sustainable housing ideas
roderick | 14.06.2004 15:31 | Culture | Ecology | Social Struggles
above is the url for a corp. that provides and links to other providers of current and cutting edge tech that can/ could facilitate wood-less, safe(?), resonably priced sturdy, self assemble geodomes using composite technologies and incorperating other effiecnt understandings. the links page is good. their is also some learning bits, a good joke about the planet being our satelight and the sun being the only nuke gen' that we need!!! if you go back to the main page you also get some 'nice' jazz. now thats what i like. big love and respect to all you fine earth life sustainers. may your days be long and your futures safe.
also, there is much ground being broken in photovoltaic cells and storage devices... nrg companies are desperate to buy any extra elecy you may have coming in. in the words of 'this website'
"the future is ours to design......... :"
also, just for babble: my current fave is solar generator shingles and roofing tiles. far better than imported split slate from half way round the mother earth no?
peace out, your all beautiful