Israel's Intelligence Scandal
by Uri Avnery | 22.06.2004 14:35 | Analysis | World
Two weeks ago, the international community made a shocking declaration.
Giving in to a demand by George Bush, the "Quartet" accepted the "Revised Disengagement Plan" of Ariel Sharon. This means that the United Nations, the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States confirmed this document. I wonder if any one of the honorable diplomats has read the document with their own eyes.
Giving in to a demand by George Bush, the "Quartet" accepted the "Revised Disengagement Plan" of Ariel Sharon. This means that the United Nations, the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States confirmed this document. I wonder if any one of the honorable diplomats has read the document with their own eyes.
June 22, 2004
Israel's Intelligence Scandal
by Uri Avnery
Two weeks ago, the international community made a shocking declaration.
Giving in to a demand by George Bush, the "Quartet" accepted the "Revised Disengagement Plan" of Ariel Sharon. This means that the United Nations, the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States confirmed this document. I wonder if any one of the honorable diplomats has read the document with their own eyes.
In the first paragraph of the "plan," the following words appear: "Israel has come to the conclusion that at present, there is no Palestinian partner with whom it is possible to make progress on a bilateral peace process."
That is to say, the international community has confirmed that the Palestinian people have no right to take part in the determination of their own fates. Everything will be decided by the Government of Israel alone, with the backing of the United States, whose position will be automatically accepted by the other partners of the "Quartet."
The European Union with its 25 member-states, the government of the Russian Federation and the organization that represents the entire world have humbly accepted the edict of Bush, the dictator of the world, who is himself a captive of Sharon. Sharon decided long ago that the elected president of the Palestinian people is "irrelevant," together with the whole Palestinian leadership.
The Palestinian people have been eliminated from the list of decision-makers, thereby also abolishing in practice all the agreements signed with them, from Oslo to the Road Map.
This is a scandalous step, unprecedented in its dimensions, and it passed without comment. Apart from Sharon and his minions, nobody noticed the implications. The big boot of the international community trod on the Palestinian people without even noticing it, as if on an ant.
That is the culmination of a process that began with the return of the then-prime minister, Ehud Barak, from the 2000 Camp David summit. After the failure of that meeting, he coined the mantra that has since become the cornerstone of the policy of successive Israeli governments: "I have turned every stone on the way to peace / I have offered the Palestinians more generous proposals than any of my predecessors / The Palestinians have rejected all my offers / Arafat wants to throw us into the sea / We have no partner for peace."
This mantra is based on a series of lies that have been exploded long ago. American eyewitnesses like Rober Malley, President Clinton's advisor at Camp David, as well as some of the Israeli participants and international researchers have published detailed reports that prove that Barak himself was responsible for the failure at least as much as Arafat – in fact, far more.
And as if by coincidence, just when the international community absentmindedly accepted that the Palestinian people are not a partner for peace, in Israel itself things are happening that turn everything upside down.
The High Priest of the "We Have No Partner" creed is General (res.) Amos Gilad, who at the crucial time was chief of the research section (and as such the No. 2) of the Army Intelligence Department. Since army intelligence is the department solely responsible for the "national security assessment," it has a decisive influence on the formation of national policy.
The army intelligence man reports directly to the Prime Minister and takes part in cabinet meetings. No minister would dare to question his assessments, which are the guiding star of the entire state. The research chief of the intelligence department is supposed to submit a professional summary of the huge amount of data amassed by the intelligence community. Most ministers are forbidden to read the written report, and even the few who can are allowed only to glance at it. Therefore, the oral summary presented by the chief of research to the Prime Minister and the cabinet is of paramount importance.
Amos Gilad went even further: he appeared almost daily in the media, commenting on almost every political and security event. He was not only the "national assessor," but also the "national explainer," as he was commonly called in the media.
Who is this man, who has had a greater influence than any other person on the policies of Israel over the last few crucial years, and whose kontsepsia (Hebrew for "conception") is still directing the path of the state? This is the very same Amos Gilad who some days ago claimed for himself the benefits due to disabled army veterans. He was not wounded in battle, God forbid, but claimed that the stress caused by his difficult job has inflicted on him irreversible mental damage.
