Sheffield STW Update - Peace in the Park etc
Jase | 15.06.2004 00:33 | Sheffield
Sheffield STWC Update
Peace in the Park and more June events.
Tuesday 15th June 2004
1. Peace in the Park- Help NEEDED!
2. Saturday 19th June - Migrant Voices
3. Thursday 24th June - War No More
4. Saturday 26th June - Leeds Demo and Shef Leafleting
5. Wednesday 30th June - Give Iraq Back: Sheffield protest
5. Saturday 3rd July - Peace in the Park
6. Sunday 4th July - The Ugly Bug Ball
Peace in the Park and more June events.
Tuesday 15th June 2004
1. Peace in the Park- Help NEEDED!
2. Saturday 19th June - Migrant Voices
3. Thursday 24th June - War No More
4. Saturday 26th June - Leeds Demo and Shef Leafleting
5. Wednesday 30th June - Give Iraq Back: Sheffield protest
5. Saturday 3rd July - Peace in the Park
6. Sunday 4th July - The Ugly Bug Ball
Also this Wednesday 16th June the Sheffield Stop the War Open planning meeting to organise the June 30th Iraq 'handover' demonstrations, Peace in the Park presence and future activities, 7:30pm, St Matthews Rooms, Carver St (just up from the central fire station, down from Division st). ALL WELCOME!
And on the 17th June, The Unheard Columbia. Mario Angulo of the Black Community Process of Columbia has finally been allowed entry and will be speaking alongside Miriam Ruiz at St Matthews Rooms, 7:30pm.
1. Peace in the Park
Saturday July 3rd in Endcliffe Park
Raising money for ASSIST ( and WaterAid (
First Aiders
Helpers, Workshop leaders
Musicians, Artists
Craft/ Information/ International food stalls
Translators, Transport on the day
We have a month and a half until what promises to be Sheffield's finest festival takes place but the festival needs a team of dedicated people to see to the smooth running of the day. If you could be a steward, a willing helper or a qualified first aider email An information pack will be given to each of the stewards before the day, which will detail all of the things you may need to know, and we will have a quick briefing before the event.
If you want to have a stall or space for information, healing, crafts, books or food at Peace in the Park then please download the request sheet from
You can also get a poster to put up!
If you can, or you know someone who can donate items to the raffle please contact Carl on 07985402730
With your help and taking part this event can be a big success, £3000 has already been raised but more is needed. You can donate time or money, or just spread the word by mouth.
If you think you can sponsor or can get sponsorship,
or if you could provide activities and entertainment and the form doesn't apply,
or if you just want to get in touch and find out more,
then please email,
or ring Miriam - 07818 882 467, Peter - 07838 214 015 or Jenny - 07881 958 108.
to see more info go to
peace and love,
from us lot x
2. Saturday 19th June - Migrant Voices
Asylum seekers behind the headlines - A Banner Theatre project. Migrant voices imterweaves Middle Eastern and British musical traditions and provides insight into the causes of the global instability that makes people into refugees. It presents an emotionally charged theatrical experience to set audiences thinking about the real reasons why people abandon their homes and families to seek refuge in the west. Sponsored by Sheffield Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers.
SADACCA, 48 The Wicker, Sheffield.
Tickets £5/£2.50 conc / free for asylum seekers, donations welcome.
Ring 07989515176 for advanced bookings
Saturday 19th June 2004 at 6.00pm, food from 4:30pm
3. Thursday 24th June - War No More
Another chance to see and discuss this short film by the Movement for the Abolition of War aiming to convince people that wars are not inevitable and that conflicts - national and international - can be solved in other ways. Indeed, in this nuclear age they must be so solved if the human race is to survive (see for more details). Organised by the Campaign Against the Arms Trade, for more info contact Steve at
7pm at the Quaker Meeting House, St James Street (Just up from the Blue Moon Cafe)
4. Saturday 26th June - Leeds Demo
Demonstration in Leeds against the occupation of Iraq to coincide with the
proposed very limited hand-over of power (to be confirmed), see for more info.
And in Sheffield a mass leafleting to publicise the 30th June protest, around
the town hall, 12pm.
5. Wednesday 30th June - Give Iraq Back: Sheffield protest
Protest against the abuses of a colonial occupation, a trail of lies and
murder gaining power for our 'leaders' but in our name. The occupiers should
just go, no more rape, torture and killing. It is time to hand the control of
Iraq over to the people of Iraq. A real transfer, not the phoney handover
planned for 30th of June.
The army, police, lawmaking and finance powers will remain in the hands of the
US army, with British troops controlling large parts of Southern Iraq. The
governments of these countries must be held to account for their actions, it
is by our actions that we can Give Iraq Back to the Iraqis.
Assemble 5pm in front of the Town Hall
for more info contacts are at top of page.
6. Sunday 4th July - The Ugly Bug Ball
In South Korea recently 10,000 demonstrated at the US presence...if they can
do it - why can't we???!! It's even more important than ever that we demand
'Independence FROM America' there any chance that you could organise
transport from your end?
invite you to the Annual 'Independence FROM America' Demonstration at NSA
Menwith Hill Sunday 4 July 2004, 12 - 5pm
SPEAKERS: John Slodoba - Co-founder Iraq Body Count
Mobeen Arzad - Co-Chair Leeds Stop the War Coalition
Jean Lambert Green MEP - to be confirmed
Lindis and Anni
Joint Co-ordinators CAAB
To join the Sheffieldagainstwar update list (a few emails a month) send a blank email to: and respond to the reply you get.
And on the 17th June, The Unheard Columbia. Mario Angulo of the Black Community Process of Columbia has finally been allowed entry and will be speaking alongside Miriam Ruiz at St Matthews Rooms, 7:30pm.
1. Peace in the Park
Saturday July 3rd in Endcliffe Park
Raising money for ASSIST (

