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Birmingham G8 (May 1998) pictures

Birmingham Indymedia | 11.06.2004 14:21 | G8 2005 | Culture | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Birmingham

Here are some black and white images of the Birmingham G8 protest that happened in May 1998.

Here's an interesting account of what happened on the day too

See you in Gleneagles...

Time for a change at The Bullring
Time for a change at The Bullring

Come Dancing
Come Dancing

Reclaiming the Streets
Reclaiming the Streets

Misbehaving for the Planet
Misbehaving for the Planet

Tripods - they move on wheels dontcha know?
Tripods - they move on wheels dontcha know?

Watchin rotten fruit and veg from the markets below sail towards the cops!
Watchin rotten fruit and veg from the markets below sail towards the cops!

Panorama view of the Bullring - my how its changed!
Panorama view of the Bullring - my how its changed!

Here's an interesting account of what happened on the day too

Birmingham Indymedia
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Go on! - upload your pix and film

12.06.2004 11:06

Fundamentalist Christians try to link hands
Fundamentalist Christians try to link hands

Nice hat
Nice hat

No. 50 bus
No. 50 bus

the thin blue line about to dissolve :0)
the thin blue line about to dissolve :0)

And here's some more...

Birmingham Indymedia
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Drop the Debt and the overlooked Palestinian solidarity march pics

17.05.2005 12:47

More pictures of the drop the debt march, a much overlooked solidarity march and a violent arrest. The Solidarity march happened earlier in the day.

one of imc brum
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