This claim involves a considerable amount of chutzpah, if not worse. But it also raises the question: This mental damage, when did it start? When were the first symptoms observed? Was it when he started endlessly repeating that Arafat wants to throw us into the sea? Or was this declaration, perhaps, itself a symptom of his mental problem? And how can he continue to fulfill his present duties?
The last two weeks, Israel witnessed a stormy debate that should have shaken the very foundations of the state.
The former chief of Army Intelligence, General (res.) Amos Malka, who was the direct superior of Gilad, broke his silence of many years and published a thunderous accusation: that Amos Gilad arrived at his kontseptsia without any intelligence basis whatsoever. On the contrary, the huge amount of information collected by the intelligence department indicated the very opposite. That is to say, Gilad freely invented his intelligence reports, based on his political views and/or on the desire to please his political bosses, Barak and Sharon.
This grave accusation raised a storm in professional circles. Intelligence operatives of undoubted integrity emerged from their anonymity in order to support Malka publicly. They were headed by the man who, at the relevant time, was in charge of the Army Intelligence section for Palestinian affairs, Colonel Ephraim Lavie, who was then responsible for the collection of all intelligence material about the Palestinian leadership. There is no doubt that in the professional confrontation between Amos and Amos, Amos Malka emerged as the victor.
This means, in simple words: there was no intelligence material at all backing the assertion that Arafat is working for the destruction of the State of Israel, that Arafat had broken off the peace process in order to start a terror campaign, that Arafat is not ready for a reasonable compromise. All these assertions, uttered by diverse Israeli politicians and generals, were based on the "assessment" of one man who, while appearing to represent the intelligence department, was actually suppressing the considered professional reports of his own department, as well as of the General Security Service (Shabak).
When the debate heated up, the orientalist Matti Steinberg, a former advisor on Palestinian affairs to the chief of the Shabak, joined the fray. Steinberg not only confirmed that Gilad's kontseptsia was completely false and contradicted the intelligence material assembled by his own people, but he also asserted that Gilad's conception "fulfilled its own prophecy."
Since Israel is immeasurably stronger than the Palestinians, its actions create reality. The acts guided by Gilad's kontseptsia created results that suited it. Much as the kontseptsia of Eli Za'ira, the intelligence chief at the time of the Yom Kippur war, resulted in catastrophe, thus the kontseptsia of Amos Gilad caused – and is still causing – the disasters of the present intifada.
(The 1973 intelligence conception was that Egypt would not dare to attack Israel, causing all the glaringly obvious signs to the contrary to be ignored, thus preventing adequate preparations and resulting in the death of 3000 Israeli soldiers. Since then the Hebrew word kontseptsia has assumed an almost obscene connotation in Israel.)
As of now, Gilad's immediate superior (Malka) and his immediate subordinate (Lavie) both accuse him of presenting his personal opinions, which were unsupported by any intelligence backing, as if they were the official assessment of the intelligence services.
Gilad has caused irreversible damage. His mantra was accepted by the vast majority of Israelis, as well as a large part of international public opinion. Its exposure in professional circles will not alter this fact. Indeed, the recent decision of the "Quartet" shows how deeply entrenched this lie has become throughout the world.
By the way, these revelations show that the secret assessment of the highest professional echelons of the Army Intelligence Department and Shabak were practically identical with the assessments published at the time by Gush Shalom, which were met with total disbelief by the media and the public, including a large part of the "peace camp." To wit, that the Palestinian leadership, headed by Arafat, has never wavered from its readiness to make peace with Israel based on the creation of a Palestinian state on 97% of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (which together make 22% of historic Palestine), with territorial compensation for the remaining 3% and sovereignty over East Jerusalem and the Haram-al-Sharif ("Temple Mount"). The refugee problem would be solved by agreement with Israel (meaning: Israel will have a veto on any solution).
The experts of army intelligence and the security service, too, agree that Arafat has not wavered from this position. On this basis, peace can be achieved even now, as Arafat himself confirmed this week in a fascinating interview with the new editor of Ha'aretz, David Landau.
Ariel Sharon denies this, of course, because he is not ready for peace on these terms. He wants to annex at least 55% of the West Bank, hoping that the life of the Palestinians in the remaining 45% will become so impossible that they will leave the country of their own accord. Shimon Peres is eager to help him in the realization of this design.
