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The Bourgeois are on the march again!

Mike Lane | 09.06.2004 13:32 | Liverpool

If you are a member of the bourgeois left and you are reading this please try to ignore my spelling mistakes and bad punctuation. You see I am not as well educated as you chaps are. I’ve tried to use the same rhetoric as you chaps do.

What we are in the process of witnessing today is the complete and total emergence of an insidious bourgeois perspective, which is slowly permeating everything that surrounds us. The proletarian is again being oppressed in even a more insidious way than we were a hundred years ago.

Local government (which is continually watched over by the state organ: Government Office for the Regions) and all the agencies that are contained within it or work in so called “partnership” (another word that has sprang up from the bourgeois scheming oppressive perspective) with it, contain within their centre an oppressive order which has evolved in such a way as to subjugate and disempower the proletariat. Housing Associations or Registered Social Landlords (RSL’s) as they are now known, have totally deviated from their original purpose, which was to help rehouse the most vulnerable within our society; they have instead evolved into oppressive organs of the state, which are watched over by central government’s Housing Corporation, another major oppressive organ of the state. These RSL’s are now in the process of implementing a housing strategy that is geared up to further disempower and oppress the proletariat through what is now commonly known as mixed social housing. The RSL’s are being used to make mixed social housing become a reality.

Mixed social housing, i.e. the mixing in of the proletariat with the petty bourgeois and the bourgeois, is already becoming a reality in areas which have seen the mass transfer of council housing over to the many and various RSL’s, many of which are subsidiaries of the larger and more powerful RSL’s. The most perverse aspect of the issue of stock transfer is: the proletariat tenants actively participate in their own subjugation and the eventual destruction of their proletariat community by voting “yes” to stock transfers (although in many cases now the dominant bourgeois culture that exists at central government level and within the Housing Corporation are continually devising new strategies to overlook the issue of tenants being allowed to vote). The whole reason behind the transfer of public housing into the hands of the bourgeois run RSL’s is to obliterate the rented proletariat community and replace it with a community that is comprised mainly of homeowners, who being small property owners will lean more towards the dictates of the dominant culture that exists within each city or region, i.e. the ruling class and the oligarchy. The Duke of Westminster is a prime example of an oligarchic property developer who is being given carte blanche by the Liverpool City Council to do as he pleases with the Liverpool City Centre. Make no mistake about it, the Duke of Westminster is in constant contact with a bourgeois agency called Liverpool Vision, who are in turn in constant contact with the Liverpool City Council, having the council’s bourgeois chief executive sitting on their board. Vision is under constant scrutiny by Government’s Office for the Northwest Region.

The obliteration of the proletariat community is a prerequisite to the eventual withering away of the proletariat as a threatening element to this bourgeois government, which is now comprised of mainly bourgeois scheming parliamentarians. Large swathes of these former council estates are now in the process of being demolished and redeveloped with mixed social housing in mind. This so called mixed social housing will manifest itself in such a way as to have an overabundance of homeowners with a small section of any given new build estate having within its proximity a small section of rented RSL properties. i.e. if any given housing estate has 400 new build houses, 100 of those houses will be bought by an RSL to accommodate tenants the rest 300 will be for sale to perspective homeowners. Although it is expected that many of the estates that will be built on former public land (were council houses once stood) will be comprised of much smaller estates having say, 90 to 200 houses built on them with one quarter of those houses earmarked for sale to RSL’s to accommodate the proletariat who can not and never will be able to purchase a new build house. As can be seen the real reason behind the transferring of council stock to RSL’s was to steal the public land that council houses once stood on so that property developers and builders could get rich from building houses for sale on that same land. This is capitalism in its most perverse form and to think that a Labour Government is behind this and also orchestrating it at central government level. Further proof that the Labour Party is now bourgeois run party.

Not content with stealing the council housing and land from the council tenants central government are also in the process of expunging the proletariat from the inner city areas (especially areas which have been earmarked for gentrification through regeneration) were the RSL’s have thousands of old terraced houses and three storey town houses which are used as flats for the single proletariat. The repressive bourgeois RSL officers are now in the process of expunging the proletariat from these areas. They do this using the most diabolical methodology. They patiently wait until the tenants vacate the properties and then they board up the terraced houses and make them ready for demolition, even thought they do not warrant being demolished. The terraced houses that are not demolished are boarded up with the intention of refurbishing them and selling many of them off at a knock down price to demolition homeowners. The rest, about one quarter, just like on the new build estates, are relet to the proletariat tenant. The same process takes place in relation to the flat dwellers. The RSL patiently waits and when the tenants leave the town house is boarded up. (Many of these town houses will be refurbished and sold off to the rich bourgeois yuppy). If any tenant or tenants decide to stay in a multi let town house property the scheming bourgeois RSL housing officers offer them what is called a relocation fee of £3,000. If the tenants refuse, what is in effect a sweetener payment, pressure is brought to bear on them with threats of eviction. They are then given the standard three offers in areas, which have been earmarked as ghettos to rehouse the proletarian tenant in.

The bourgeois left wing are aware of this diabolical behaviour by the bourgeois RSL’s, but as the bourgeois left always does, they refuse to even acknowledge what is happening. Many of the petty bourgeois and bourgeois left, as well as working in all the organs of local and central government, also work for these RSL’s.

As a proletariat left-winger and a member of a national proletariat party I would like to take this opportunity of saying that we are aware of what is happening and are in the process of campaigning against what these RSL’s and the Housing Corporation are up to.

Mike Lane
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Cathedral Walk

09.06.2004 15:37

I've spoken to residents in Cathedral Court who are in some of the last remaining council homes in the city centre (although some are being purchased through the right to buy scheme). They don't know anything but they suspect that this "gentrification" process in the city centre is going to see them pushed out to Smithdown Road.

If anyone has any information, inside or outside, please let us know so residents can be kept informed.

Peter Cranie
mail e-mail:


09.06.2004 16:46

Keep going on your social houses, i'm sure you'll change society in that way...


What is happening elsewhere is now happening here...

10.06.2004 16:25

In some parts of Africa, where the Masaii tribespeople where, they were basically chased off their land so huge complexes could be built for wealthy Western tourists. We are now undergoing this process in England.

Injustice here, injustice everywhere.

Those who are complicit, are in the process of losing their souls, and any values or morals they had. Those silent, are almost as bad. Those who are being railroaded in this way, well they are the victims in all of this. Is it a class issue? A wealth issue? Who can say? Where is truth to be found? Where is justice to be found?



14.06.2004 10:27

Could you fit any more mentions of "bourgeois" in there?

Just what is wrong with homeowners?

Leon Victor Auguste

Private property

14.06.2004 13:02

Actually, "Bourgeois" isn't a group, it's the way a group lives. The title should really be "The Bourgeoisie are on the march again."

Q: "Just what is wrong with homeowners?"
A: "Property is theft."
