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Rocket Ronnie is Dead

Gone With The Wind | 05.06.2004 21:52

Reagan is dead

Ronald ( Rocket Rayguns)Reagan has died aged 93 around 93.0 GMT at home in the US. Maggies
partner in crime had been suffering from alzheimers for the past 10 years. He helped to smooth in the free market excess we have today ( and the escalation of the arms race with the Star Wars programme as well as his early years hunting 'commies') with help from Maggie and her 'thinktank' amongst others. I imagine a lot of people are waiting for Thatcher & Nancy to hurry up and join him.

Gone With The Wind


Display the following 17 comments

  1. No gloating — British Liberal
  2. misplaced sympathy — tekno anarchist
  3. Hope he died in a lot of pain — Jon
  4. you are forgetting — jackslucid
  5. US emigration — pir
  6. Bunch of sick disgusting freaks — Jamie
  7. Oh boo-hoo for Ronnie — Fuck you
  8. Some quotes to remember him by — Ian
  9. Iran-Contra — Stephen
  10. R.I.P. — Winston Smith
  11. does anyone know who painted this??? — IMF
  12. Bunch of sick disgusting freaks — (A)
  13. Ladbrokes Latest — Sick disgusting freak
  14. R.R. — V.Ulyanov
  15. Laughable Liberalism!! — Andy
  16. Fuck him and his kind — PUK
  17. yes (A) — tekno anarchist