Implants - The True Red List
dh | 21.06.2004 22:51

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You may be one of the 80 million americans implanted with microchips. Ever been to a dentist, or been in the hospital and had an invasive procedure, if so there is a high probability you have been implanted!. Million of Americans have been murdered already! Click below to see if you have the symptoms, many of which
"The True Red List"
Ever been to a dentist, or been in the hospital and had an
invasive procedure, if so there is a high probability
you have been implanted!
Million have been murdered already!
Count yourself lucky if you find out, there is a way to neutralize it.
The primary enemy are the mass media, who have willingly kept you in the dark as to the millions of Americans that have and are being murdered as we speak, having been implanted and quickly or slowly murdered through disease!
Symptoms are further down the page, read everything if you have any doubt, its understood that the main protection against discovery of this massive termination campaign by you "the public's" that it cannot be believed due to a complete shut down of the press & media that failed to regularly educate you that it there has been a progression of acceleration of terminal experiments.

All demographic groups have been targeted.
Active Mil.
Retired Mil.
Young Girls and Boys
They are especially after young girls, maybe your daughter!
The thin RED line among medical research professionals {{{ "Don't ask don't tell"! }}} Click here
At the bottom of this page is a link to methods to neutralize the electronic attacks carried out with exotic delivery methods using transmitters for large population areas, implantable microchips, and directed energy.
The effects of the NWO gov program to eliminate opposition is by way of a super secret program, is to reduce the brains essential chemistry gradually without the target being aware; beginning as a sleep deprivation program, as the effects progress, sleep is time or quality is reduced, subsequent implant/directed energy reduces the brains chemistry where the immune system becomes decreased and the implants electrodes/directed energy creates prions, and mycoplasm to form further decreasing the immune system and spawns disease. The insidious method has been difficult for the legitimate medical experts to understand the root cause, that it is not from the many sources as they have been told or led to believe but that they can treat the symptoms but the root cause to create an environment for disease is an implant! In addition subliminal, and frequencies that control the health in a more direct connection can be inputted into the brain.
Now below are the countermeasures to stop illness and death.
please read carefully, millions have been implanted and exposed to electromagnetic pulse technology!
After a nationwide investigation it was discovered that the following persons are being attacked with silent electronic weapons without their knowledge!
Activists are being targeted, straight arrow military and their wives together with military based manufacturing and research personnel. And the general public in massive numbers,
In fact after extensive analysis it can be stated that electronic implants and directed energy have been in use much longer than thought possible, as an example during the thirties Hitlers speeches had organizers who directed infrasound into the crowds to cause their heartbeats to rise to incite greater reactions to him where the crowds had their blood pressure raised and reacted with greater energy. Subsequent study of simple receivers which could be used to implants predates the assertions of officials as to the dates of the earliest experiments, it is considered likely that serious implantation of men, women and children began in the 30's covertly; this activity insofar as the admitted experiments in the mid 40's is an indication as to the beginnings of widespread use. This fact does not even consider the use of radar and directed sound waves and or radio frequency through the walls of homes of large numbers of people even earlier that the 30's where the invention of radar in the 30's may well have existed on a short distance level from feed back oscillation responses from tesla devices. In any event the concept of implantation and directed energy being used to incapacitate and kill are relevant it is expected to have been used on hundreds of millions of people across the world.
How could they implant you! This is answered as follows, first they have statutes that allow it, second their are dentists, anesthesiologists, surgeon, MD's who will and get paid to do so or place filler cylinder's in tooth fillings that have a microship inside that without knowing what it is.
**********Those persons being attacked with implanted microchips and directed energy are being used to hide the fact that some 80 Americans have been implanted by various means such as dental fillings and invasive procedures in hospitals, clinics and home invasions. The publicly attacked persons are not only advertisement of the power of authorities as when someone complains or goes to court they are ignored and the cases thrown out. The reason these people are being attacked is because they are camouflage for the truth that 80 million people have been implanted, millions of Americans have already been murdered using these weapons. Organizational strategic planning heads of these attacks have the public spectacle out in the open as a conditioning preparation, wherein the less extreme covert symptoms often confused with ordinary daily discomfort will not be understood as implant symptoms by the larger number of covertly attacked citizens. Those attacked in the open with their extreme symptoms will be perceived upon discovery by the larger population as something that's not happening to them because of the difference in symptoms. Below read the symptoms of less extrem but still fatal covert symptoms and the extreme overt symptoms.
E-Z CHART// column chart will copy paste for print on one page!
Electromagnetic pulse experiments in our area is causing minor and major discomfort, syndromes and disease!
Also active diseases are misdiagnosed and only the symptoms are being treated, where the cause is ignored.
COVERT SYMPTOMS on the E-Z chart below are when the exposure level is not obvious to the targeted person that the symptoms are artificially caused. Upon a visit uneducated doctors treat symptoms both psychological and of bacterial or viral conditions that implants and directed energy cause. The root cause being an implant and or directed energy is never understood as the cause of these conditions; a simple electronic device can stop much of the symptoms by jamming the electronic output and input of both implants and or directed energy without drugs.