For that, Sharon needs the "We Have No Partner" mantra. Amos Gilad delivered the goods. Now the "Quartet" has accepted it, bringing shame on itself and obstructing the search for peace.
Israel's Intelligence Scandal
by Uri Avnery
Two weeks ago, the international community made a shocking declaration.
Giving in to a demand by George Bush, the "Quartet" accepted the "Revised Disengagement Plan" of Ariel Sharon. This means that the United Nations, the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States confirmed this document. I wonder if any one of the honorable diplomats has read the document with their own eyes.
In the first paragraph of the "plan," the following words appear: "Israel has come to the conclusion that at present, there is no Palestinian partner with whom it is possible to make progress on a bilateral peace process."
That is to say, the international community has confirmed that the Palestinian people have no right to take part in the determination of their own fates. Everything will be decided by the Government of Israel alone, with the backing of the United States, whose position will be automatically accepted by the other partners of the "Quartet."
The European Union with its 25 member-states, the government of the Russian Federation and the organization that represents the entire world have humbly accepted the edict of Bush, the dictator of the world, who is himself a captive of Sharon. Sharon decided long ago that the elected president of the Palestinian people is "irrelevant," together with the whole Palestinian leadership.
The Palestinian people have been eliminated from the list of decision-makers, thereby also abolishing in practice all the agreements signed with them, from Oslo to the Road Map.
This is a scandalous step, unprecedented in its dimensions, and it passed without comment. Apart from Sharon and his minions, nobody noticed the implications. The big boot of the international community trod on the Palestinian people without even noticing it, as if on an ant.
That is the culmination of a process that began with the return of the then-prime minister, Ehud Barak, from the 2000 Camp David summit. After the failure of that meeting, he coined the mantra that has since become the cornerstone of the policy of successive Israeli governments: "I have turned every stone on the way to peace / I have offered the Palestinians more generous proposals than any of my predecessors / The Palestinians have rejected all my offers / Arafat wants to throw us into the sea / We have no partner for peace."
This mantra is based on a series of lies that have been exploded long ago. American eyewitnesses like Rober Malley, President Clinton's advisor at Camp David, as well as some of the Israeli participants and international researchers have published detailed reports that prove that Barak himself was responsible for the failure at least as much as Arafat – in fact, far more.
And as if by coincidence, just when the international community absentmindedly accepted that the Palestinian people are not a partner for peace, in Israel itself things are happening that turn everything upside down.
The High Priest of the "We Have No Partner" creed is General (res.) Amos Gilad, who at the crucial time was chief of the research section (and as such the No. 2) of the Army Intelligence Department. Since army intelligence is the department solely responsible for the "national security assessment," it has a decisive influence on the formation of national policy.
The army intelligence man reports directly to the Prime Minister and takes part in cabinet meetings. No minister would dare to question his assessments, which are the guiding star of the entire state. The research chief of the intelligence department is supposed to submit a professional summary of the huge amount of data amassed by the intelligence community. Most ministers are forbidden to read the written report, and even the few who can are allowed only to glance at it. Therefore, the oral summary presented by the chief of research to the Prime Minister and the cabinet is of paramount importance.
Amos Gilad went even further: he appeared almost daily in the media, commenting on almost every political and security event. He was not only the "national assessor," but also the "national explainer," as he was commonly called in the media.
Who is this man, who has had a greater influence than any other person on the policies of Israel over the last few crucial years, and whose kontsepsia (Hebrew for "conception") is still directing the path of the state? This is the very same Amos Gilad who some days ago claimed for himself the benefits due to disabled army veterans. He was not wounded in battle, God forbid, but claimed that the stress caused by his difficult job has inflicted on him irreversible mental damage.
This claim involves a considerable amount of chutzpah, if not worse. But it also raises the question: This mental damage, when did it start? When were the first symptoms observed? Was it when he started endlessly repeating that Arafat wants to throw us into the sea? Or was this declaration, perhaps, itself a symptom of his mental problem? And how can he continue to fulfill his present duties?
The last two weeks, Israel witnessed a stormy debate that should have shaken the very foundations of the state.
The former chief of Army Intelligence, General (res.) Amos Malka, who was the direct superior of Gilad, broke his silence of many years and published a thunderous accusation: that Amos Gilad arrived at his kontseptsia without any intelligence basis whatsoever. On the contrary, the huge amount of information collected by the intelligence department indicated the very opposite. That is to say, Gilad freely invented his intelligence reports, based on his political views and/or on the desire to please his political bosses, Barak and Sharon.
