK
Policing the network
22.06.2004 23:03
So thanks Geronimo for resurecting this, however temporarily.
The thing is that the most of the people using this forum never do more than visit the current headlines
They can't be bothered to trawl the hidden posts or go to these technical places that the IMCers suggest. I'm like that myself - when it's gone -it's gone
So any policing of posts for whatever get-out clause that the editorial guidelines give, non-news - thats a good one - it means that anything that hasn't got a firm action base occurring in 3-D or isn't featured in the current mass media is fictitious
Yet in these interesting times, there are so many things occurring out there and in here that even the most straightforward political activist may need to colour and inform her or his activism
Why on earth censor information that may contain at least some measure of truth
It can only be about keeping the activists in line with the current establishment paradigm
The "show all posts" page is indeed obscure
22.06.2004 23:17
Tom A
Ever considered?
23.06.2004 00:20
Why spikey little mobile phone masts are popping up everywhere
Even in the most impoverished areas of Africa and in Tibet where only tje Chinese officers possess a cell phone
You want an interelationship?
Show all posts
23.06.2004 07:57
And why not cry "CENSORSHIP"?! What would you call it? If this was the workings of any mainstream media or the state you would no doubt be at the front of the queue of those crying "CENSORSHIP"!
The easy way to view all posts
23.06.2004 08:53
The link for "View All Posts" is in there, right near the top. Easy. You're never more than two clicks away from it.
And while you're on the editorial guidelines page, you could even have a read of it.
If you go to a corporate news site like the BBC, you'll notice that all the latest news stories are NOT on the front page. You often have to go a few clicks down to find them.
Declining to put any and every story right bang on the front page is not censorship. Censorship is when you stop someone from publishing something. Your story IS published is on this site, and you are also free to publish it anywhere else you please. There are thousands of sites on the web that welcome copy & pastes of long, rambling conspiracy junk rants, and links to online order forms for:
Take your pick. Or you could start your own site dedicated to the subject. Indymedia chooses not to host this stuff on the front page. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to demand that someone else gives you a platform.
This piece of non-news will stay up til tonight, 24 hours after you posted it. I don't really know why.
an IMC volunteer
non heirarchy?
23.06.2004 09:06
we read, we contribute.
someone else decides what appears and what doesn't.
thats a heirarchy.
the article in question was described by the person who censored it as 'paranoid conspiracy bollocks'. some justification!
this is an opinion - and a pretty unsound one to boot.
I have seen several different subjects refered to in this way over the years, and not only in this place. I remember the same reaction to gm foods, to electromagnetic weapons, to questions over 911 and the bush/bin laden links etc.
we have to play a waiting game while those in CONTROL of what we see, wake up and accept that which becomes more evident each passing day. have we the time?
whilst I admire the efforts put in here - the analysis stinks of bourguios middle class complacency ... and moral cowardness
pretty fed up and unwilling to think nice thoughts about the process and those that run it at the moment - perhaps an entry-ist model of reclaiming debating territory is needed?
for now, I have made the view all posts section as my entry point into imcuk - but it still feels like having to plough through skatebording duck stories to find the news - I want more and won't settle for less
23.06.2004 09:15
That's exactly how some other people feel about having to plough through chemtrails stories and dental implants stories to find the news.
an IMC volunteer
Indy Quality Control
23.06.2004 09:42
Those who wish to destroy Indymedia will flood the newswire with nonsense, including paranoid conspiracy dental implant nonsense in my view. They have done this in the past. Pseudopolitical stories are a great way to drown out real political ones.
I think the judgement of the editorial crew has been pretty sound in the past.
Peter Piper
anyone can help
23.06.2004 10:01
Rather than winge, take action - that is one of the fundamentals of activism.
e-mail: musteatvegan@yahoo.co.uk
23.06.2004 10:37
I'd also like to put you straight on one thing, you said, 'This piece of non-news will stay up til tonight, 24 hours after you posted it. I don't really know why.' As the poster 'dh' has not been seen in this thread, I assume you are under the impression that I posted it. I didn't. I actually concur with you that much of the linked material is not useful - least of all to the effort to enlighten people in the darkened passageway they are being led down in the name of variously, 'the war on terror', 'anti-paedophilia' or whatever. There are Bio-Chip implants, it would be foolish of you to deny it as the company that is producing them (Verichip) are quite conspicuous. Making them fashionable, as they and others are doing, is just the softener to their inevitable replacement of the forthcoming ID cards.
It seems very laudable to fight globalisation when it involves smashing the windows of Starbucks and exposing the Nike sweatshops, but the more sinister aspects are creeping under our feet. Don't doubt that.
