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Apartheid Wall, Palestine: Women And Girls Lead Blocking of Bulldozers, AzZawiya

international womens peace service palestine | 07.06.2004 15:11 | Anti-militarism | Repression

An eight-year-old girl stood under the blade of a digger on Monday, as women
and children stopped the uprooting of olive trees on Az Zawiya land for
nearly one hour.

Bulldozers began cutting and uprooting trees on Sunday night and by morning,
hundreds of trees had been laid waste. Several hundred villagers gathered in
the village at 9:00 a.m. and attempted to march to the land, but were
blocked by seven jeeps of soldiers and border police who threw sound
grenades and shot rubber bullets, injuring at least one person.

A small group of women and girls, accompanied by internationals, made their
way around the soldiers and reached the land where bulldozers were working.
Though the soldiers attempted to push them back, the women were persistent
and small girls sat and stood by the trees meant to be uprooted. After
repeatedly threatening to run the women down, the bulldozer drivers finally
turned off their engines, but after about forty-five minutes, soldiers threw
tear gas and dispersed the group.

Contractors, army and border police were confronted by a group of women and
men in a second area. They again used tear gas, sound grenades and fired
shots in the air to prevent the group from stopping the work. This group
included Israeli activists as well as villagers and internationals, who
remained on the land until early afternoon.

The wall will leave the village of Az Zawiya with only 775 dunums, or 90% of
their agricultural land. The village will lose access to around 24,000
dunums where they grew olive trees, almond trees, and carried out intensive
cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses.

They have already lost land to road expropriations for settler highway no.
5, for settlement building, for military facilities and training grounds.

They will be imprisoned in their village. Az Zawiya is one of 3 neighbouring
villages that will be in the same enclave - the other two are Rafat and Deir
Ballut. The village of Az Zawiya has requested an ongoing international and
Israeli presence to help them prevent the destruction of their community.
Plans are being made for a peace camp similar to that held in Mas'ha last

Photos and video are available from IWPS and will be viewable later today at

For more Information contact:
The International Women's Peace Service (IWPS)
Office: 09-2516-644 Mobile: 055 854 988/067 870 198

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Hide the following 8 comments

This is why Jews need Israel!

07.06.2004 16:39

Anti-semitic attacks are on the rise again across Europe:
"Attacks against Jews and their property have escalated to an alarming extent. The French Jewish community (at 600,000, the second-largest Jewish population outside of Israel) is living in a state of anxiety. Hostile acts against Jews are posted weekly on the Web site of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (, and on, a government hate-crime report center. Here are just a few examples from the last few weeks:

A 14-year-old boy wearing a yarmulke came out of the Ourq metro station and was followed by two young men. They called him a "dirty Jew" and robbed him in front of a crowd of witnesses. The men knocked the boy down, beat him on the head and broke his nose. The boy begged for help from passers-by, who simply walked away.

In central Paris, a teacher from a Jewish school was beaten up by young men, who ripped the Star of David from the teachers neck and trampled her. They called her a "dirty Jew" and lit her hair on fire. They also told her, "We're going to burn all you Jews."

A group of four young men interrupted a class in the auditorium of the University Medical School of Saint-Antoine in Paris. They yelled, "We're going to kill all the Jews" and, "We're armed and we're going to take you all down."

When a Jewish student confronted the men they beat him and robbed him.
The professor who was teaching the class said nothing and the men walked out without a care while the class looked on in silence. The dean of the University has been told of the situation but has not yet responded.

On the walls of the Rue Des Rosiers (in the Marais, the Jewish quarter), once again there are signs of the Star of David in yellow paint accompanied by the slogan, "And don't forget the showers of Zyclon," referring to the gas used in Nazi death camps. Also in Paris, a 12-year-old girl coming out of a Jewish school was attacked by two men. They beat her, held her down and slashed her face with a box cutter. They carved a swastika into her face and walked away."

This proves why the Jews need their own country where they can be safe.


