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Nine Ladies activists confront Lord Edward

ss | 04.06.2004 12:47 | Ecology | Sheffield

Visitors to Haddon Hall, North Derbyshire, were today alerted to the intention of its owner, Lord Edward Manners, to destroy a large area of natural habitat adjoining the famous Nine Ladies stone circle through opencast quarrying.

Banner blocks entrance to Haddon Hall
Banner blocks entrance to Haddon Hall

Lord Edward listens
Lord Edward listens

corporate media record the dialogue
corporate media record the dialogue

Haddon was visited by people living on the potential quarry site,
together with a group from Doing It Up North, two corporate media
crews and several vans of police. A banner was displayed at the
entrance and Lord Edward, who will make immense profits from the
quarrying rights, came out to hold a lengthy conversation with
the protesters.

Lord Edward made an undertaking to visit protesters in their
homes at the Nine Ladies site to discuss matters further. He
invited people who wanted to enter the dialogue to contact him
through the details on the Haddon Hall website. These are:

Haddon Hall, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1LA
Telephone: 01629 812855
Fax: 01629 814379

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and manners said...?

04.06.2004 13:47

could someone from the action post a little more info here please?! just wanted to know more about what Manners said, when he proposed to visit 9 ladies, how long he was there for, how many people went on this visit etc.

en-golf the rich


04.06.2004 14:10

numbers who came on protest not important methinks for news item, but I'm interested in if he owns the quarrying company or quite what his connection is?



Manners involvment

04.06.2004 14:21

"As part of the Lease agreement, the landowner, Lord Edward Manners, receives £30 for each ton of rock extracted. If the quarry goes ahead Haddon Hall will make around £100 million."
