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Israeli Checkpoint at Kentish Town This Saturday - People Needed!

Solidarity | 14.06.2004 22:40

The Camden Palistine Solidarity campaign is putting on an Israeli Checkpoint in Kentish Town in an attempt to illustrate a fraction of what 'life' is like for Palestinian people living in their occupied, militarised and bantustanised homelands.

PLEASE COME and help at our refugee event,
focusing on the issue of Palestinian refugees
(with a tent and checkpoint)

WE NEED YOU to leaflet and/or man the stall and/or hold placards
and/or take part in the checkpoint activity

If you want to take part in the checkpoint, please come early (11am)

Otherwise please join us
corner of Kentish Town Rd and Leighton Road NW5
Saturday 19th June



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More Good Visual Direct Action in London Like This Is Needed!

14.06.2004 23:38

The header says it all really. I think this action sounds great and should get a lot of people stopping and looking and imagining and talking and hopefully thinking and acting more in soldiarity with those living in the hell that is Occupation and the different kind of impotent trauma of living in the occupier, oppressor state too.

mail e-mail: OccupationKillsAll


15.06.2004 09:09

Are there any Israeli bulldozers and tanks about - we could demonstrate how the Israeli army destroys people's homes and then kills the animals in the zoos for good measure too! Or if we had F16s, we could demonstrate what a precision missile attack is like on a crowded residential area!