And to late-comer 'Peter Piper' I can only refer you to the words of jackslucid, what you are suggesting is that anything which is not on your (IndyMedia) agenda is not worthy of consideration by anybody. The subject of September 11th (which was by any assessment a monumental event) frequently comes up as an example of 'paranoid conspiracy bollocks' yet an examination of US IMC newswires will show that it is an issue which will not go away and is indeed a movement in its own right. Why? Well, it wasn't the in depth investigation of any mainstream media (I have been told by a TV journalist that there is no way that the subject will even get a mention on British TV) and it was no thanks to the IMC moderators who do their utmost to cripple the issue. No, it was down to open minded people to whom so-called 'paranoid conspiracy bollocks' was worthy of investigation. Those who dismiss the evidence can hardly have considered it. And I don't mean the rantings on the fringes. There are numerous respectable books which have been published but if only one was to be considered it should be 'The New Pearl Harbor' by Professor David Ray Griffin.
I wouldn't waste any time trying to enlighten 'Peter Piper' or anybody like him. But your assertion that these issues should be hidden is no different from the cowardly attitude of journalists who know the truth but dare not speak out for fear of their reputation. There are others (household names) who I know for a fact are on to the September 11th story whose silence is expedite and I respect. Perhaps the issue will persist and one day the truth will emerge into the mainstream sunlight on this and many other issues - but the UK IMC will be shamed by its actions.
Nothing new
23.06.2004 11:26
Let's have a declaration of policy regarding this, and whenever someone disappears something, they should say who they are and why they've done it.
Disgruntled of Tunbridge fucking Wells.
e-mail: owhyowhy@yahoo.com
Was hoping for better...
23.06.2004 11:35
However, I've got to say: you people can't possibly be serious about this complaint? The article that was hidden was hidden because it's totally mental. There is no factual evidence in this article - can you name anyone who had a sinister dental implant against his or her will? Or maybe 5,000 out of the alleged 80 million? No, you can't, because it's untrue. So it gets hidden.
If you want to make the View All Posts page your access point to the site, do that. Bookmark this: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/viewallposts.html
Now you can wade through all of the dental implant stories that we get. No one is harmed. No one is censored. It's not difficult. But most people don't want to see these stories as far as I can tell, because they don't want to wade through stories about dental implants and chemtrails, for which there is little evidence, they want to see reporting about issues that actually affect people. There may be a fine line in some cases between a story that might sound a little crazy but may be true anyway, and "stories" which are just paranoid rants.
"You may be one of the 80 million americans implanted with microchips. Ever been to a dentist, or been in the hospital and had an invasive procedure, if so there is a high probability you have been implanted!. Million of Americans have been murdered already!"
This is crazy, and it's just the part that's written in full sentences. It takes away from stories about state and corporate torture that *actually does occur*. Stories that can be proven through journalism, with sources, interviews, cross-referencing, fact-checking, etc.
"Here is given (below) the most generalized definition of the astroid-like hypocycloid as the trajecory of a point P of a rotating with angular velocity "omega1"=1 circle of radius "radius1"=a, with centre of which also being rotating around the origin by the circle of radius "radius2"=1-a , and angular velocity "omega2"=-3, so that"radius1" +"radius2"=1, and "omega2"/"omega1" =-3. Then for coordinates X[t], Y[t] of this point P we have: X[t]=(a)*cos(t)+(1-a)*cos(3*t); Y[t]=(a)*sin(t)-(1-a)*sin(3*t); 1-X[t]^2-Y[t]^2=factor(simplify(expand(1-((a)*cos(t)+(1-a)*cos(3 *t))^2-((a)*sin(t)-(1-a)*sin(3*t))^2)))=16*a*cos(t)^2*(cos(t)-1) *(cos(t)+1)*(-1+a)=16*a*cos(t)^2*(cos(t)^2-1)*(-1+a)=16*a*cos(t) ^2*(sin(t)^2)*(1-a)=FULL SQUARE!=> If Z[t]=4*cos(t)*sin(t)*(a*(1-a))^(1/2), then X[t]^2+Y[t]^2+z[t]^2=1 ;(i.e., For every time t {X[t],Y[t],Z[t]} is on the unit SPHERE!!!). With different values of the parameter a we obtain the whole class of astroid-like hypocycloids with FOUR PARTS. Below is given the Maple 5.4 Text programm for plotting of these trajectories.; >"
This one is just a waste of everybody's time. I challenge you to offer an explanation of why *this* article should not be hidden. Attempting to explain that may give you an insight into why people think *your* articles should be hidden.
