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U.S. Trucks Carrying Radioactive Materials Intercepted In Iraq-Kuwait Border

Peter Piper | 15.06.2004 09:37

The UAE-based daily Al-Khaleej reported on Monday that Kuwaiti tariff officials have intercepted a truck loaded with radioactive materials in the Iraq-Kuwait border.

The daily quoted informed sources as saying that the radioactive control team from Kuwait’s Health Ministry discovered that one of the trucks belonging to the U.S.-led coalition forces was carrying heavy radioactive materials trucks. The trucks were headed for Iraq.

The daily said that such materials could only enter a country when there is permission from related bodies while the materials were secretly being carried to Iraq.

Security forces stressed that no contamination had been caused by the material.

The MNA reported for the first time the coalition forces’ suspicious transfer of WMD parts from Kuwait to Southern Iraq by trucks.

The possible presence of WMD in Iraq and its likely nuclear programs were the main U.S. pretext for attacking the country.

However, their failure to find weapons of mass destruction in the country and the continuing turmoil in Iraq questioned the legitimacy of the U.S. war against Iraq and their presence in the country.

Peter Piper


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Not for use as X ray machines

15.06.2004 11:56

As far as I am aware X rays are generated by firing an electron beam into a tungsten target - no radioactive materials required, only a reliable electricity supply (oh I see you do not have that either!).

they could be sources used for tumour treatment, maybe there is a big need for them in/around basra due to the huge amount of DU thats floating around.

Professor Bush

for 'comments' read 'lies'

15.06.2004 22:31

US army: how to lie your way into a war winning position
US army: how to lie your way into a war winning position

What Indymedia needs is someone to accountably go through comments sections and hide lies and disinformation using references to justify each action.

The story is true - end of wrecking comments NOW

Now can we use the comments section to discuss the implications PLEASE! Get off this site - we've read your orders in the Guardian!,3604,1118096,00.html
The second component is "the ability to deny, degrade, destroy and/or effectively blind enemy capabilities". "Unfriendly" information must be targeted.

see also

insomniac hack

Troll comments hidden

15.06.2004 22:55

...along with replies to the troll. cheers insomniac, you're right of course.

an IMC volunteer

Where is my pervious comment?

16.06.2004 10:13

Did a comment to Jusof about the need for and arabic link to what he wrote, where is that comment and where is Jusofs comments.
