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Londonrisingtide shuts down National Portrait Gallery

KT | 21.06.2004 21:28 | Ecology | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London

Today (21/05/04) protesters gathered outside the National Portrait Gallery as it prepared to unveil this year�s winner of the BP sponsored National Portrait Awards. Four London Rising Tide activists chained themselves across the front door denying access to the exclusive event to the country�s richest & most influential culture vultures and forcing them to question their compliance to BP's actions around the world.

As part of the week of protests and events organised by London Rising Tide against BP, big Oil and the corporate sponsorship of ART activists evaded security and locked on, using d-locks, chains and arm tubes, across the entrance of the National Portrait Gallery, just off Trafalgar sq. In solidarity, other people gave out leaflets, held banners and informed the bemused guests that by crossing the picket into the exhibition they were signalling their compliance to the crimes BP has and continues to commit around the world.

In addition to the environmental catastrophes their Baku Ceyhan pipeline is sure to create thru the transportation and consumption of the oil it will un earth, special attention was drawn to the recent arrest and torture of a prominent Turkish activist who worked against the building of the pipeline.

Those privately invited few, including Chris Smith, the minister for culture, were forced to ungraciously climb under or over the human line. A number of red faced suites unable to contain their anger lashing out and grabbing one young man by the throat and pulling the line endangering those d-locked to the gates by their necks. Eventually people were re-directed to the side entrance and the gallery was forced to shut its front doors completely.

This is the most recent of a week of actions, events and protests organised by London Rising Tide in an attempt to make connections between the corporate hi-jacking of the arts by companies to conceal their actions around the world. On Monday a gallery space was squatted at 50 chalk farm rd Camden displaying truer portraits of oil companies like BP which were contributed by people from around the world.

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Blockading the extraction of social consent or what!!

22.06.2004 20:16

Excellent! A terrific action all round, go guys go!

And the true portrait exhibition at the 50 Chalk Farm Rd space is such an eyeful, great work.
