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stabilo boss | 21.06.2004 09:47 | Analysis | World is an open publishing platform that invites YOU to post non-mainstream political and social news, opinion, and comment on local and global issues.
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Most Guantanamo Detainees Pose No Threat - 21st Jun, 04
NEW YORK - Bush administration and U.S. military officials have repeatedly exaggerated the intelligence value of detainees at Guantanamo Bay as well as the danger they pose, The New York Times reported on Monday.
Head of US forces in Iraq to be questioned in prisoner scandal - 21st Jun, 04
BAGHDAD : A military judge said the defence team of a US soldier accused of abusing Iraqi prisoners will be allowed to interview the head of US-led forces in Iraq and ordered that Abu Ghraib prison where the alleged outrages took place should remain open.
Bomb squad link in Spanish blasts - 21st Jun, 04
THE man accused of supplying the dynamite used in the al-Qaeda train bombings in Madrid was in possession of the private telephone number of the head of Spain’s Civil Guard bomb squad, it emerged yesterday.
Palestine’s next generation: what prospects? - 21st Jun, 04
Israel's policy of erecting barriers and destroying Palestinian lives and homes in the name of security represents a travesty of international humanitarian norms. Yet it fails to attract the publicity and action necessary to protect the lives of Palestinian civilians and to nurture any fragile hopes for the future.
Revealed: the media manipulators and fake persuaders - 21st Jun, 04
You cannot hope to bribe or twist,
thank God, the British journalist.
But, seeing what the man will do
unbribed, there's no occasion to.
- Humbert Wolfe, The Uncelestial City
Mubarak's Aches Bring Succession Anxiety - 21st Jun, 04
CAIRO,(IPS) - Rumours that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is suffering a serious health crisis have sparked fresh concerns about a possible successor.
More Neocraziness - 21st Jun, 04
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission – a bipartisan Commission established by Congress in 2000 "to investigate, analyze and provide recommendations to Congress on the economic and national security implications of the U.S.-China relationship" – reported to Congress this week.
The Wrong War - 21st Jun, 04
There exists "no credible evidence that Iraq and al-Qaeda cooperated on attacks against the United States."
Afghanistan: The Forgotten War - 21st Jun, 04
Another 'victory' unravels
The Sour Smell of Spoiled Ballots - 21st Jun, 04
In the 2000 presidential election, 1.9 million Americans cast ballots that no one counted. "Spoiled votes" is the technical term. The pile of ballots left to rot has a distinctly dark hue: About 1 million of them -- half of the rejected ballots -- were cast by African Americans although black voters make up only 12 percent of the electorate.
The Cheney Connection: Tracing the Halliburton money trail to Nigeria - 21st Jun, 04
Was Halliburton, the oil conglomerate once headed by Dick Cheney, involved in a massive $180 million bribery scheme in Nigeria on Cheney’s watch? Hopes that the veil may finally be lifted on yet another odoriferous Halliburton scandal were raised last Friday, when it was announced that the Securities and Exchange Commission has finally opened a formal investigation into the alleged bribery — which French authorities have been probing for a year.
Immigration Sweeps Mean Disrupted Lives, Silent Streets - 21st Jun, 04
Immigration sweeps in Southern California cities far from the Mexican border have disrupted the lives of millions, and may be a trial run for more election-year crackdowns on undocumented immigrants.
Divisions predominate despite agreement on European constitution - 21st Jun, 04
The adoption of a constitution for the European Union is meant to herald a new stage in the efforts of the major European powers to unify the continent, both economically and politically. Instead, a two- day summit of 25 heads of state in Brussels last week could only produce a compromise that serves to demonstrate how acute divisions between the European powers have become and how Europe’s governments and the EU project itself lack any popular support or democratic legitimacy.
New prime minister installed in Nepal - 21st Jun, 04
Nepal’s new Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, appointed on June 2, announced last week that the king had finally returned full executive power to him. Less than two years ago, King Gyanendra sacked Deuba in October 2002 for “incompetence” amid a deep political crisis provoked by the ongoing civil war against Maoist insurgents—itself the product of the country’s economic backwardness and poverty.
