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"The “British Imperialism” Conspiracy is really Jewish Talmudism"

Report9112001 | 03.06.2004 20:40 | Social Struggles | World

Henry`s latest article, “The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism “ over at could be subtitled “It`s not just the Jews, and it`s not all jews!”. Why blame a certain race of people? Is Henry blaming the people of the British Isles? Of course not…he is blaming the British money power that runs the British government, and as he admits, the Rothschilds are a key component.

One common way that this whole fruitful line of discussion is often sidetracked is by noting that the Bank of England was formed in the year 1694. Nathan Amschel Rothschild was not even born until 18, and the first Rothschild Merchant Bank was not created until the early 1800s, approximately one hundred and ten years later. The implication is that the idea of Central Banking was not a jewish idea of jewish conspiracy…rather, it was a British invention.

This ignores the fact that the intial Bank of England was not a true Central Bank in the modern sense of the word. Only after Nathan Rothschild had made his fortune at Waterloo, did he began to exert pressure on the British government to make changes which allowed him to take control of the Bank of England.

Furthermore, Jews had a history on money lending in England previous to Rothschild, coupled with a history of expulsions for the perception of abuse of this practice. In short, The Sephardic bankers of Holland had orchestrated and then financed the rise to power of Oliver Cromwell, who allowed the Jews to resurface in England, and then William, Duke of Orange, who chartered the Bank of England as a means of repayment to his benefactors. By leveraging their capital stock in the British East (Sepharad) India Company with their existing holdings in the Dutch West (Ashkenaz) India. Modern central banking in simply the latest and most effective method that these modern day money changers have invented to press a crown of debt onto the brow of collective non-jewish humanity.

The “British Imperialism” Conspiracy is really Jewish Talmudism

Henry`s latest article, “The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism “ over at could be subtitled “It`s not just the Jews, and it`s not all jews!”. Of course, as a jew himself, Henry knows that not all jews are in on the Rothchild Protocols to set up a jewish dominated worldwide government (although many of them are, and are indeed anti-gentile, anti-christian, act as spies for Mossad and the ADL, and financially are the beneficiaries of the Rothschild Plan…), with it`s plans to move the financial powerbase from The City of London to Jerusalem, where the jewish Temple will be rebuilt, and a one-world Masonic (read Talmudic) religion will be inaugurated. And at first glance, the title of Henry`s article seems to imply that he is blaming the people of the British Isles? Why blame a certain race of people? Is Henry blaming the people of the British Isles? Of course not…he is blaming the British money power that runs the British government, and as he admits, the Rothschilds are a key component.

But of course he stops there, content to let everyone know that it`s not just the Jews, and it`s not all jews… but widely known basic historical evidence points back to the jewish leaders via Shylock, via the Magna Carta, via repeated expulsions in country after country in Europe (supposedly always for “religious persecution”, but actually for the rage the gentile commoners felt at being lorded over financially by financially dominant jews in country after country), via Jesus public confrontation with the MoneyChangers in the Temple, who learned their craft so well in Babylon... where they also codified Talmud, the new form of jewish Government which allowed jews to continue to exist in exile without the access to Temple worship.

One common way that this whole fruitful line of discussion is often sidetracked is by noting that the Bank of England was formed in the year 1694. Nathan Amschel Rothschild was not even born until 18, and the first Rothschild Merchant Bank was not created until the early 1800s, approximately one hundred and ten years later. The implication is that the idea of Central Banking was not a jewish idea of jewish conspiracy…rather, it was a British invention.

This ignores the fact that the intial Bank of England was not a true Central Bank in the modern sense of the word. Only after Nathan Rothschild had made his fortune at Waterloo, did he began to exert pressure on the British government to make changes which allowed him to take control of the Bank of England.