This list represents symptoms prior to more overt symptoms listed below!
1st Stage Signs Nervousness. Irritability. Upon waking finding that the muscles of the back are compressing the vertebrae. Sensitivity to sound. Feeling puffs of air on the face and back as if as an example a hair on the body or eyelash moved, such is a demodulation of energy on the skin. minor spasms and charliehorses. Inability to concentrate. Loss of memory. Mild pressure in the head, a cloudy feeling. Increased need to urinate during the night. Night sweats. Waking up in extreme pain, and arthritis condition. Spontaneous tearing without emotional thinking. Sensitive ear to touch. Changes in the tone of the internal voice. Ringing in one or both ears and or hear tone bursts. Sensation that blood is trickling into localized areas of the brain and other parts of the body, this feeling is akin to the impression that these areas were devoid of blood. Rashes. Waking after sleep feeling as though you did not sleep, if children symptoms manifest themselves as ADD and Hyperactivity. Acid reflux 2nd Stage symptoms from exposure 2nd Stage symptoms from exposure Unaccountable increased heart rate just before drifting off to sleep causing the person to wake up. Loss of sleep. Sleep only after exhaustion. Virtual insomnia. Teeth snap together when drowsy. Miscarriage. Accompanying activity of sabotage of business and or personal life, strange people in area, strange reactions from people, items moved or missing in home.
3rd Stage effects from exposure Feeling of being electrified, where if teeth are clicked the body resonates with a feeling of electricity. Loss of coordination. Accidents from sleeplessness. Damage to eyesight. Atrophy of the muscles. Heart valve damage. Loss of weight. Nausea. Sensitivity to sound. Weakness. Lethargy or hyperactivity. Forgetfulness. 3rd Stage effects from exposure Decreased dexterity. Unaccountable increased heart rate. Depression. Seizure. Choking. Vivid dreams. Lost time. Change of mood. Depression. The personality becomes quiet, a lack of thought takes place. Decrease in mental activity. Limbs jerk typically as one is trying to sleep.
A.) Just as one begins to drift into sleep they suddenly find they are wide awake (often with a faster heartbeat but not always noticeable); with "No" anxiety thoughts present B.) Just as one begins to drift into sleep they suddenly find they their hearts beating faster. 4th Stage Syndromes from continued electromagnetic exposure, information of which is prohibited from major news from reporting it under the Patriot Act. Decreases the immune system response allowing disease to take hold, in various forms partly dependent on the predisposition of family heredity. Disease and or syndromes will occur. Unless action is taken to stop the electromagnetic energy from impacting health. Death can occur!

How long does it take for symptoms to appear once irradiation begins? From my experience the method can be to keep exposure low enough so it is not noticed for years. Upon any decision to escalate the exposure, limited increases that still would not be possible to determine that it was from an artificial activity could be done indefinitely; or increases to extremes encompassing everything on the list below. Therefore the time from beginning to noticeable effects could be as short as a few days and as stated above years depending upon the purpose and agenda of those doing it.
The reason some of the people have been attacked so overtly is due entirely to the government control over the media, where the operations managers believe that any such attack even obvious to a community can be kept within that area and go on without the larger community from discovering executions in their face.
Even at that there is information on this web site outlining how using flash radar, chemtrails on large population centers have effectively reduced brain chemistry of the masses to cause a malaise and decreased mental capacity, this effectively reduces reactions to serious breeches of human rights in the very brains of the mass population.
Of course you doubt you too are under some influence as described, but facts speak for themselves, you think your a decent and have reasonable judgement but on other pages here linked there is information about the government experimenting on women and children, now if these activities don't get you mad enough too take action then you have poor judgment. Its that simple really, and be honest you have read about it here, if you doubt it then research it yourself, you will find its true, now if after you validate its true all by yourself and do nothing after fully understanding that the authorities are sanctioning it, then admit it your brain cannot be function properly.
