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Home festival - Free music Via captain wardrobe

Captain Wardrobe | 12.06.2004 23:30

It's festy time again instead of posting some strange scary bio-experiment news or police state rant, i want to just give some music to you as a way of thanking all who have posted replies / argued with me on the many varied posts I have made!

Captain wardrobe mini-festival

23 acoustic guitar songs by Captain wardrobe

cobbin paul

1.just set your tent up in the place where you can listen to this music, turn the heating on...!

2. try to get geared up on expensive watered down booze and fake-weak dope

3.take a piss in the corner of the room approx. every 10 mins...

4.print out the tiny photos of me and stand it at the end of the street

5.oh yeah and pay me 150 quid for the gig!!!

have fun!

[many thanks to Prajna Prnab of declare for lending us the webspace...]

Captain Wardrobe


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14.06.2004 11:19

Thanks Cap'n

Just downloading some of your niiice tunes. Was a huge fan of Neil Young but not sure about his politics no more.

Can't seem to download Ordinary Day - it sats the file doesn't exist.


should be fine now

14.06.2004 11:46

there was the age old problem of forgetting to put in
characters where the blanks were in the song titles

some servers don't let you have blanks...

god i sound like such a nerd!!!!!



Captain Wardrobe

The chill out room...

14.06.2004 12:07

...and now it's time to chill right out and relaaaaxxxx...

ambient lo-fi courtesy of ALF
imperfect electronic doodlings...

15 mp3s

get mashed fall asleep and pretend it was the best thing ever to your mates...
just like in the festivals...!!!!!

Captain Wardrobe


14.06.2004 12:17

I look forward to listening to your music for a film. I'm into filmmaking so I might ask if I can use some.

No e-mail address on your site. I'd like to contact you. I have robbed the DU article from your site (well Neil MacKay's article). Could do with some lively expression on my site's forum.


File names

14.06.2004 12:26

Hi Cap'n,

All your Sp-ambient files have the same name. I've sorted myself out (I think) but it might be a little confusing for your other fans.


Thanks Z

14.06.2004 12:35

I've sorted it,

Any one can use these tracks acoustic/ambient
for any media they wish

this is an open invitation...

to all film-makers

so get making those movies...

you have my permission
just give us a namecheck

thanks for the support Zinfandel

Captain Wardrobe


14.06.2004 13:02

is an exellent film with Jodie Foster in it...

it is also now on the updated ambient website [see above] as a word, which clicking
will enable you to send me a message....!!!!


Captain Wardrobe

change of address

11.01.2006 01:33

go here

enjoy my sily flash intro

and click on the music button
in the menu place

and lots of free music will
magically appear to your



and other sensory apparatus