"What are you, Indymedia? Who are you? You are starting to look very complicit when you censor things which cross your arbitrary line in the sand. If you are an IMC censor, ask yourself where the so-called guidelines came from."
This is copied and pasted from the viewallposts page, which I clicked on and accessed. The post is not "censored", it is available. In answer to the question, the editorial guidelines came from thousands of hours of discussion between dedicated media activists who want to change the world. Anyone can participate in this discussion. But the general opinion seems to be that we put posts that we think are not directed towards positive social change on a separate page. If you want to have your own site for your own dental implant theory, go to http://geocities.com and make one, it's easy enough to do. Check your visitation statistics. No one is looking at it? Go figure...
I hope that we will get some substantive criticism, as it would be nice to see how to move Indymedia UK activities to a higher level. But this is not it. Visitation to the site is up, so hopefully we're doing something right, but if anyone wants to make suggestions for improvement or get involved in what we're doing, please email imc-uk-features@lists.indymedia.org
Trolls and Editors
23.06.2004 11:51
Geronimo, since you surfaced a couple months back, you've always smelled troll to me, and frankly I shan't bother bantering to you about clear blue skies (of which we have had plenty in southern England over the last 30 days).
Editorial control is different from censorship. At the moment we have an IMC editorial collective which does an important job of keeping the signal clean of the jamming. The enemies of Indy news would love the newswire to appear as 'news of the weird' to any innocents who came across it.
Here's an idea though: perhaps the already overburdened IMC tech team might think up a way to allow for "open editing", ie. a multiplicity of editorial voices? On the basis of the unedited newswire, one could conceive of a 'lensing' option-- so that one could choose from 'lenses' created by IMC contributors. We could, for example, look at a JacksLucid's window into the newswire based on his flagging of stories on the unedited newswire. The credibility of contributions might give credibility to an editor. Very quickly one would be able to distinguish the rollers from the trollers. Clicking on a button might open up an 'editor choice' window, where various editors might explain their own criteria-- so that IMC newswire would have a system of intra-blogs functioning in and through the newswire?
Peter Piper
yossarian's apt pseudonym
23.06.2004 12:06
I think it is absolutely fucking hilarious that you quote from the post about the new yin/yang. When I saw it I knew its time would be short. How it exemplifies the narrow-mindedness of your attitude. It is too complicated for you to understand (and me). If it were published in the New Scientist it might have its readership frothing at the mouth with excitement. It might be the contents of Stephen Hawking's geometry set which is scattered amongst his kitchen utensils. but the point is you rubbished something because you didn't understand it. For that I condemn you. And for that you are guilty of prejudice which I despise.
We have talked about this
23.06.2004 12:07
We talked about exactly this option at the last Indymedia UK network meeting, i.e. giving people the ability to look at the newswire through another person's eyes. The difficulty is that the software doesn't really support this option right now - if we had a couple of Java programmers who could put the work into it, there's no technical reason that it couldn't happen, but it'd take time to build it. I don't know of any content management system that supports this kind of option out of the box, and anyway it seems unlikely that we would switch away from Mir (the software running the site currently) as we just switched to Mir about a year ago, and despite a few small bumps, it has been doing a great job and allowed a lot of collaboration to take place.
If you or anybody else knows of any Java programmers who would like to help out, please have them take a look at http://mir.indymedia.org/ and then email the imc-uk-tech@lists.indymedia.org email list. We would be happy to have more people on board, we have exactly one Java programmer in imc-uk right now and he does a lot of other stuff (like cleaning the newswire).
Uh, ok
23.06.2004 12:17
Ok, good to know that you despise me, I'll be real careful in future.
Troll? Me?
23.06.2004 12:32
First of all, I may be mistaken, but I don't believe I used the name Geronimo on here until last night, so your assertion that 'since you surfaced a couple months back, you've always smelled troll to me' has a whiff of invention about it. Unfortunately, neither IndyMedia nor Google's search facilities have assisted me in verifying this. I may have posted a comment some time in the past using that name but I have certainly never used it more than once.
But to be accused of being a 'Troll' amuses me because when I have submitted articles under my usual pseudonym, my 'friends' at IndyMedia have often removed 'Troll' comments written about them before I have had chance to read them.
Thanks for substantiating my belief, nicely encapsulated by your pal 'yossarian' (above), that you are mainly prejudiced individuals. Prejudice being a product of fear.
IndyMedia Literacy
23.06.2004 13:18
I know
23.06.2004 13:53
If an anarchist group organised something like this, the post would remain on the newswiere. It pisses me off.
Keep it up
23.06.2004 14:41
A little moderation please.......
23.06.2004 15:58
I apologise profusely that we don't all match up to your rigorous intellectual standards .
