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Ronald Reagan "Gallant Leader" or "Reckless,Murdering Scum-Bag"???

k.hawley | 12.06.2004 17:52 | Repression | World

Ronald Reagan "Gallant Leader" or "Reckless,Murdering Scum-Bag"???

Ronald Reagan "Gallant Leader" or "Reckless,Murdering Scum-Bag"???

Revisionism has always been the savior/panacea for the endemic evils of American politics.The latest benefactor of this blessed,revisionism "Salvation" is Ronald Reagan.The Nationl Post called Reagan, in its headline story a "Gallant Leader"! This of course is a matter of very personal and selective opinioning.Reagan was a "Hero" to the same elite crowd that views the current inhabitant of the White House as a hero.

Ronald Ronald was lionized as a "Great Communicator" but all he was really communicating was shallow,sugary rhetoric.On the public record,President Reagan was a crass and reckless exterminator of human life which he proved over and over again from his invasion of Grenada to his support of murderous Indonesian dictator Suharto to his enthusiastic financing and arming of Central and South America "anti-democracy" dictators and their savage "Death Squads".

The evils that President Reagan pepetrated and participated in constitute a long and hate filled list. Still Reagan's (right wing corporate) supporters,ignore his many crimes and insist on idolizing him as their champion or even as some kind of demi-god.Their favourite rebuttal to any stinging and accurate documentation as to just what a liar,mass murderer and an inhuman despot Ronald Regan was, is to say: "Ronald Reagan" is solely responsible for the downfall of communism and the Evil Empire of the Soviet Union.

The truth is that communism in the Soviet Union was already well on the decline before Reagan ever took office. Whats starkly evident though is that President Reagan happily mimicked the hard line ways of the old Soviet Union by employing any kind of underhanded,fachist and totalitarian methods that were at his disposal to achieve his ends.


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