This grave accusation raised a storm in professional circles. Intelligence operatives of undoubted integrity emerged from their anonymity in order to support Malka publicly. They were headed by the man who, at the relevant time, was in charge of the Army Intelligence section for Palestinian affairs, Colonel Ephraim Lavie, who was then responsible for the collection of all intelligence material about the Palestinian leadership. There is no doubt that in the professional confrontation between Amos and Amos, Amos Malka emerged as the victor.
This means, in simple words: there was no intelligence material at all backing the assertion that Arafat is working for the destruction of the State of Israel, that Arafat had broken off the peace process in order to start a terror campaign, that Arafat is not ready for a reasonable compromise. All these assertions, uttered by diverse Israeli politicians and generals, were based on the "assessment" of one man who, while appearing to represent the intelligence department, was actually suppressing the considered professional reports of his own department, as well as of the General Security Service (Shabak).
When the debate heated up, the orientalist Matti Steinberg, a former advisor on Palestinian affairs to the chief of the Shabak, joined the fray. Steinberg not only confirmed that Gilad's kontseptsia was completely false and contradicted the intelligence material assembled by his own people, but he also asserted that Gilad's conception "fulfilled its own prophecy."
Since Israel is immeasurably stronger than the Palestinians, its actions create reality. The acts guided by Gilad's kontseptsia created results that suited it. Much as the kontseptsia of Eli Za'ira, the intelligence chief at the time of the Yom Kippur war, resulted in catastrophe, thus the kontseptsia of Amos Gilad caused – and is still causing – the disasters of the present intifada.
(The 1973 intelligence conception was that Egypt would not dare to attack Israel, causing all the glaringly obvious signs to the contrary to be ignored, thus preventing adequate preparations and resulting in the death of 3000 Israeli soldiers. Since then the Hebrew word kontseptsia has assumed an almost obscene connotation in Israel.)
As of now, Gilad's immediate superior (Malka) and his immediate subordinate (Lavie) both accuse him of presenting his personal opinions, which were unsupported by any intelligence backing, as if they were the official assessment of the intelligence services.
Gilad has caused irreversible damage. His mantra was accepted by the vast majority of Israelis, as well as a large part of international public opinion. Its exposure in professional circles will not alter this fact. Indeed, the recent decision of the "Quartet" shows how deeply entrenched this lie has become throughout the world.
By the way, these revelations show that the secret assessment of the highest professional echelons of the Army Intelligence Department and Shabak were practically identical with the assessments published at the time by Gush Shalom, which were met with total disbelief by the media and the public, including a large part of the "peace camp." To wit, that the Palestinian leadership, headed by Arafat, has never wavered from its readiness to make peace with Israel based on the creation of a Palestinian state on 97% of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (which together make 22% of historic Palestine), with territorial compensation for the remaining 3% and sovereignty over East Jerusalem and the Haram-al-Sharif ("Temple Mount"). The refugee problem would be solved by agreement with Israel (meaning: Israel will have a veto on any solution).
The experts of army intelligence and the security service, too, agree that Arafat has not wavered from this position. On this basis, peace can be achieved even now, as Arafat himself confirmed this week in a fascinating interview with the new editor of Ha'aretz, David Landau.
Ariel Sharon denies this, of course, because he is not ready for peace on these terms. He wants to annex at least 55% of the West Bank, hoping that the life of the Palestinians in the remaining 45% will become so impossible that they will leave the country of their own accord. Shimon Peres is eager to help him in the realization of this design.
For that, Sharon needs the "We Have No Partner" mantra. Amos Gilad delivered the goods. Now the "Quartet" has accepted it, bringing shame on itself and obstructing the search for peace.
by Uri Avnery
Hide the following 5 comments
22.06.2004 16:04
No it is saying that the PLO is not interested in peace, which it isn't, and that unfortunately there are no other representatives, either real or merely self-declared, of the "Palestinians" to negoatite with.
"elected president of the Palestinian people"
He was "elected" yonks ago. Are PA-controlled areas free and democratic? Are there regular elections? Are people free to express their views without being killed as a "collaborator"?