Having said that, I am not so stupid as to miss when someone is being a 'little condescending.'
Sneering is not the best way of ensuring inclusivity, and some of us were rather hoping to help shape a better world, along with you noble people.
Anyways, enough of that .............
On the article itself, a summary and link would have sufficed. The enormous cut and paste is a breach of editorial guidelines.
It seems to me on the one hand that its unlikely that 80 000 000 Americans have unwittingly had implanted chips foisted on them, but then I think of the War on Terror and I get very confused.......................
alternatives are always ridiculed
23.06.2004 16:51
interesting views the admin have aren't they?
i was thinking of writing a comment based on the work of
leonardo da vinci
i mean what do you suppose the people of the time
made of a plan for a helicopter?
or Hieronymous Boschs paintings...?
or William Burroughs journey into interzone?
the reactions were the same as those fuckwits on indymedia
mind controlled ...immediate response mechanisms
ooooh tin foil hats
ooooh conspiracy...
someone should point out to them that the dope they smoke
no doubt fresh from some lab in amsterdam... is the result of
genetic engineering!!!
[Bill Hicks lives in my left eye]
all the best capt wardrobe
Captain Wardrobe
100% open publishing doesn't work
23.06.2004 18:12
You've hit the nail on the head: if we allowed anybody to publish anything they felt like, as IMC Portugal tried, we'd soon be overwhelmed.
They couldn't believe the flood of posts that were ultra-racist, far-right, fanatical nationalist, stream-of-consciousness poetry, lizard-man conspiracy theories, endless recruiting notices for political parties, etc. Much of it was deliberate "wrecking" comments, from people that didn't like the news they were reading, and wanted to put other readers off. It worked. You could barely see the news for all the absolute crap that their newswire was flooded with.
They took the whole site off-line for a while, feeling very disillusioned. Then they had a long hard think, and came back with a tighter editorial policy, and a better content management system to run it on.
A truly open publishing policy would mean the same thing happening here: endless BNP posts, endless reposts from the neocon press, endless racist flamebait, etc. Is that what you want? Fabulous. Go build a 100% open publishing site of your own then. Let's see how long you stick at running it, and who apart from you feels like reading it.
The "victim culture" evident in some of the comments here is really pretty staggering.
"I condemn this! I despise that!"
"I want more and won't settle for less!"
"I want the names and bank details of anyone who hides any comments!"
"I want the admins to enter into a days-long slanging match with me in the comments section, anytime I object to an article being hidden!"
But they're all far, far too busy to start an Indymedia site of their own, or join an existing Indymedia group to put in their share of the necessary drudge work. Hm, yeah, what a fuckin shame.
As Tom A said above, some people are never satisfied, and I wouldn't dream of even trying to please them all, especially as I volunteer hours every day on newswire admin already. Indymedia UK is excellent, especially the features. People in several countries have told me that they prefer the moderated newswire on Indymedia UK to their local Indymedia's unmoderated wire. So we must be doing something right. :)
Article hidden
23.06.2004 18:40
That was 24 hours ago.
an IMC volunteer
23.06.2004 19:20
Another commentator who doesn't bother to read what he criticises.
Either that or he chooses to quote some sentiments quite out of context and then invent some exaggerated comments to swing his spin.
Yes, I said 'I condemn'. I condemn anybody who dismisses something just because they don't understand it.
Yes, I said 'I despise'. I despise prejudice. Funny, I thought that was de rigeur round here.
Yes, somebody said 'I want more and won't settle for less' but did you understand the context?
No, nobody said either:
Your remaining 'quotes' were garbage meant to insult.
As for 'Go build a 100% open publishing site of your own then. Let's see how long you stick at running it, and who apart from you feels like reading it.'
I have and I spend several hours a day working on it. It has 100% open publishing, though I reserve the right to remove anything which I consider inflammatory in the extreme but no I have never felt the need to exercise that right.
It's sad but I feel that IndyMedia UK will end up like Glastonbury. Something which started with the greatest of intentions but ended up in the midst of mediocrity because it tried to cater for conventional needs in an unconventional way and unconventional needs in a conventional way.
As little as I really know about chip implants, it is fairly certain that if the time came some of the commentators on here will willingly roll up their sleeves. Others would hopefully be more audatious.
Editorial cliques ?
23.06.2004 20:25
Cos its pointless if its the latter.
Indymedia uk do a good job, and theres much on the site that is worthwhile, but at times it feels as if people are too fast to jump in and remove stuff, and I think that needs thinking about.
I also think that if the collective truly is open, it needs to be welcoming and to make it possible for people to connect with it...........
