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Nek Mohammad: Shalid - The Man Bush Feared the Most

Where-US-dies | 18.06.2004 23:57 | Social Struggles | World

Nek Mohammad was the kind of man the US fears the most – more than Osama or Ayman al-Zawahri, because he was young, fearless, has strong roots in the Afghan border areas and was respected by the tribal chiefs in Pakistan. Bush and Rumsfeld feared Mohammad enough to risk the deaths of Karazi (the US Afghan puppet) and the military dictator stooge Pervez Musharraf, in Pakistan. Few in the West could compare to this 27 year old fighter.

Outgoing, Friendly - Nek had Sincerity and Faith - Always
Outgoing, Friendly - Nek had Sincerity and Faith - Always

US Assassin Vehicles patrol the WORLD - Fight back
US Assassin Vehicles patrol the WORLD - Fight back

A Warrior, A shali, A Tribal Leader and mujahedeen
A Warrior, A shali, A Tribal Leader and mujahedeen

From One Death Comes an Army of Shalids:
Nek Mohammad – Charisma and Allah, The Man the US Feared the Most


Nek Muhammad is one of the most brave and honorable shalid warriors – a true mujahedeen (holy warrior). The former Afghan war hero and Taliban commander belongs to the Yargulkhel clan of the Zalikhel sub-tribe of Ahmadzai Wazirs. "We haven’t done anything against our homeland and we cannot imagine harming Pakistan. All charges against me and my fellow tribesmen are unsubstantiated and based on hearsay," he stressed on May 8, 2004.

June 18, he was assassinated by a US hellfire missile fired from a UAV predator drone flying at 20,000 feet while Pakistani helicopters blasted the area. The surveillance platforms (satellites) used to target Mohammad are from the US and the Pentagon chief Rumsfeld authorized the attack. Six others were killed with Mohammed in the missile strike late Thursday. Pakistan lacks the sophisticated satellite technology necessary for such phone intercepts and acknowledges that it sometimes receives "technical help" from the Americans.

Nek Mohammad was the kind of man the US fears the most – more than Osama or Ayman al-Zawahri, because he was young, fearless, has strong roots in the Afghan border areas and was respected by the tribal chiefs in Pakistan. Bush and Rumsfeld feared Mohammad enough to risk the deaths of Karazi (the US Afghan puppet) and the military dictator stooge Pervez Musharraf, in Pakistan.

Nek Mohammad, along with his uncles Nur (Noor) Islam and Haji (Mohammad) Sharif, and two other comrades: Maulvi Mohammad Abbas, and Maulvi Abdul Aziz, were on top of the government’s wanted list since January for sheltering the mainly Central Asian fighters that the government calls foreigners.
As they are all Zalikhels, their sub-tribe came under tremendous pressure from South Waziristan’s political administration (and the USA) to form an armed lashkar and force the five men to surrender.

Mohammed apparently was staying in the home of another tribal leader, Sher Zaman, when the army helicopters attacked late Thursday. Residents said two of Zaman's grown-up sons, his grandson and an associate of Mohammed also were killed.

Mohammed's body was taken to his village of Kaloosha, about six miles west of Wana, where thousands of people attended his funeral on Friday. Villagers told the Agence France-Presse news agency that the ceremony was silent, devoid of customary speeches and attended by stunned tribesmen.

Mohammed - described as a turbaned, black-bearded warrior in his late 20s - wore his association with the hardline former Taleban regime with pride. Thousands will now die to avenge this assassination by the US-Musharaff devils.

The British Broadcasting Corp. has conducted at least two phone interviews with Mohammed in the past week, though it was not clear whether either of those calls was used to track him down.

In one of the interviews, Mohammed acknowledged foreigners were living in the tribal areas, but denied that they were terrorists. "Those foreigners who are living here are not terrorists — rather they are mujahedeen (holy warriors) who took part in the Afghan jihad," he said, a reference to the U.S.-backed war in the 1980s to drive the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan.

“Many of them have been living in tribal areas for more than 15 years. They married locally, have built their own houses. Now under the pressure of the United States, Pakistan has launched its operation in South Waziristan against what they call al-Qaeda suspects. “

Q: Do you admit the presence of foreign people in Waziristan?

I admit that more than three million Afghan refugees migrated to Pakistan in the wake of Russian aggression against Afghanistan. Among them people of various races are included, like Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens, Pashtuns and Hazaras.

Q: It is said that you are a trained fighter because you have taken part in the Afghan wars.

Yes of course, I have spent a lot of time with the Taleban in Afghanistan. I went there soon after the completion of my religious education here. I fought alongside the Taleban against the Northern Alliance and then also against US aggression.

Story Nek told the BBC on June 18: "You know how the story of the capture of Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri’s son evolved. The Pakistan Army arrested one Ashraf Khan, son of Abdullah Khan, along with other innocent villagers during its latest operation in South Waziristan. As Ashraf is mentally ill, he told his interrogators that he was Khalid al-Zawahiri, son of al-Qaeda leader Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri. And soon the word spread that Dr al-Zawahiri’s son has been captured."

Q: What is your goal?
It is very clear. We want to eradicate the US-installed puppet governments in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Once we overthrow them, then there will be peace and no-one will be able to harm Muslims.

Wanted Tribal Leader Killed in Pakistan
Fri Jun 18,10:11 AM ET ; By AHSANULLAH WAZIR, Associated Press Writer

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Yes - We need a million more Nek and his uncles- Bush may Smile- Until...

19.06.2004 00:44

Assassination by robot Sky-Plane- the terror of the fearful
Assassination by robot Sky-Plane- the terror of the fearful

"We were tracking him down and he was killed last night by our hand," Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan told The Associated Press in Islamabad, the Pakistani capital.

[ Why put in or emphasize - " our hand"??? - sounds guilty or why mention it???

The helicopter fired a missile at Mohammed's hideout near Wana, the main town in South Waziristan.

Mohammed's death was a victory for the Pakistani army, which has been embarrassed by heavy losses in fighting with the militants, who are thought to enjoy protection from some tribes along the border. The United States military, pursuing al-Qaida on the Afghan side of the border, has been pressing hard for Islamabad to step up military activity in Waziristan. The area is considered a possible hideout for al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden (news - web sites), though there is no hard intelligence on his whereabouts.


Troll comments hidden

21.06.2004 09:17

...and followup replies, which make no sense without the original troll postings.
please don't feed the trolls. :)


an IMC volunteer

Who will decide??

05.07.2004 22:08

The irony of this information age is that what most people would say will be concidered to be the final verdict about any incidence.How many of us really have an eye to see behind the surfce.Immagine a person gives away his life(Nek Muhammad) for his cause.Is it all terrorism??? and can terrorism be finished with Terror???.We as humans need to think and not celeberate the death of a fellow human being.

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