OVERT SYMPTOMS where it becomes obvious that there are artificial activities responsible. The covert irradiation of the subject in the covert list above causes the nervous system to become sensitive and erratic; where the brain synapse's are chaotically firing causing incidental intersection with other synapse paths that ordinarily do not intersect. The activity of electro chemical synaptic firing in a chaotic manner decreases the stability of the brains chemistry, causing the synapses along their route to the area where they are supposed to go fire indiscriminately and overlap into other paths they are not supposed to go; where for example you " hear " a sharp ordinary sound while in the dark a flicker of light would be " seen " because the nerve paths are interfering with each other. This increased sensitivity increases with each hour of exposure to these deadly assaults on the nervous system, the state of the nervous system becomes so irritated with random firings that the effects of each impulse from implants or directed energy become more intense and can kill, from stress, exhaustion and decreased immune system diseases eventually take root. In addition with a weakened synapse system resulting from steady wearing away of the brains chemistry by implant/directed energy, the implant or directed energy frequencies can override the brains normal pathways and dominate many of the various brains centers of regulation in essence manipulating the brains pathways; this manipulation of the pathways by implant/directed energy is used to send stronger signals than the body's natural signals, these signals can be to control much of what the brain can do to the body and the brain itself. Subsequently many types of energies can have fatal effects on persons affected by the brain and bodies reaction to the implant frequencies. The more the brains essential chemistry decreases the more sensitive the synapses become to adjacent synapse paths they ordinarily do not intersect with. This means that the energy from implants and directed energy increase in their effect on the nervous system as the nervous system is depleted in the essential chemistry necessary for normal synapse function. Where a person becomes extremely depleted the energy from an implant and directed energy can cause death and disease where their outputs from implants and directed energy actually override the bodies normal frequencies. In effect hi jacking the operation of the body! Implants and directed energy as stated reduce the efficiency of the nerve paths to convey messages from place to place as necessary in the normal brain. The implants and directed energy erode the ability of the brain to efficiently send necessary messages and as the intensity of the normal brain frequencies become decreased in their virtual intensity. Upon the brains frequencies decreasing in intensity the implants and directed energy in a comparative manner become more intense virtually overriding the natural frequencies. These overriding frequencies from the implants and directed energy upon depleting the efficiency of the nerve pathways can then send signals to the brain and body not unlike making the person a robot. As one could imagine that subliminal hypnosis brainwashing can be done to the subject along with control over various bodily functions and brain functions. Frequencies from implant and directed energy can output signals causing the cells to retain toxins otherwise removed from the cells, this action depresses the immune system and therefore the general health; the use of such a weapon can incapacitate or create disease. Within 3 minutes of falling asleep or waking up without anxiety, one has one or more of the following occurrences. A. ) Some report changes in the tone of the internal voice. B . ) Ringing in one or both ears without having received a head trauma. C . ) Hearing of very short tones without realization of their being of any consequence and ignored. Although I have not received any voices many women in particular do. Implants are transceivers ( miniature walkie walkies ). D . ) Hear electronic noises of bumping clicking buzzing or high pitched sound. E . ) See faint flicker of light with lights out eyes closed, and or a bright white or red light. F . ) As one is going to sleep normal sounds such as pipes causing click noises cause soft pastel flashes of light to be seen with eyes closed and lights out. G . ) Shocks before reaching sleep, escalate in intensity from mild to sleep disturbing and then intense. H . ) Heavy Jolts (feels like 220) to cause heart attack especially as you go to sleep and just as you wake up I . ) Choking at the diaphragm level. J . ) Being blinded, in my case I was told in advance. In the same eye temporarily without any blinding flash being responsible; in the exact place in the home. K .) Feeling of being electrified, where if teeth are clicked the body resonates with a feeling of electricity. If reported to doctors they ignorantly or being involved prescribe drugs such as Paxil or other Psycho tropic drugs which mask the artificially induced disease causing activity. In my situation I have video's of directional detectors going off in only the neighbors direction, have been told by the local police department its the military and that they cannot do anything or they will get into trouble, and have effectively measured electrical signals from the implant and been able to jam the implant and directed energy; all without the fraudulent medical establishment drugging cure; which the ignorant faithful of medical experts embrace, while the disease inducing deices wear away at the immune system.

Of course there are long lists of electromagnetic experiments to point as as evidence such as those shown on the first Index page and other pages of this web site ( click here X ), however its the emergence of symptomatic syndromes and diseases without clear evidence of their origin which are indicators that such activity was and is in full swing.
Mutations of the bodies cells, chemicals cause prions and mycoplasm. The implants and directed energy cause mutations of the brain and bodies chemicals as well as mutating cells. This comes about because implants energy puts out specific frequencies that are equivalent to hi voltage high frequency with special harmonics; this process eventually overwhelms the immune system. Remember the miller experiment of creating amino acids the building blocks of life from a chemical soup and an electrical spark. The implants frequency output acts on more complex chemical molecules such as amino acids themselves, cells, portions of cells and immune system structures compositions in the brain mutating them into prions and mycoplasm. The immune system functioning normally can handle suppressing such invaders, however implants and directed energy deplete the immune system and actually causing such pathogens generates an environment for disease to take hold.
An additional mention is the recent release that cattle have been tracked by radio frequency/microwave signals and it does appear possible that Mad Cow disease is a direct result of exposure to tracking where the cattle develop mutation of cells resulting in that disease. The brain defoemation Mad Cow often attributable to cows eating other dead animals might be a cover for the results of radio frequency exposure.
The secrecy surrounding such activity until relatively recently is strong in that the mass media are actively participating in the cover up relevant to the general publics being educated as to its being so wide spread. The term "open secret" is relevant to the fact that you an individual are reading about a program so secret that its mere belief generates the pronouncement by the medical establishment of delusion and the discrediting of its discovery as a conspiracy theory even with substantial evidence. The medical establishment is not without its ties to this activity for without their cooperation there would be a greater exposure.
