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Aslef president hit woman at garden party

sis | 16.06.2004 14:56

trouble at Aslef?

a report has been leaked of an internal enquiry into a fight at an Alslef 'garden party'

'the leaked report shows that president Martin Samways became verbally aggressive with staff particularly with one woman, Julie Atkinson.

The new Aslef general secretary Shaun Brady attempted to physically remove his colleague when the woman was hit in the mouth by the president.'

anyone know anyu more about this

If this is true why is he not been charged with assault?



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that's what you get for electing right-wingers

16.06.2004 16:03

Brady was elected on a right-wing, pro-Blair ticket in reaction against his Awkward Squad predecessor Mick Rix

sadly an awful lot of these so-called 'moderates' turn out to be racist sexist drunks


BBC Brady bias

16.06.2004 16:25

Actually, despite the BBC spin on the report, the actual inquiry (plus any number of witnesses) said that it seems more likely that Samways *accidentally* hit the woman due to flailing about while being *frogmarched* out by Brady. The man is 60 after all, you know. He's known for his drinking and lairyness but not his violence.

Just thought you ought to know before we get floods of "ASLEF prez hits women shocker" kind of posts.

Still, whatever way you look at it, it is an unseemly affair. And I do blame Brady, he's a right wing nightmare.

ASLEFwatching journo

Left wing, right wing makes no difference

17.06.2004 13:55

Left wing or right wing (terms only relative to one another) union leaders are union bosses and have long left the ranks of the workers. That they overclaim "expenses" on top of over inflated wages and resort to violence in their petty squabbles should be no surprise to anyone. They are part of the problem of capital.


Yeah, nice one Ricky

17.06.2004 15:04

Good to see you join the likes of the Sun and the CBI in slagging off the unions.

Very radical, I'm sure.

now fuck off


17.06.2004 15:39

"The man is 60 after all"

Pity for him he isn't gay, black or disabled. He might get a bit more respect.


usual indymedia tripe

17.06.2004 17:39

Why does indymedia hate trade unionists so much ??

Has it got intelligence agencies crawling all over it, its newswire and its comments section?

The site's becoming a good advert for big business.



Paranoid Oldman

18.06.2004 11:16

Get a grip. I wasn't pointing out his age for any other reason than to make the point that mature 60-yr-olds tend not to go around getting into "rucks".

That is not ageism, OK? Its common sodding sense.

ASLEFwatching journo