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Anarchy meeting at squat centre

worthing anarchist | 14.06.2004 19:23

WORTHING Anarchists will be discussing their philosophy at a meeting in
the South Coast town on Thursday night (June 17).

The event is being held from 7.45pm at 23TOPIA, the squatted social
centre in Chapel Road, which has attracted 150 members since opening
last week.
Said a Worthing Anarchists spokesman: "Although everyone has heard of
anarchy and anarchists, few people seem to have much idea what it is all
"Our aim is to provide a general introduction to this well-established
political philosophy and answer any questions."

worthing anarchist
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01.03.2006 04:02

I've written a screenplay on SPOR from a few memories I have when I hung around there in the summer of 2001. This is a very clever screenplay and I just thought I'd ask if you have any advice on hooking up with those interested in reading it.

Mark Norby
San Francisco, CA

mark William Norby
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