Nowadays with the removal of the constitution and the investigation of this activity the likelihood that the general public will become aware of this going on everywhere in the country to millions of citizens is low unless there is a substantial effort by those who see it for what it is ( Nazi Gestapo Activity ) to make it our business to stop it. A simple device has been invented which you will read about further on this page which can stop the effects of much of what is used against people. In order to consider the validity of what is stated on this web site one merely has to have someone who is ill to wear one of the devices 24 hours a day for 1 to 2 weeks and note the changes which may occur in their general health in order to determine the potential that their condition is being artificially induced!
The range of illness is so broad as to defy ordinary logic varying from mental illness, syndromes and serious disease including terminal disease, heart attacks and so forth. Upon your studying the facts below bear in mind that the inordinate level of funding of this activity is bottomless due to its source covered elsewhere on this web site.
The investigation resulting in the discovery of how widespread this activity is came as a result of being attacked myself, in analyzing the facts as they became apparent it is with certainty that most of those carrying out these activities around the country had no idea that there are millions ill from the effects of implants, those in the civil sector recruited from Health and Human Services and Federal, State, and Local elite law enforcement were unaware until this document was published.
Those involved on a level of civil servant program use of these technologies were told that there were limits as to who was being terminated and that they had knowledge of the full lists of persons being attacked, crippled and killed; the understanding that the circumstances were more complicated in that millions are implanted and dying has sent a shiver of discord throughout the intelligence , law and other agencies now beginning to grasp the full scope of the behemoth numbers of persons being terminated premature to their normal life span, even more grotesque is the use of the devices to make people ill in order to churn them of their savings for medical treatment into the organizations that have the greatest hold on this activity; to learn where who and how it all started click here for a brief on the facts surrounding the behind the scenes beneficiaries ( click here X ).
You NEED to know what to look for, and please spread the word
Symptoms of beginning stages of Extermination are! Considered the period of time when the brains chemistry is being remotely and automatically reduced, the term prepping will suffice. Whoever you meet ask "and how did you sleep last night" cheerfully. If they say not well, ask questions. Spread the word ask around! Remember
Symptoms of the first stage prepping, for creation of illness of both mental and disease syndromes through the use of implants and directed energy attacks.
The symptoms above are the beginning stages, and in fact when the attackers wish to remain completely covert they will keep the exposure to such a level to prevent the targeted person from discerning that something is being done to them as opposed to their believing that it is their health suffering from a flu for example.
If the symptoms are not recognized and countered by the methods discussed in this web site, where the targeted person only thinks they are sick the symptoms related to implantation and directed energy would increase to degree that serious disease symptoms would appear beyond those as described below.
Upon the person being prepped increased and or continued exposure will cause increased symptoms of those listed above.
Note: the overt symptoms such as electronic noises would be restricted from being used where covert use is the priority so as not to tip off persons that something beyond degenerating health is taking place.
Note that many of the symptoms can selectively be induced into the targeted person, relevant to the actual electronic exposure period and frequencies used. Upon being exposed for prolonged periods disease patterns begin to emerge.
As the brains chemistry was covertly reduced the intense activities I have been exposed to were increased as noted below. The time period of this gradual process where one would have difficulty noticing anything major was many months. To state exactly would be irrelevant because I assume the process could be shortened or lengthened.
Electronic noises are noticed as an artificial activity by knowledgeable persons having some skill in electronics, however the time at which such sounds are heard is atypically just as one is falling asleep and this period of time is difficult to recall where the noise pulses are short and difficult to interpret by people ignorant of electronic warfare; therefore men, women, and children would tend not to either remember or consider them serious enough to mention. In addition sounds as a means to induce insomnia sleep deprivation are avoided because it arouses suspicion!
Electromagnetic pulse experiments in your area are causing
minor and major discomfort, syndromes and disease !
Also active diseases are misdiagnosed and only the symptoms
are being treated, where the cause is ignored.
Exposure on a low level, the first signs are !
The fundamental preparation stage symptoms
resulting in insomnia are usually preceded by the following!
Sensitivity to sound.
Inability to concentrate.
Loss of memory.
Mild pressure in the head, a cloudy feeling.
Increased need to urinate during the night.
Night sweats.
Waking up in extreme pain, and arthritis condition.
Spontaneous tearing without emotional thinking.
Sensitive ear to touch.
Changes in the tone of the internal voice.
Ringing in one or both ears and or hear tone bursts.
Sensation that blood is trickling into localized areas of the brain and other parts of the body, this feeling is akin to the
impression that these areas were devoid of blood.
Waking after sleep feeling as though you did not sleep, if children symptoms manifest themselves as ADD and Hyperactivity.
Upon the brains chemistry necessary for sleep being depleted
the following symptoms are triggered!
