Rampart events and contact details
rampart | 11.06.2004 19:14 | Free Spaces | London

So what's new? We'll we had a baby last week, so that's added a new perspective to things.
We've had an open air free shops everyday this week with a rack of clothes and a set of shelves, placed out in the street for anyone to take what they want.
We've also got free internet access thanks to cheap wifi technology. We'll be doing a few introductory training sessions for basic IT skills in the near future and there already seems to be local interest in the idea.
We've had two film nights so far. The first of which had a couple of locals stick their heads round the door but not come in, everybody else were people we already knew. The most recent film night had none of the usual suspects but a good number of people from the local community who had seen the posters stuck up the day before.
Next week (probably on wednesday) we'll be having another film night. This time it will be a climate change themed night with 'the day after tomorrow'. We're also planning an art exhibition for next week.
There has been little or no progress with getting the cafe going. We'd love some help. We have space and loads of potential, but where is everybody?
After an unfortunate accident involving a washing machine, we've had a week or two without a mobile phone. Thankfully that's all sorted out now and the same number, 07050 618445, is available if you really need to call us (it's expensive so keep it quick).
We currently don't have an email address specifically set up to receive messages. Instead we have a mailing list to which you can post and it will be read by us and not forwarded to the rest of the subscribers. This is an interim solution, honest.
You can subscribe to the Rampart mailing list to receive information about whats happening here. Just visiting the following URL to sign up...
We don't have (and probably don't need) our own web site. We are posting all the news and events relating to the rampart on indymedia. You can bookmark the following URL for quick and easy access to the latest article or events relating to the rampart...
(a URL forward short cut for the same page is http://www.rampart.co.nr)
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