My perception is that its not quite there yet.
non-news again
23.06.2004 22:58
e-mail: owhyowhy@yahoo.com
Some more...........
24.06.2004 06:46
"Harry" contacted the list - Tabitha answered his queries, Harry had more questions and sent them to Tabitha, Tabitha sent them to the list, Spanner told him to take them off the list, finally Yossarian answered the query and referred Harry to the relevant editorial guidelines.
Harry can not be expected to know how to get the answer, and it appears that there isn't a clearly defined process for dealing with Harry. Talking Zionism with him won't work. Being clear about the ethos of this site, and the editorial guidelines will.
Similarly, with this thread, it was allowed to stay up for 24 jours, and was then pulled, despite the fact that there were still people engaging. I know some of the people engaging on the thread, they are committted activists, who have played a part in some of the centre column stories .
This leads me to conclude that there is a real difficulty in the feedback process, ie there isn't a clear way of feeding back what the problems are.
I think that running an "open-publishing project" on the web is a demanding business, theres millions of users out there, and not all of them understand the central ethos of Indymedia - some of them have very closed agendas, and some of them are indeed "victims who want it handed to them on a plate".
I agree that there needs to be editorial control of the site, I certainly do not want to tune into an endless diet of right-wing racism and SWP diatribes. I'm glad that I don't have to, and I thank the team for that.
"I think it's a good idea if the "show all posts" page was available on the front page, and clearly marked. Then maybe people will not get so pissed of about articles being hidden, although some people are never satisfied." TA
I agree - I know an active IMCista who didn't know how to access the hidden posts - if people wish to look at posts that have been hidden, then it would be helpful if there was an easy an obvious way to do so (clearly I do know, thats why I'm able to post this) - a button on the front page, and voila its very hard to claim censorship.
""but it still feels like having to plough through skatebording duck stories to find the news."
That's exactly how some other people feel about having to plough through chemtrails stories and dental implants stories to find the news.
an IMC volunteer "
Firstly, why the impersonal tag?
Secondly, chemtrails stories, I can't comment on them, because I don't see them - they are news to me - I'd like to make my own mind up on them. They shouldn't just be whacking great C+Ps - but a link and a summary and I can decide whether I want to go there, or not.
"Anyone can help with indymedia, just join up to the lists and have your say. Stop whining about cencorship and calling IMC an hierarchical organisation." fredrico
Rather than winge, take action - that is one of the fundamentals of activism."
Whinging eh? Thats on par with "loony conspiracist theorist" - it closes down debate and just reaffirms the world view of the labeller, making the problem that of the poster.
And if new people come onto the lists, will they be listened to? Or will they get the "Harry treatment" ? I've been on the lists for a few months now - and I have to say that I don't feel that they are a great vehicle for airing concerns - or that people always make an effort to engage with those concerns.
And I've had my wrists slapped, and been spoken down to. I have to keep reminding myself that I am part of the same movement that gave rise to Indymedia, and that I'm not totally stupid, even if I don't understand all the lovely long words that get thrown about......
Which leads onto Yossarians "I was hoping for better....."
To which I have responded above, but it illustrates a bit of the hand-slapping and high handedness that I just described.
And it seems it isn't just me who feels that way.
Please don't give me one of these responses either:
"Ok, good to know that you despise me, I'll be real careful in future."
Its like the whinging, and CT stuff, makes it my problem and shows that you're not engaging with the point that the poster is trying to make.
"Article hidden - IMC volunteer"
And thats the end of it eh, closed down by a nameless person who just points out there role.
who needs indymedia anyway?
02.07.2004 12:12
Open publishing
15.07.2004 09:00
> As for 'Go build a 100% open publishing site of your own then.
> Let's see how long you stick at running it, and who apart from you
> feels like reading it.'
> I have and I spend several hours a day working on it. It has 100%
> open publishing, though I reserve the right to remove anything
> which I consider inflammatory in the extreme but no I have never
> felt the need to exercise that right.
Oh really... Well here's your "100% open publishing" web site, which you seem oddly reluctant to mention here:
Front page articles are ALL posted by you. You wield complete control over what appears on the front page.
Your site does have a separate discussion forum:
And your users can post up to the separate discussion page, once they've registered their name, and you've got about a dozen users registered so far. But can any of these lucky dozen post an article on the front page? No. Can anyone post comments below one of your posted articles? No. Can anyone post anonymously? No.
So how exactly do you figure this amounts to "100% open publishing"?
And I can well believe you've "never felt the need to exercise that right" to hide anything from your site, since the forum only dates back a little less than two months, and there's fuck-all on there so far.
an IMC volunteer