2nd Stage symptoms from exposure
Unaccountable increased heart rate just before drifting off to sleep causing the person to wake up.
Loss of sleep.
Sleep only after exhaustion.
Virtual insomnia.
Teeth snap together when drowsy.
Subsequent continued exposure to implant and directed
energy together with the complication of inducing loss of
sleep further induce the following symptoms and or conditions!
3rd Stage effects from exposure
Loss of coordination.
Accidents from sleeplessness.
Damage to eyesight.
Atrophy of the muscles.
Heart valve damage.
Loss of weight.
Sensitivity to sound.
Lethargy or hyperactivity.
Decreased dexterity.
Unaccountable increased heart rate.
Vivid dreams.
Lost time.
Change of mood.
The personality becomes quiet, a lack of thought takes place.
Decrease in mental activity.
Limbs jerk typically as one is trying to sleep.
4th Stage Syndromes from continued electromagnetic exposure,
information of which is prohibited from major news from reporting
it under the Patriot Act and other previous legislation.
Decreases the immune system response allowing disease to take hold, in various forms partly dependent on the predisposition of family heredity. Disease and or syndromes will occur. Unless action is taken to stop the electromagnetic energy from impacting health.
The symptoms above may be induced without arousing
suspicion of the people being exposed to electronic energy.
The symptoms below are overt, being obvious to most who
may be aware of such remote capability; however there has
been a first hand investigation illustrating that even adults
did NOT recognize even extremely obviously artificial activities.
Persons exposed to these energies develop disease according to the
persons predisposed genetic weaknesses. In effect whatever disease
a persons family has in its history which would potentially remain
dormant will be able to surface and or another disease which the body
has as a dormant virus can become active as the immune system is too
weak to fight it off. The sophistication in causing death is that
its hard to determine a common denominator cause of it being electronic
due to there being a wide variety of disease that exposed persons succumb to.
Specific disease's can be induced using brain wave interference patterning.
The general condition generated from repeated exposure is the reduced efficiency
of the regeneration of the cells and their subsequent decreased efficiency in removing
toxins during cell regeneration. See other lists on this page with specification on symptoms!
In addition extremely detailed information as to what happens in the nervous system is presented on the Kit page accessible at the bottom of this page, please continue to read this important information.
1. Sleeplessness virtual insomnia, where just as a person is falling asleep they wake up with elevated heart rate.
2 inability to stay asleep
3 While fully awake, subjective cloudy feeling but more like a sensation than an actual state of mind somewhat like on the verge of pressure for periods of a few minutes to hours.
4.) Minor forgetfulness,
5.) Minor confusion.
6.) Increased need to urinate during the night.
7.) Teeth snap together during phase of relaxation prior to going asleep.
8.) Night sweats.
9.) Waking up in extreme pain.
10.) Arthritis like condition virtually overnight and fibromyalgia.
11.) Vivid dreams , excessive talking in sleep and waking while talking.
12.) Minor spontaneous tearing without emotional thinking.
13.) Sensitive ear to touch.
14.) Minor inexplicable cut or scrape on ear.
15.) The personality becomes quiet, a lack of thought takes place, a decrease in mental activity
16.) Some report changes in the tone of the internal voice
17.) Ringing in one or both ears without having received a head trauma
18.) Sensation that blood is trickling into localized areas of the brain and other parts of the body, this feeling is akin to the impression that these areas were devoid of blood.
19.) Hearing of very short tones without realization of their being of any consequence and ignored.
20.) Limbs jerk typically as one is trying to sleep.
21.) Although I have not received any voices many women in particular do. Implants are transceivers ( miniature walkie walkies ).
22.) I don't do drugs. The use of prescribed psychiatric drugs paxil for example mask the effects and symptoms of implants and directed energy without stopping the inexorable decrease in essential brain chemistry which will eventually lead to disease. There are millions in mental hospitals and on psychiatric drugs who were incapacitated by the implants and directed energy, so as to get them under control or out of commission.
23.) Disease syndromes as outlined further down this page, wherein such syndromes are the result of the energy responsible for the overt symptoms above; without the overt symptoms no understanding of illnesses taking root by artificial means can be understood, leaving the targeted person at the mercy of an ignorant medical community grasping for answers on behalf of the patients sinking health.
Overt Acute Symptoms
Possible symptoms of being experimented on: within 3 minutes of falling asleep or
waking up without anxiety, one has one or more of the following occurrences... You
become wide awake, heartbeat increase, have your jaw snap shut very quickly, feel a
shock, hear electronic noises of bumping clicking buzzing or high pitched sound, see
faint flicker of light with lights out eyes closed, and or a bright white or red light,
pressure in the head, pain the head, nausea, hyperactivity, ADD or forgetfulness. We
are looking for these symptoms now and in people prior to the onset of ailments.