Trolling nonsense

07.06.2004 18:25

The IWPS didn't suggest 'the jews don't need Israel' - You've trolled a completely irrelevant response, evidently without even reading the article. Keep it up, you're not convincing anyone :-)


segregation is not the answer

07.06.2004 18:40

Surely there must be a better way to protect Jews in all countries than separating like this person suggests? ie Israel. Imagine every persecuted group decided to start their own nation- a nightmare scenario! For example, black people in the USA were oppressed yet they did not move to another country, they worked hard to overcome this oppression. Or what about gay people, who were imprisoned in this country until the 1960s, can you imagine if they had all decided to form their own state?

Paul C


07.06.2004 19:00

A nation-state does not bring security. Tell me that the middle-east is a safer place for Jews than Europe and the US, now, and see if you can do it while keeping a straight face.



08.06.2004 06:12

Israel is currently a lot safer than France is for Jews - pogroms, rapes, murders, maimings of Jews by Muslims and white neo-nazis and vandalism or destruction of synagogues by Muslims and white neo-nazis are daily events in France. The problem is escalating because fascist sympathisers blame the victims.

straight face


08.06.2004 12:52

... "pogroms, rapes, murders, maimings of Jews" ... in France an everyday occurance???

.. And in 50 years time there will be laws against suggesting that these claims are a little exaggerated ..

. and this is why the Palestinian schoolgirls are wrong to resist the destruction of their property, inheritence, trees and lives?

Running out of excuses or what!

karen elliot

Inflation? No...

08.06.2004 15:45

In my opinion, Karen Eliott is the most vicious Jew hating racist currently active on Indymedia UK. At least 'Angry Manc' keeps his racial prejudices to himself and keeps his spiteful invective aimed at the Israeli government rather than all Jews in general.

And yes, Karen, I doubt there is a day that goes by in France without an act of violence against Jews, whether that is verbal violence, the symbolic violence of vandalising a synagogue or the violence of rape and murder.

straight face

it would be funny

09.06.2004 10:53

It would be funny if it were not so serious, these dire alligations left hanging in the air:

"pogroms, rapes, murders, maimings of Jews" - being an everyday occurance in France (and presumably everyother place in which the boot is not on the other foot - as it were)!

The evidence is sketchy to say the least - and that does not include the analysis of its collecting methods, the existance and proof of 'made up' or 'self inflicted' incidents (yes, it does seem bizzare, but there are those who go to the length of portraying or indulging themselves as victims of non-existant attacks!!!) nor the contrived manner in which such evidence is stretched to both exagerate and to silence potential critics of israel.

A typical example:

"In my opinion, Karen Eliott is the most vicious Jew hating racist currently active on Indymedia UK."

A opinion maybe, just not a very nice one, based more, as it is, on the need to silence opposition to the most vicious non-jew hating racists currently active on - the planet!

Another opinion:

"I doubt there is a day that goes by in France without an act of violence against Jews".

You may doubt it, but what is not beyond doubt is that there are attacks on every segment of society from every other segment of society - and always has been. Only a fascist outlook would see one set of attacks as a justification for continuing the fascist actions that are bringing the name of jews around the world in to disrepute

What is also not in doubt is that segements of jewish society are as deeply opposed to the fascism of israel as any segments of non-jewish society. Does this make them the most vicious self-haters?

The trouble really begins when individuals feign alligence to one ideal (democratic, plural and inclusive idealogies) but act almost exclusively for another (tribal/ethnic/religious cults).

I don't give a fig what god you want to bow to, nor how you dress, look or sound when you do it. What I do mind is when you justify theft and murder on the basis of an imagianary concession from an imaginary god. Or if it is not god, but some inate sense of superiority that allows you to justify such actions as being acceptable, then equally I MIND!

There is a growing understanding in leftist/alterantive circles of how anti-semitism has been hijacked, co-opted and appropriated to serve as a barrier to understanding the sickness that is zionism - little more than a rerun with different hats of the racial policies and ideas of fascists throughout the ages. These hysterical alligations are part of that process of victimisation/differentation/division.

Everybody is special and choosen - which is to say nobody is. Anyone, thing or creed that says otherwise must eventually face the music. You could try putting your fingers in your ears and going blah blah blah if you can't.

karen elliot