Furthermore, Jews had a history on money lending in England previous to Rothschild, coupled with a history of expulsions for the perception of abuse of this practice. In short, The Sephardic bankers of Holland had orchestrated and then financed the rise to power of Oliver Cromwell, who allowed the Jews to resurface in England, and then William, Duke of Orange, who chartered the Bank of England as a means of repayment to his benefactors. By leveraging their capital stock in the British East (Sepharad) India Company with their existing holdings in the Dutch West (Ashkenaz) India. Modern central banking in simply the latest and most effective method that these modern day money changers have invented to press a crown of debt onto the brow of collective non-jewish humanity.
The Jews have always known themselves to be the "Chosen People". It was out of sheer necessity that they acquired their aptitude for assimilation along with a unique self-governing capability; and once developed, this power was not limited in its application. It also enabled them to function as a parasite within their several host countries, to "suck the milk of nations", to and conquer nations from within.
The Book of Esther is a blueprint for this kind of political subversion, as also the career of Joseph who, having first collected all the grain surplus in Egypt for seven years, took advantage of a famine to create a money-crisis:
"And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh's house.
"And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in your presence? for the money faileth.
"And Joseph said, Give your cattle; and I will give you [grain] for your cattle, if money fail.
"And they brought their cattle unto Joseph: and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds, and for the asses: and he fed them with bread for all their cattle for that year.
"When that year was ended, they came unto him that second year, and said unto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; there is not ought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands:
"Wherefore we shall die before thine eyes, both we and our land? buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh: and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the land be not desolate.
"And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them; so the land became Pharaoh's.
"And as for the people, he removed them to the cities from one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof.
Genesis 47, 14-21
King James Version
"And he removed the people (the Native Egyptians) to the cities" ... exactly what is being done to every country today, while cheap immigrant labor is imported in. The United States is being destroyed in exactly the same way as Ancient Egypt was – by amalgamation!
How remarkably like the Federal Reserve. Even as I write this, the process is being replicated against the Asian nations through the IMF bailout of their sudden monetary crisis, and also against the Europeans, whose destiny is shackled to the ECU. Britain and America (North, Central and South) are already in the hands of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Warburgs, and so only Sweden and Denmark remain aloof, for the present. And Switzerland is paying reparations, not to deny that they, too, have their great Jewish banking houses.
The Jews from early on had become the masters of mammon, the supreme power over men, and they learned the secret of its creation, which is the power to instill faith in money. This knowledge, combined with their deeply esoteric nature and peculiar instinct for racial survival, turned them into a vampire nation.
Just as Joseph had delivered Egypt unto Pharaoh, America was handed over to the Jews. As Mordecai, in the Book of Esther, had plotted the overthrow of Aman the antisemite and subverted the kingdom of Xerxes, the Illuminati, agents of He-Khabbalot Yahudim, managed to subvert the Freemasons and the institutions that they had so carefully constructed. Just as the Cabal in ancient Babylon twice betrayed that city, opening its gates first to Cyrus the Mede and later to Darius the Persian, so He-Khabbalot have thrown open our gates to admit, first the Jews, and then the tide of third-world migration.
"But the Illuminati are not all Jews," you say. And that is correct. We were not betrayed by the Jews…we are betrayed to the Jews…

Having said all this, let`s return to the discussion of Central Banking as it is currently practiced in the United States. The Fed first issues the currency to the affiliated chartered banks at a minimal fee. The government then creates bonds and treasury bills and pays a brokerage fee to issue them. The government then sells them at the current compounded interest rate on the open market. The banks, who invest heavily in the bonds, receive immense profits by using the currency originally issued, at a minimal fee, from the Treasury through the Federal Reserve. A 1 million dollar loan that was borrowed on the direct IOU system would result in a debt of about 1.2 million dollars , assuming a 1.5 percent administrative fee. The same loan under the Fed would result in $223 million…based on a 7% interest rate, using the Feds mechanics of usary and fractional reserve banking.

The solution is not expulsion of the jews. The solution is to have all our government needs issued as an IOU to the Treasury rather than the current practice of Federal Reserve Central Banking, which relies on usary and fractional reserve techniques.

The process (to have all our government needs issued as an IOU to the Treasury rather than the current practice of Federal Reserve Central Banking).
The return to the IOU system is what both Solon of Athens and Lycurgus of Sparta instituted to free their city states from the Babylonian banking controls ruining their respective city states.
That History would repeat itself….