These symptoms cause general sleep loss and is done by military devices to people,
and although you must read to understand how exactly it is done in the detailed
explanations below they can cause: 1. Immediate death from car accidents as a result
of exhaustion. 2. Diseases of many kinds. 3. Immediate death from heart attack and
stroke. 4. Drain the victim financially by making them sick and destroy their career is a
primary part of the project prior to termination.
"More Comprehensive List"
The effects of the electronic weapons in particular result in a reduced
immune system capability which enabled the weakened body to develop predisposed
disease according to the persons genetic weaknesses; in effect whatever disease a
persons family has in its history which would potentially remain dormant may be able to
surface and or another disease which the body has as a dormant virus can become
active as the immune system is to weak to fight off. A.) Just as one begins to drift into
sleep they suddenly find they are wide awake (often with a faster heartbeat but not
always noticeable); with "No" anxiety thoughts present B.) Just as one begins to drift
into sleep they suddenly find they their hearts beating faster. C.) Just as one begins to
drift into sleep they suddenly find they feel a shock. D.) Just as one begins to drift into
sleep they suddenly find they hear a thump, click, or electronic sound in their head. E.)
Just as one begins to drift into sleep they suddenly find they if they hear a normal noise
( any noise that is known such as heat pipe expansion noise for example ) that it causes a
flicker of light in the eyes while closed. F.) Just as one begins to drift into sleep they
suddenly find they feel a pressure in the head "unlike" a headache. G.) Just as one
begins to drift into sleep they suddenly find they feel a pain. H.) The lowest level of
exposure is when they are secretly treating you (prepping) depending on your hearing
sensitivity a high pitched (hard to hear) ring in the ears changing pitch slightly and
irregularly audible and inaudible. It is the frequency field detecting and altering your
physiology. J.) Heavy Jolts (feels like 220) to cause heart attack especially as you go to
sleep and just as you wake up, strong person in A+ shape has a hard time recovering.
Effects of near heart attack reaction felt even several days later. H.) AS YOU
AWAKEN you hear a clicking, chirping, buzzing or other noise not known to be
caused by your radio, alarm clock or other conveniences noise, this appears to be a
method of reducing your sleep time further for sleep deprivation by the remote operator
to wear you down for and increase their ability to influence you for their agenda. I.)
Days or weeks after initial bombardment by the prepping radiation frequency the victim
experiences various pains, sensations, illnesses, shocks, alteration of mental states
including emotion swings, and even auditory (sound) disturbances; which can lead the
uneducated (people who don't know they are under attack think they are going insane)
may go insane or lead to depression. J.) Alzheimer like condition which depending
upon the level of attack can be permanently disabling. Causing loss of ability, job,
family, and financial capability; leading to their being able to get their people in position.
K.) A zombie like state can occur in combination with immune system degeneration
contributing to medical symptoms grouped as (disorders). L.) Weakness in the legs
after being hit by energies. M.) Loss of weight despite appetite. N.) Sound Sensitivity.
O.) Nausea P.) Stroke Q.) Seizure R.) Death S.) The distinct sensation that blood is
flowing back into areas at a trickle rate to various areas of the body as if they were
partially devoid of blood flow, noticed just after waking. Possibly from low level
microwave impact or infra sound impact; potential for stroke! T.) Arthritis U.) In
addition the many FATAL diseases and conditions listed at the top of this page. See
other lists on this page with specification on symptoms!
GWS, CFS, ADD, MS, Hyperactivity, Fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's
and many other diseases

Email everyone you know,
we tell you what the symptoms are
and ask you to spread the word!
Imagine the millions of servicemen who have been injected over and over and the possibility of all of them being implanted ( perfect passive take their shots guinea pigs ). The various sicknesses symptoms are so unusual; because only after writing up the symptoms list of MC did I read the Gulf War list of symptoms. Now realize that the greatest threat to the NWO are US freedom minded soldiers. Can you imagine how surprised I was that virtually the exact symptoms are listed for what I say are from implants. Now I have already begun to investigate if mycoplasm and other supposed Gulf War Syndrome physiology changes could be reproduced in a human by exposing them to the MC energy, so far I think I have some hard evidence that the biological manifestations of GW Syndrome are the result of continual electrical frequency stimulus from implants. I have as I said and have written eliminated the effects on myself with a amplitude modulated DC current. This is hot needs to be told effectively to GWS vets so that they try it to get possible relief. Imagine the incapacitation of the men in such a way. The way Implants and directed mind altering frequencies are nullified is to use the output of a tone generator whose output is amplitude changing DC, and the implant signal is as I have deduced is quite similar which is why I chose the tone generator output method, the tone DC current and the Implant current intersect and the effect is that it alters the Implant frequency by cancellation of portions of its output. You will read more about these on the countermeasures page linked at the bottom of the page. Now follow the investigation by first reading the symptoms list below.
You, when confronted with such similar symptoms as you yourself have experienced
will because of your having been inundated with misleading information be in denial
that such a thing as being implanted/targeted could be true for yourself. The fact will
remain that if there is such a similarity then you will have to reread the information!
