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Reconstructing Iraq

Bill | 19.06.2004 22:26 | Sheffield

Subvertiser arrested and cautioned:
An interesting legal precedent?

A point of interest, concerning the legality of Subvertising:

I had just finished liberating this billboard for the movie “Troy”, when I was confronted by three policemen. Coated in Gluey evidence, and armed with the tools of the guerrilla decorator, I had little choice but to surrender.

The policemen were amused and friendly, and not entirely sure what to charge me with. “Criminal Damage I suppose” said one to the other. In a vain attempt to get off, I attempted to explain to the subtle difference between vandalism and subvertising; how my intent was not to damage the billboard but to improve it.

“In Manchester they turn a blind eye to this sort of thing” I pleaded, “Why, the billboard’s quite possibly illegal anyway!”

But alas, I was loaded into a waiting police car and taken away.

In the interview, I pleaded guilty to a crime of conscience, and appealed to their sense of moral justice (raising awareness about a much greater crime in Iraq?) and also to their sense of poetry (when a crime is as creative as this is it not easier to forgive?)

A month later I returned to the police station, to be informed that the owners of the billboard ‘JC Deacaux’, wished to prosecute. I imagine that this is standard procedure.

As I have no previous convictions, (which apparently means I am of amiable character), the Home Office guidelines recommend that I recieve a “Caution”. This will stay on my criminal record for a year.

In conclusion - I was stupid and careless to be caught adjusting this billboard. I was far too close to a busy police station to get away with it, and I would highly recommend that other people are more careful than me..

But I do think that this experience serves as an interesting precedent and I would hope that potential bill board liberators who were previously unsure about the legal consequences of their actions now feel less intimidated.

Not that I am urging you to get out there and do it.



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20.06.2004 09:48

Wow! that's an amazing bit of subvertising. Sorry to hear you got caught. I presume you used a ladder. How'd you make the 'A' in Iraq and what does it say under "Hand over your heart and mind" ?

Well done anyway.



21.06.2004 14:44

wow thats a fucking nice piece of subvertising...well done...
oh and i´m not sure if the cops turn a blind eye to subvertising in manchester, but i doubt if anyone´s ever hung around as long as you must have to do this veritable monster.
and don´t admit to being stupid - i´d call it inspired....


hand over your heart and mind...

23.06.2004 10:27

"...YOU ARE NOW LIBERATED!!" - that's what it read when i saw it, probably next day after the paste had dried!

Passer By

it happens all the time..

23.06.2004 17:52

there is, it seems, a clamp down of flyposting (self expression) here in sheffield.. as a long term subvertiser i love this work and know of the people who re decorated this billboard and well done to one and all.. shame the main man himself who was nicked got nicked.. but we hope it inspires others to such acts of subverts.. you do not need glue either you can blue tack / staple your work to wherever and you know what - no crim damage.. likwise chalk is also cool ie stand about demos outside town halls etc your fave url which should be this of course and a message - again no crim damage.. well known fact no 2 if a place has been flyposted before you can not get done for crim damage.. we are a little suprised to here to filth coming down so hard etc.. it is normal for them just to take your bucket, posters, brush etc.. another cool way we have found is to spot a nice "for let" place.. go into the estate agent loan the keys for three, four hours.. in time or have ready your fave subvert image a0 size £2.50 from all good copy shops.. now you have the keys yes that right sellotape the fucker to the window.. there are rumored to be four liberted shops like this in sheffield. have fun now..

passer by no 2..