------------------------- short history of jews in england----------------
The Jews entered England in 1066 A.D ( the same year that the Jews were expelled from the Kingdom of Granada), following William the Conqueror. In the course of a generation, Jews establish communities in London, York, Bristol, Canterbury, and begin to prosper by trading, lending money to the baronage, and by advancing money to the Crown in order to secure the revenues of the Government. The Jews in Britain, who had mostly arrived during the eleventh century from France, and had long acted as bankers to the ruling and business classes (as they were permitted to lend money at interest whereas Christians were not). Edward I developed a new system of banking using Italian cash advances by 1275, and a statute was issued (1272-1307) forbidding this practice. Jews were banish from England this king in 1290. The first evidence of Jews in Tudor England after the expulsion is in 1494. Under Henry VIII and Edward VI, small numbers of Spanish and Portuguese Conversos (Jewish converts to Christianity) worshiped secretly as Jews in London and Bristol. Then, a plot to kill Queen Elizabeth by her jewish physician (Rodrigo Lopez) was uncovered in 1594. Lopez was executed, and Anglo Jewry then fled to the Low Countries, often disguised as Spanish or Portuguese Roman Catholics. William Shakespeare’s famous play about a Jewish moneylender, The Merchant of Venice, was first acted out in 1597.
Sephardic Jews of Italy ran into trouble with Catholic authorities, and found Turkey and Holland to be the resettlement areas of choice. In Amsterdam, they built the largest synagogue in the world outside of Israel. It was also in Amsterdam (Holland) that the movement originated for a legal re-establishment of the Jews in England from which Jews had been strictly excluded since 1290. In 1655, Rabbi Manasseh Ben Israel begin to negotiate with Oliver Cromwell for re-admission of the Jews into England. And so it was that the first person to readmit Jews into England was Oliver Cromwell( originating from landed-aristocracy), who came to power in 1649. Cromwell, however, did not dare openly to bring about a change generally hateful to the English clergy and nation. Under Charles II (d. 1685), the Jews stole insensibly into the kingdom, where they have ever since maintained their footing. The marriage of Catherine of Braganza to Charles II gave the Jews even greater stability. She brought to England from Amsterdam, two Jewish bankers, the brothers Duarte and Fransisco da Sylva, who were to manage the dowry she had bought with her to England. The revolution of 1688 which brought William of Orange to the throne, following the abdication of James II. The result of the Revolution of 1688, which gave power to the men of the landowning and monied classes of England, along with the incoming jewish class These changes also encouraged further immigration, at first from Holland but later from countries further to the east, from Germany, Lithuania and Poland. It was from this immigration at the end of the 17th century which saw the growth of the Ashkenazim community, which eventually was to cause the Sephardim to decline, with the regard to the comparison of numbers, to insignificance. King William III (king from 1688 to 1702) was a money-changer from Holland. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, England spent a hugh amount of money helping the Hollanders to throw off the Spanish yoke. Their reward was the Bank of Rome controlled William of Orange. The Bank of "England" was chartered in 1694 by this same King William of Orange. In short, The Sephardic bankers of Holland had orchestrated and then financed the rise to power of Oliver Cromwell, who allowed the Jews to resurface in England, and then William, Duke of Orange, who chartered the Bank of England as a means of repayment to his benefactors. By leveraging their capital stock in the British East (Sepharad) India Company with their existing holdings in the Dutch West (Ashkenaz) India Company, the Jews soon gained control of the capital stock of the Bank of England.
At the beginning of the 17th century, the British Empire was rising toward the pinnacle of global power, assisted by its allies, the Jewish Nation. It was Oliver Cromwell who first agreed to let the Jews back into England, in return for their financing the English civil wars. Under William, Duke of Orange, the trickle of Jewish immigration to England became a torrent, again the result of a financial agreement. The power of the British Crown was already deeply intermingled with that of Freemasonry, whose design was to make America into a Masonic New Sion: the Anglican counterfeit, if you will, of the New Jerusalem in the ancient Hebrew Prophecies and also in the Christian Book of Revelation.

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