Not all GWS vets are implanted,
but it is worth reading the following
Note: there is sufficient information
as to how implants/directed energy can
cause the body to have evolve within it
those symptomatic biological abnormalities
associated with Gulf War Syndrome.
The effectiveness of drugs purported to
be countering the effects of vaccine induced
GWS and bio or chemical causes can be
accounted for within the framework of being
electronically attacked. Their effectiveness
can mask the truth from being understood,
where from all reasonable positions such
effectiveness seems to indicate origins of
biological and chemical. But the fact remains
that it is possible to have symptoms of GWS
and have some of those symptoms cleared
using to anti viral or bacteria treatments, where
these treatments act on the secondary conditions
that occur as a result of depleted brain chemistry
causing depressed immune system thereby allowing
dormant bacteria, viruses even fungi to culture in the
body not to mention cellular waste which is retarded
in its efficient removal due to implant neurophonic
frequencies mimicking brain wave frequencies which
subsequently demodulate into infrasonic frequencies
affecting the organelles ability to maintain the cells
waste excretion which poisons the cells through toxicity.
The effect of some reduction in symptoms from
various pharmacological treatments gives
weight to the supposition that it is caused from
various toxins and pollutants, but these treatments
are stopgap measures, and the actual instigator is
never even looked for because it is so removed
from the framework of understanding of cause
and effect.
The fact is that exposure to electrical currents
from implants or directed energy can spawn prions
and mycoplasm like entities, subsequent
reduction of brain chemistry allows for
opportunistic infections and hereditary
predisposition to disease to further confuse the
issues, where biological and chemicals can be
misunderstood as to what instigated the original
environment for symptomatic disease syndrome
to take root.
The countermeasure to make sure that this does
not apply to a GWS or other person is free, you
would have nothing to lose and much to gain.
If a person attains remission from an electronic
countermeasure presented on this web site it
will be the result of studying the Kit page
statements of exposure avoidance techniques.
A primary high visibility biological researcher
involved with treatment of GWS vets together
with her husband is directly involved with the
mind control scenario outlined here; upon
talking to her over the phone this purportedly
reputable researcher did say that the persons
doing this to me were government agents after
lying to me, and that they were using the same
technology on her husband; discrediting herself
by saying this outlandish statement at that time
two years ago is now compounded when I have
approximately one month ago Nov. 1, 2002 discovered
her relationship to a high visibility news organization
geared in large part to GWS information making it
obvious to me that she was not just a spook operative
handler but she is an active high profile handler of
GWS victims gearing her efforts to treatment of GWS
vets with drugs and biology research. Therefore in terms
of there being experiments on servicemen and the public
for the last 50+ years with NO protracted cry of foul
by the medical authorities illustrates that the medical
authorities have been enlisted to handle persons
experimented on and steer them according to plans
to keep them in the dark. The GWS implantee program
of termination being so dangerous if exposed, was it is
believed carefully organized complete with handlers
placed in advance in strategic positions to give information
that would steer those who even hear or read the truth to
consider it unrealistic or a hoax. All it takes to find out is
some strategy outlined on the Kit page and $10 of electronics
to potentially get some relief and have their eye opened
or pass it on to the others without envy who may benefit.
Now for an unpopular perception. I believe from all available data
that it is possible to cause the formation of the AIDS virus using
implants. Such a conclusion is not far fetched. I will not elaborate
at the present because there is so much learning for you to do with
the information presented here. Suffice it to say, selective implantation
could be accounted for in cases of aids.
Mutations of the bodies cells, chemicals cause prions and mycoplasm. The implants and directed energy cause mutations of the brain and bodies chemicals as well as mutating cells. This comes about because implants energy puts out specific frequencies that are equivalent to hi voltage high frequency with special harmonics; this process eventually overwhelms the immune system. Remember the miller experiment of creating amino acids the building blocks of life from a chemical soup and an electrical spark. The implants frequency output acts on more complex chemical molecules such as amino acids themselves, cells, portions of cells and immune system structures compositions in the brain mutating them into prions and mycoplasm. The immune system functioning normally can handle suppressing such invaders, however implants and directed energy deplete the immune system and actually causing such pathogens generates an environment for disease to take hold.
Extermination quietly through disease in order to reduce the population without the
masses understanding it is occurring, the first wave of termination's is of persons profiled
that would be capable either through their position of social position of opposing its being
done to the public; such persons have and are being removed without the most obvious
symptoms where it would be recognized as artificial man made attacks. The practice
originated with getting rid of foreign agents, then was utilized against domestic citizens and
has subsequently become widespread where it is now being used on large numbers of
persons indiscriminately.