First Aiders
Helpers, Workshop leaders
Musicians, Artists
Craft/ Information/ International food stalls
Translators, Transport on the day
We have a month and a half until what promises to be Sheffield's finest festival takes place but the festival needs a team of dedicated people to see to the smooth running of the day. If you could be a steward, a willing helper or a qualified first aider email

If you want to have a stall or space for information, healing, crafts, books or food at Peace in the Park then please download the request sheet from

You can also get a poster to put up!
If you can, or you know someone who can donate items to the raffle please contact Carl on 07985402730
With your help and taking part this event can be a big success, £3000 has already been raised but more is needed. You can donate time or money, or just spread the word by mouth.
If you think you can sponsor or can get sponsorship,
or if you could provide activities and entertainment and the form doesn't apply,
or if you just want to get in touch and find out more,
then please email

or ring Miriam - 07818 882 467, Peter - 07838 214 015 or Jenny - 07881 958 108.
to see more info go to

peace and love,
from us lot x
2. Saturday 19th June - Migrant Voices
Asylum seekers behind the headlines - A Banner Theatre project. Migrant voices imterweaves Middle Eastern and British musical traditions and provides insight into the causes of the global instability that makes people into refugees. It presents an emotionally charged theatrical experience to set audiences thinking about the real reasons why people abandon their homes and families to seek refuge in the west. Sponsored by Sheffield Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers.
SADACCA, 48 The Wicker, Sheffield.
Tickets £5/£2.50 conc / free for asylum seekers, donations welcome.
Ring 07989515176 for advanced bookings
Saturday 19th June 2004 at 6.00pm, food from 4:30pm
3. Thursday 24th June - War No More
Another chance to see and discuss this short film by the Movement for the Abolition of War aiming to convince people that wars are not inevitable and that conflicts - national and international - can be solved in other ways. Indeed, in this nuclear age they must be so solved if the human race is to survive (see

7pm at the Quaker Meeting House, St James Street (Just up from the Blue Moon Cafe)
4. Saturday 26th June - Leeds Demo
Demonstration in Leeds against the occupation of Iraq to coincide with the
proposed very limited hand-over of power (to be confirmed), see

And in Sheffield a mass leafleting to publicise the 30th June protest, around
the town hall, 12pm.
5. Wednesday 30th June - Give Iraq Back: Sheffield protest
Protest against the abuses of a colonial occupation, a trail of lies and
murder gaining power for our 'leaders' but in our name. The occupiers should
just go, no more rape, torture and killing. It is time to hand the control of
Iraq over to the people of Iraq. A real transfer, not the phoney handover
planned for 30th of June.
The army, police, lawmaking and finance powers will remain in the hands of the
US army, with British troops controlling large parts of Southern Iraq. The
governments of these countries must be held to account for their actions, it
is by our actions that we can Give Iraq Back to the Iraqis.
Assemble 5pm in front of the Town Hall
for more info contacts are at top of page.
6. Sunday 4th July - The Ugly Bug Ball
In South Korea recently 10,000 demonstrated at the US presence...if they can
do it - why can't we???!! It's even more important than ever that we demand
'Independence FROM America' there any chance that you could organise
transport from your end?
invite you to the Annual 'Independence FROM America' Demonstration at NSA
Menwith Hill Sunday 4 July 2004, 12 - 5pm
SPEAKERS: John Slodoba - Co-founder Iraq Body Count
Mobeen Arzad - Co-Chair Leeds Stop the War Coalition
Jean Lambert Green MEP - to be confirmed
Lindis and Anni
Joint Co-ordinators CAAB
To join the Sheffieldagainstwar update list (a few emails a month) send a blank email to:

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