"Bush, the dictator of the world, who is himself a captive of Sharon" "Sharon and his minions"
The author of this article is clearly an anti-semite, holding to the view that Jews/Zionists/Israel/Sharon control the world, and the US. If Bush took orders from Sharon he would've invaded Iran not Iraq.
"there was no intelligence material at all backing the assertion that Arafat is working for the destruction of the State of Israel, that Arafat had broken off the peace process in order to start a terror campaign, that Arafat is not ready for a reasonable compromise. All these assertions, uttered by diverse Israeli politicians and generals, were based on the "assessment" of one man"
God what nonsense. Arafat is the successor of the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem who was responsible for the deaths of over 150,000 Jews, and still boasts that he was his "soldier". The PA media regularly denies the Holocaust and spouts utter anti-semitic nonsense. In PA school books children are taught that all of "Palestine" belongs to them, and Israel does not appear on any of their maps. PA officials themselves have actually BOASTED (to the Arab media) that they planned and organised the "Infitada" in advance. In Arabic Arafat and his cohorts regularly call the "Palestinians" to jihad.
"which together make 22% of historic Palestine"
That's because the vast majority of historic Palestine is now called Jordan. By omitting that fact you're trying to make out that the Israelis have got lots and the Palestinians little.
It's good that Russia and the EU are not conducting such anti-Israel policies now it seems, although it would be even better if the EU stopped funding the PLO terrorists.
22.06.2004 19:15
Second, your comment about if US interests were following Israels, we would have invaded Iran, not Iraq. Well, look at a map, and tell me, what do you see. Iran borders both Afghanistan and Iraq, which are now occupied by US soldiers, with US militiary bases not far behind. Iran is a tougher country than both of these previous wars, and you know it. If you don't believe invading Iraq, a policy pushed forward by the zionist neo-conservatives in Washington, follows the interests of Israel, then you are very stupid. As it is, I think you know the truth, and are simply trying to cloud the facts.
Finally, I don't bleieve zionist interests dictate US policy. I think it is an agreement of mutual benefit. But tell me, who is anti-semitic? The US and Britain turned back many Jewish immigrants during the second world war, and sent them to be 'A little Ulster in the middle-east', our front line. Completely using the suffering of the Jewish people to send them to a place where they are categorically LESS SAFE than in Europe.
I tell you, if you keep pursuing this path of violence and apartheid, it will lead to self-destruction. So I ask you, who is anti-semitic? I do not want to see the Jewish people, who have so culturally enriched the West, becoming associated with tyranny amd racism. Those who would push the Jewish people to adopt that position are the real anti-semites. Those who believe that Jewish people can not live together with the Arabs, or with any other people of the world, are the real self-haters.
"I should much rather see a reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together than the creation of a Jewish state. Apart from practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power, no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain." - Albert Einstein
Turn away from this bleak path of temporal power. It is leading yourself, and the whole world, to disaster...
22.06.2004 19:24
They had already had 78 percent of their land stolen in 1948. To then be offered a little bit less of what was left was insulting, and Arafat knew he was in between a rock and a hard place. He could not have accepted that deal, even had he wanted to. The Palestinian people would not accept it.
If someone drives you from your land, and sets up their own nation sate on the ruins of your homes and farms, you are going to fight to get it back, for a long long time. That is why, ultimately, a two state solution will never work. Ultimately, any deal that is made along those lines is an injustice regarding the Palestinians, who have had their lands taken from them. The only solution is one state, in which both Arab and Jew live in the same country, together, in peace. Aiming for any other goal means perpetual conflict.
22.06.2004 20:27
On Wednesday, June 23, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) is planning to introduce a bill endorsing the Bush/Sharon Plan of April 2004. As of today, the language in the bill entitled Regarding Israel’s Security and the Principles of Middle East Peace, has not been made available to the public by DeLay's office or the House International Relations Committee nor do they have plans to release the exact contents of the bill before it is put on the floor for consideration.
However, according to information received by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), it is believed that the bill’s content will follow closely President Bush's endorsement of the Israeli Prime Minister's plan to withdraw from some settlements in Gaza, maintain military occupation of Palestinian territory, support Israel's construction of the Wall, and support settlements in the West Bank. Passage of this legislation would effectively turn into US law and policy these issues as discussed during Prime Minister Sharon's visit to the White House a few months ago.