Such a concept of population control is already active and feeling its oats as it begins phase
two. Sonic energy has been detected on major highways in both burst pulses and
constant dispersed beams. Exposure on a low level without producing the obvious
symptoms stated above can result in: sensitivity to sound, weakness, lethargy,
hyperactivity, loss of weight, forgetfulness, decreased dexterity, unaccountable
increased heart rate, sleeplessness, depression and nausea whether individually or
together are indicators of possible purposeful exposure. The low level
acoustical/microwave exposure technique results in disease and death without being
detected. The danger from the insidious activity may surpass the hydrogen bomb. You
owe it to yourself to really read it completely, because our very lives are really in
danger right now! Start a chain and call everyone you know. Place an advertisement
immediately. See other lists on this page with specification on symptoms!
You, when confronted with such similar symptoms as you yourself have experienced
will because of your having been inundated with misleading information be in denial
that such a thing as being implanted/targeted could be true for yourself. The fact will
remain that if there is such a similarity then you will have to reread the information!
Why You May be Targeted For Extermination or Experimentation By Government.
Human nature and instincts will likely prevent you from believing you are a victim; this is
a natural process of denial used by the brain to protect it from emotional shock. One
need not look far to find verified CLICK-> historical reference

unwitting citizens (historical ref by year CLICK -> ( X ) . If
you find yourself recognizing that there are symptoms which indicate being used in an
experiment two reactions automatically are engaged for self preservation, those
reactions are fight or flight. If you remember to get mad when you should it will stop the
flight reaction. If you are afraid and run away you will contribute to premature
destruction. Only through standing up when needed in this dangerous circumstance will
good prevail. You may be a target for the reason of covering up the real agenda and in
a way as to mask the agenda. The agenda is to take over and destroy the population.
Those who doubt this is going on merely need to thoroughly read the information
below. To kill children and women outright so as to destroy the ability of politicians,
scientists, military personnel to be able to focus on important elections, research, and
activities. Death without a trace, virtual natural causes. A takeover! In the history of the
world there has never been a time where the acts of men and women would be so
defined as to the formation of the future. Rise to the occasion, be prepared to answer
the call everyone. 50% of persons who answered an add in local newspapers about the
symptoms said they have light and electronic sound occurrences! Many are afraid to
report the attacks fearing their medical coverage will be affected. Call us!
The lowest form of exposure
which will not be noticed at all is the beaming of an ultra high frequency sound wave completely inaudible to human hearing together with infra sound. This sound wave energy ( which can be induced using radio frequency scalar waves and implants ) damages the nervous system and causes the synapses of the nerve cells to become permanently defective, the first signs are nervousness, irritability, loss of sleep, sensitivity to sound, inability to concentrate, loss of coordination, accidents from sleeplessness, loss of memory, damage to eyesight, atrophy of the muscles, heart valve damage, loss of weight, nausea, decreased immune system response allowing disease to take hold. Teams near a targets home send these high frequency signals into their homes and can target one person using triangulation techniques.
Those who are irradiated in this manner may get serious health problems and never realize it.
In addition minor cut to ear lobe indicative of a covert surgery, subsequent sensitive top of ear, night sweats that once vacuum barriers are in place then stop. Once sensitized by the method described above the subject can be standing in a crowd and microwave, acoustic sound, and electromagnetic energy can be beamed at the entire group at a low enough level so that the normal non irradiated subjects feel nothing, but the targeted person with a disrupted nervous system will be susceptible to it to such a degree that a seizure can be induced in the subject without the persons surrounding them either feeling the energy or being affected.
Its no insult to doctors that they have no technical understanding of such a technology being responsible for the GWS, ADD, MS, Hyperactivity, and many other diseases. However there are many doctors who have been aware and participated in these extermination experiments. The evidence on the record proves this, its not open to denial by any authority. Your caregiver may deny that such activities exist, and this is the type of response to be suspicious of.
After you have read what is happening in this country, if you are not irate as to its going on you are
potentially under the lowest level of exposure; it is documented that such exposure reduces the short term memory and initiative; initiative is the seat of conscience and short term memory loss causes a lack of judgment which causes an inability to act in a fight or flight mode. The science that led to their being able to make you complacent with torture and murder of your neighbors family and friends is a stupendous accomplishment in subversion of humanity.
Please wake up, get the countermeasures. At the very least it has been proven that Amino Acids do counter although temporarily and incompletely the effects of the electronic bombardment it is worth it to experience the difference it may make in your judgment. Indeed I would say that most of you are incapable of action without help in regards to the reduced brain chemistry being induced by government.
Want to find out the truth as to being dumbed down, get the jamming device and you may become awakened to your families being doomed by a government out of control getting bolder in their out in the open attacks.
The primary enemy are the mass media, who have willingly keep you in the dark as to the millions of people that have and are being murdered as we speak, having been implanted and quickly or slowly murdered through disease!
Click here for devices that Jam ( STOP )
implants and directed energy!

Important Note: on the KIT link here,
there is a detailed description
of the weapons techniques and
how they affect the nervous system,
this information is essential
Click here for the chronological notes of the investigation into the countermeasures resulting in the devices available on the url above named KIT

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