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yesss | 19.06.2004 13:24

I just joined - a grassroots group tired of corporations always calling the shots in our country.

To celebrate July 4th, we've launched a major campaign to fly a new American Flag across the nation and around the world. It shows the true corporate colors of our country -- the stars replaced with logos.

Visit the site to see what we're up to:

- Raising funds for a full page ad in the New York Times
- Selling the actual flag at cost so people can fly it in their communities
- Getting people to sign the Unbrand America Pledge
- Spreading corporate flag stickers and posters (available for download)

Hope you'll join us in taking our country back:

p.s - visit last year's gallery to see the flag flying proud!

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Grass Roots

21.06.2004 00:08

Grass Roots Activism

The emerging generation are the first to fully express themselves and their beliefs online for the world to see, please take a few moments of your time to just view and participate in supporting Grass Roots Activism at its most basic level.

These are just a section of hits found when searching for relevent words under the "interest" section.

These are the people that need support in reaching out and forging a new and better world.

Encourage them.


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