French riot police dispatched to Tahiti following election upset - 21st Jun, 04
Early this month, the French government sent 300 riot police from mobile gendarme units to the Pacific island of Tahiti following a major upset in the May 23 French Polynesian territorial elections. In a reversal of 20 years of Gaullist political rule, President Gaston Flosse’s incumbent Tahoeraa Huiraatira Party (Popular Union, THP) lost its majority, winning only 28 seats in an expanded 57-seat assembly.
India: Victims seek prosecution of Union Carbide officials over Bhopal disaster - 21st Jun, 04
By the end of the month, the Chief Judicial Magistrate’s court in Bhopal, India, will decide whether it will force Dow Chemical to send former Union Carbide officials to India to stand trial for the 1984 gas leak that has killed and injured over 60,000 people.
Freedom, Incorporated - 21st Jun, 04
I pulled in to Nazareth,
Feeling 'bout half past dead.
Just need to find a place
Where I can lay my head.
"Mister, can you tell me where
A man might find a bed?"
He just grinned and shook my hand,
"No" was all he said.
- 'The Weight'
What of the officers in these torture cases in Iraq? - 21st Jun, 04
If the court martial finds (British) soldiers guilty, what will be the consequences for their commanders?
New fathers should not forget old obligations - 21st Jun, 04
A new survey has found that, despite wanting to be model dads, they are retreating into bad ways
The story TV news won't tell - 21st Jun, 04
For 10 years Tim Llewellyn was the BBC's Middle East correspondent. In this passionately argued polemic he accuses British broadcasters, including his former employer, of systematic bias in covering the Arab-Israeli conflict, giving undue prominence to the views of Jerusalem while disregarding the roots of the crisis
Islamist group to behead hostage if Korea sends more troops to Iraq - 20th Jun, 04
An armed Islamist group threatened in a video tape screened on Al-Jazeera television to behead a South Korean hostage unless Seoul says within 24 hours that it will send no more troops to Iraq.
A Meditation on Bush and Blake: Morality and Death - 20th Jun, 04
Morality and mortality are almost identical words in English. The words in the Latin roots are similar too—mores (customs) and mors (death). And they are linked concepts in biblical myth. The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is death in the Genesis story. Adam and Eve were warned not to eat of that tree of the knowledge of good and evil; they should have eaten of the tree of life. Death in much religious thinking is not just biology, it’s moral punishment.
Will journalists lead US to more wars? - 20th Jun, 04
"Perhaps we have reached the point where journalists should be limited to publishing reports that are verified by named, and reliable sources that are traceable and accountable, no longer using descriptions of sources as “White House representatives,” a “key person” or “spokespeople,” and anonymous sources."
"Irreversible Mental Damage" - 20th Jun, 04
"The European Union with its 25 member-states, the government of the Russian Federation and the organization that represents the entire world have humbly accepted the edict of Bush, the dictator of the world, who is himself a captive of Sharon. Sharon decided long ago that the elected president of the Palestinian people is “irrelevant”, together with the whole Palestinian leadership."
21 paramilitaries captured along the Venezuelan border with Colombia - 20th Jun, 04
As part of their security and vigilance operations along the Colombian border, the National Armed Forces (FAN) captured 21 people who are presumably tied to Colombian paramilitary groups.
Iraq: Trade Bank of Iraq Gets $2.4 bln Export Guarantees - 20th Jun, 04
KUWAIT, Jan 24 - The U.S.-established Trade Bank of Iraq on Saturday said it has secured a total of $2.4 billion in export guarantees for firms seeking postwar rebuilding deals.
"The total facilities that we have signed so far are $2.4 billion and we hope to use most of it very soon," Uzri said.
The expectation is, these "facilities" will only be made available to an interim & elected Iraqi government if they show complete compliance to the wishes of the international (US/UK) money masters [Ekky]
Most Guantanamo Detainees Pose No Threat - 21st Jun, 04
NEW YORK - Bush administration and U.S. military officials have repeatedly exaggerated the intelligence value of detainees at Guantanamo Bay as well as the danger they pose, The New York Times reported on Monday.