Endorsement of settlements would reverse thirty years of US foreign policy and go against international law as well as the “Roadmap” for peace outlined in 2003 by President Bush and Secretary Powell. Negotiations to determine the future of the Palestinian people cannot be conducted between the United States and Israel alone. The Palestinians must be full and equal parties to any deliberation that affects their fundamental rights. Phase 3 of the “Roadmap” also made clear that final status issues such as "borders, Jerusalem, refugees, [and] settlements" should be determined by Israel and the Palestinians at an international conference
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PLO propaganda machine has certainly worked on you
22.06.2004 20:58
Look at the facts with regard to Iran. They supported the Iraq war, and had been pushing for it for years, and were actively involved in organising it. Saddam was an obstacle to spreading their power. Now they will probably extend their power. Iraq was only a minor threat to Israel. Why don't you go on about an Iranian-American conspiracy, especially given the fact that America and Iran do often conspire together (Iran-contra, Bosnia, Kosovo, and now Iraq). You present the typical anti-semitic image of conspiratal Jews controlling the government. The "neo-conservatives" are a very small minority within the Bush admin. The vast majority in it are conservatives. And notice how people always focus on those neo-conservatives that are Jews, accusing them of "dual loyalty". And, btw, notice how no-one ever backs up these statements with facts. Richard Perle for example I think endorsed some peace plan that proposes a divided Jerusalem, something Likud could never accept. Its a myth that neo-conservative=pro-Israel.
Your comments are utterly contradictary and make no sense whatsoever. You point out that Britain and the US were anti-semitic. Well DUHH. Why do you think the Jews fought the British? The British had been organising anti-semitic terrorism in Palestine for decades, and only when the terrorists turned to the Nazis did they oppose it. They refused to protect, but always disarmed, the Jews, and then were heavily involved in the 1948 Arab attempt to destroy Israel. You imply the Arab propaganda line that Israel was an "imperialist creation", but have just provided evidence to the contrary - ie. that Israel was anti-imperialist. With secret talks with Nasser in the early 50s they were even discussing the possibility of helping Egypt get rid of the British colonialists like they had just done. Israel turned to reliance on the West because the new Asian states accepted Arab line, and the African states were then bullied into accepting it too, and Israel was a tiny nation, and the Arabs were massive and had Soviet backing.
Back then the left supported Israel also. You think someone like Sam Dolgoff accepted evil Israeli imperialist colonial propaganda or something? Or Rudolf Rocker?
Btw I am not a Jew.
Your logic is awful regarding Arafat. He is an anti-semitic Nazi terrorist. End of story. Under the UN partition plan Israel only got territories in which they were a majority (there were often Arab minorities because Arabs from all over the Arab world flocked to Palestine to experience the economic benefits that Jews brought), and then they were given a large amount of barron desert to develop in the future. Israel is a tiny state, not even the size of one of the Arab states. It is 8 miles wide at its most populous point. It has indefensible borders - and is surrounded by enemies that wish to destroy it. 78% of historic Palestine is Jordan. I think that Israel has something like 78% of the rest (excluding areas that according to peace plans will be Palestinian). So, if those figures are right im not quite sure they are, if a Palestinian state is created the Arabs will have about 83% of historic Palestine and the Jews 17%. Hardly unfair.
A single state solution is just a method for the Arabs to become a majority and then democratically, or violently, force the Jews out. The whole point of Zionism is to have a JEWISH STATE. Not a country where Jews are a substantial or influential minority, but a country of Jews, in order to get Jews respected by non-Jews and combat anti-semitism.
And stop going on about the "Palestinian people". There is no such "people". Why is that the Jews that emigrated to Palestine, and even those that had lived there for centuries, or were born there, or emigrated from other Middle Eastern countries, are colonists and not "Palestinians", but every Arab that emigrated to Palestine (100,000s during Mandate rule) is a "Palestinian"? Nationalism is an ideology that was imported into the Middle East in the late 19th-early 20th century, and they were always completely confused as to who they were. The PLO originally claimed that "Palestine" was a Zionist invention and they were really Syrians, others said they were really Egyptians. The whole "Palestinian people" line was invented in the 1960s as a new way to attack Israel. The "Palestinians", as in Arabs living in historic Palestine, already have a state anyway - Jordan.