Video of decapitated U.S. citizen in Iraq staged by the CIA
Zinfandel | 07.06.2004 09:08 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Indymedia | London
The video showing the alleged decapitation of U.S. citizen Nicholas Berg by an Islamic group was initially transmitted by the U.S. networks Fox News and CNN, and the BBC.
Granma International English Edition: Havana. June 3, 2004
It was announced on May 12 and caused an international storm. The next day its "authenticity" was confirmed by the CIA, which stated that Jordanian "terrorist" Abu Moussab Zarkaui was the author of the decapitation.
The existence of the video – according to various sources – was reported by correspondents from Reuters in Dubai on May 12.
Supposedly, and without knowing who told them, one hour later the networks Fox, CNN and the BBC downloaded footage from the htpp:// and its worldwide circulation began.
Mysteriously and after the images were downloaded by the three main networks, the video "disappeared" from the server where it was placed, so that the other networks, including the Arab ones, were unable to transmit the material.
That situation led to the monopoly of diffusion being centralized in Fox News, CNN and the BBC, identified by the experts as traditional CIA media plants.
The Internet site where the video was originally placed belongs to a society based in Malaysia, which has gone offline; thus the video no longer exists.
The name of the domain, or ownership of the Internet address belonged to Arab Press House, a London-based press society with no Islamic links whatsoever.
It was announced on May 12 and caused an international storm. The next day its "authenticity" was confirmed by the CIA, which stated that Jordanian "terrorist" Abu Moussab Zarkaui was the author of the decapitation.
The existence of the video – according to various sources – was reported by correspondents from Reuters in Dubai on May 12.
Supposedly, and without knowing who told them, one hour later the networks Fox, CNN and the BBC downloaded footage from the htpp:// and its worldwide circulation began.
Mysteriously and after the images were downloaded by the three main networks, the video "disappeared" from the server where it was placed, so that the other networks, including the Arab ones, were unable to transmit the material.
That situation led to the monopoly of diffusion being centralized in Fox News, CNN and the BBC, identified by the experts as traditional CIA media plants.
The Internet site where the video was originally placed belongs to a society based in Malaysia, which has gone offline; thus the video no longer exists.
The name of the domain, or ownership of the Internet address belonged to Arab Press House, a London-based press society with no Islamic links whatsoever.
Hide the following 3 comments
07.06.2004 10:11
"...according to what both a leading surgical authority and a noted forensic death expert separately told Asia Times Online, the video depicting the decapitation appears to have been staged.
"I certainly would need to be convinced it [the decapitation video] was authentic," Dr John Simpson, executive director for surgical affairs at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, said from New Zealand. Echoing Dr Simpson's criticism, when this journalist asked forensic death expert Jon Nordby, PhD and fellow of the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators, whether he believed the Berg decapitation video had been "staged", Nordby replied: "Yes, I think that's the best explanation of it."
""The way that they pulled him over, they could have used a dummy at that point," reflected Simpson regarding what the video portrayed. "
"Among the many curiosities raised on the web about the fanatical five are:
· They are well-fed, fidgety, and reveal glimpses of white skin.
· Their Arabic is heavily accented (Russian, Jordanian, Egyptian).
· An aside in Russian had been translated as "do it quickly".
· One character wears wears bulky white tennis shoes.
· The man on the far left stands in the familiar "at ease" military posture.
· The men's scarves are worn and tied by people who "haven't a clue", says conspiracy theorist Hector Carreon, like actors in Hollywood movies.
· There is even a voice at the end that seems to ask in English, "How will it be done?" [
None of this proves a grand conspiracy, but it does raise questions. In the final segment of the tape, Berg is thrown to the ground, but doesn't move. During the decapitation, starting at the front of the throat, there is little sign of blood. The scream is wildly out of sync, sounds female, and is obviously dubbed."
and you are entitled to your opinion
07.06.2004 10:30
It maybe that [your] opinion is that to question the providence of this video is in itself an indication of an unbalance mind, but it is unusual, to say the least, for an unbalanced mind to present evidence and reliable sources for such.
What do you present? An hysterical opinion of your own, based on the belief system that anyone outside of the closely guarded and vetted rarified media club that dares to offer differing interpretations on the issues of the day, is in fact offering up a conspiracy theory? Forgetting the literal meaning of the word 'conspiracy' (it seems out of place somehow to actually use a word for what it means!) your point rests on the notion that to beleive or question anything outside of that which we are ment to passivly recieve, is to be mentally unhinged.
Well here is another outrageous conspiracy theory for you to shout down:
... you are a plant. A hoax. You are in the employment of the security services and your job here is to disrupt by any means necessary, the free flow of ideas information and facts. You use several names, whether it be jamie, sceptic, bullshit buster or whatever.
Perhaps your interest is so little stimulated, or that your intelligence can't quite grasp the effect of your actions - perhaps you don't care a toss and do it anyway - but your contributions actually invite the opposite reaction to that which (it seems) you desire. This is good. I request that you continue to [non]contribute silly little rebutals like this - perhaps you could be more scathing, or diverge more wildly from the known and deducable facts, the odd 'if you don't like it here, go live in Russia/Iran/etc etc would be welcome also - for they have a positive outcome:
... people become motivated to investigate for themselves.
And when they do, guess what? They will be questioning even more.
ah just ignore
07.06.2004 13:19
And familiar.
Still 'if you want a free speech site, go an live in russia or something' rant ...
The war on Terra and its battles are largely defined by the mass media, anything that strays to far from these imposed concepts is fighting from the backfoot from the start ...
.. and when you get 'alternative' sites dissapearing at a regular rate, plugs being pulled, quite words had with those timid enough to be moved, sponsors being lent on etc etc ...
... we could do without do-gooders, the politically correct and the politically inept deciding for us what we can see ...
... still we have the choice to go elsewhere don't we ...