Head of US forces in Iraq to be questioned in prisoner scandal - 21st Jun, 04
BAGHDAD : A military judge said the defence team of a US soldier accused of abusing Iraqi prisoners will be allowed to interview the head of US-led forces in Iraq and ordered that Abu Ghraib prison where the alleged outrages took place should remain open.

Bomb squad link in Spanish blasts - 21st Jun, 04
THE man accused of supplying the dynamite used in the al-Qaeda train bombings in Madrid was in possession of the private telephone number of the head of Spain’s Civil Guard bomb squad, it emerged yesterday.

Palestine’s next generation: what prospects? - 21st Jun, 04
Israel's policy of erecting barriers and destroying Palestinian lives and homes in the name of security represents a travesty of international humanitarian norms. Yet it fails to attract the publicity and action necessary to protect the lives of Palestinian civilians and to nurture any fragile hopes for the future.

Revealed: the media manipulators and fake persuaders - 21st Jun, 04
You cannot hope to bribe or twist,
thank God, the British journalist.
But, seeing what the man will do
unbribed, there's no occasion to.
- Humbert Wolfe, The Uncelestial City

Mubarak's Aches Bring Succession Anxiety - 21st Jun, 04
CAIRO,(IPS) - Rumours that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is suffering a serious health crisis have sparked fresh concerns about a possible successor.

More Neocraziness - 21st Jun, 04
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission – a bipartisan Commission established by Congress in 2000 "to investigate, analyze and provide recommendations to Congress on the economic and national security implications of the U.S.-China relationship" – reported to Congress this week.

The Wrong War - 21st Jun, 04
There exists "no credible evidence that Iraq and al-Qaeda cooperated on attacks against the United States."

Afghanistan: The Forgotten War - 21st Jun, 04
Another 'victory' unravels

The Sour Smell of Spoiled Ballots - 21st Jun, 04
In the 2000 presidential election, 1.9 million Americans cast ballots that no one counted. "Spoiled votes" is the technical term. The pile of ballots left to rot has a distinctly dark hue: About 1 million of them -- half of the rejected ballots -- were cast by African Americans although black voters make up only 12 percent of the electorate.

The Cheney Connection: Tracing the Halliburton money trail to Nigeria - 21st Jun, 04
Was Halliburton, the oil conglomerate once headed by Dick Cheney, involved in a massive $180 million bribery scheme in Nigeria on Cheney’s watch? Hopes that the veil may finally be lifted on yet another odoriferous Halliburton scandal were raised last Friday, when it was announced that the Securities and Exchange Commission has finally opened a formal investigation into the alleged bribery — which French authorities have been probing for a year.

Immigration Sweeps Mean Disrupted Lives, Silent Streets - 21st Jun, 04
Immigration sweeps in Southern California cities far from the Mexican border have disrupted the lives of millions, and may be a trial run for more election-year crackdowns on undocumented immigrants.

Divisions predominate despite agreement on European constitution - 21st Jun, 04
The adoption of a constitution for the European Union is meant to herald a new stage in the efforts of the major European powers to unify the continent, both economically and politically. Instead, a two- day summit of 25 heads of state in Brussels last week could only produce a compromise that serves to demonstrate how acute divisions between the European powers have become and how Europe’s governments and the EU project itself lack any popular support or democratic legitimacy.

New prime minister installed in Nepal - 21st Jun, 04
Nepal’s new Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, appointed on June 2, announced last week that the king had finally returned full executive power to him. Less than two years ago, King Gyanendra sacked Deuba in October 2002 for “incompetence” amid a deep political crisis provoked by the ongoing civil war against Maoist insurgents—itself the product of the country’s economic backwardness and poverty.

French riot police dispatched to Tahiti following election upset - 21st Jun, 04
Early this month, the French government sent 300 riot police from mobile gendarme units to the Pacific island of Tahiti following a major upset in the May 23 French Polynesian territorial elections. In a reversal of 20 years of Gaullist political rule, President Gaston Flosse’s incumbent Tahoeraa Huiraatira Party (Popular Union, THP) lost its majority, winning only 28 seats in an expanded 57-seat assembly.

India: Victims seek prosecution of Union Carbide officials over Bhopal disaster - 21st Jun, 04
By the end of the month, the Chief Judicial Magistrate’s court in Bhopal, India, will decide whether it will force Dow Chemical to send former Union Carbide officials to India to stand trial for the 1984 gas leak that has killed and injured over 60,000 people.

Freedom, Incorporated - 21st Jun, 04
I pulled in to Nazareth,
Feeling 'bout half past dead.
Just need to find a place
Where I can lay my head.
"Mister, can you tell me where
A man might find a bed?"
He just grinned and shook my hand,
"No" was all he said.
- 'The Weight'

What of the officers in these torture cases in Iraq? - 21st Jun, 04
If the court martial finds (British) soldiers guilty, what will be the consequences for their commanders?

New fathers should not forget old obligations - 21st Jun, 04
A new survey has found that, despite wanting to be model dads, they are retreating into bad ways

The story TV news won't tell - 21st Jun, 04
For 10 years Tim Llewellyn was the BBC's Middle East correspondent. In this passionately argued polemic he accuses British broadcasters, including his former employer, of systematic bias in covering the Arab-Israeli conflict, giving undue prominence to the views of Jerusalem while disregarding the roots of the crisis

Islamist group to behead hostage if Korea sends more troops to Iraq - 20th Jun, 04
An armed Islamist group threatened in a video tape screened on Al-Jazeera television to behead a South Korean hostage unless Seoul says within 24 hours that it will send no more troops to Iraq.

A Meditation on Bush and Blake: Morality and Death - 20th Jun, 04
Morality and mortality are almost identical words in English. The words in the Latin roots are similar too—mores (customs) and mors (death). And they are linked concepts in biblical myth. The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is death in the Genesis story. Adam and Eve were warned not to eat of that tree of the knowledge of good and evil; they should have eaten of the tree of life. Death in much religious thinking is not just biology, it’s moral punishment.

Will journalists lead US to more wars? - 20th Jun, 04
"Perhaps we have reached the point where journalists should be limited to publishing reports that are verified by named, and reliable sources that are traceable and accountable, no longer using descriptions of sources as “White House representatives,” a “key person” or “spokespeople,” and anonymous sources."

"Irreversible Mental Damage" - 20th Jun, 04
"The European Union with its 25 member-states, the government of the Russian Federation and the organization that represents the entire world have humbly accepted the edict of Bush, the dictator of the world, who is himself a captive of Sharon. Sharon decided long ago that the elected president of the Palestinian people is “irrelevant”, together with the whole Palestinian leadership."

21 paramilitaries captured along the Venezuelan border with Colombia - 20th Jun, 04
As part of their security and vigilance operations along the Colombian border, the National Armed Forces (FAN) captured 21 people who are presumably tied to Colombian paramilitary groups.

Iraq: Trade Bank of Iraq Gets $2.4 bln Export Guarantees - 20th Jun, 04
KUWAIT, Jan 24 - The U.S.-established Trade Bank of Iraq on Saturday said it has secured a total of $2.4 billion in export guarantees for firms seeking postwar rebuilding deals.
"The total facilities that we have signed so far are $2.4 billion and we hope to use most of it very soon," Uzri said.
The expectation is, these "facilities" will only be made available to an interim & elected Iraqi government if they show complete compliance to the wishes of the international (US/UK) money masters [Ekky]

stabilo boss