via capt wardrobe | 03.06.2004 16:38
the web has been buzzing ever since someone calling himself Aussie bloke started posting messages:
is it a hoax?
is it psyops run out from mental propaganda lab of John Alexanders* ???
[*non-lethal weaponry guru and UFO paranormal propagandist]
I sure hope so...
caution do not read if startled by doom and gloom!
is it a hoax?
is it psyops run out from mental propaganda lab of John Alexanders* ???
[*non-lethal weaponry guru and UFO paranormal propagandist]
I sure hope so...
caution do not read if startled by doom and gloom!
Is The End Of The World As We
Know It Right Around The Corner?
sure I know it is a nutty evangelist website:
Although the information in this article points to "apocalyptic" events within a month's time frame, unless the Anti-Christ is revealed to the entire world in June, we believe they will not occur. Why? We believe a pre-tribulation rapture event will take place but in order for it to take place, scripture points out that the Anti-Christ will be revealed to the world before this rapture occurs. Therefore, unless the entire world is introduced to the Anti-Christ in June, we have to believe these events will not be taking place, so you should rest safely on that. The coincidences are incredible though and do lead one to check your salvation. Lastly, be it one month away, or one thousand years away from God's wrath upon the earth and its inhabitants, God will not pour His wrath out upon His children and that is the comfort all those who are His can have. With that, here is the article.
Aussie Bloke
1:12 am EDT
As I keep saying...LOOK TO THE SKIES! It would seem some people out there are doing this...keep it up...but I must warn you all of something. The last time I told EXACTLY what I know the forum I posted it on was shut down and another one was so screwed up with virus freaks that it lost the plot. I cannot say which forum it was because if I do they will be onto me and shut this one down too...and that would be a real shame. This forum so far has been one of the best. Lots of different people with different opinions and some of you actually have brains and functioning eyeballs. Hopefully some of you have a decent set of lenses and a good dose of common sense. DON'T believe the crap the government keeps throwing at you. I used to work for them...I know how they operate. Just keep on looking...its there...nasty....real...and imminent. Its only a matter of time now.
I will post a SWAN pic of the three comets (the third one is an anomaly - not certain what it is). Here’s the link to the pic:
much more at:
Is this psyops intended as double bluff?
a false staged armegeddon?
to inspire a theocratic state of martial law?
more weirness here:
strangeness abounds
Know It Right Around The Corner?
sure I know it is a nutty evangelist website:
Although the information in this article points to "apocalyptic" events within a month's time frame, unless the Anti-Christ is revealed to the entire world in June, we believe they will not occur. Why? We believe a pre-tribulation rapture event will take place but in order for it to take place, scripture points out that the Anti-Christ will be revealed to the world before this rapture occurs. Therefore, unless the entire world is introduced to the Anti-Christ in June, we have to believe these events will not be taking place, so you should rest safely on that. The coincidences are incredible though and do lead one to check your salvation. Lastly, be it one month away, or one thousand years away from God's wrath upon the earth and its inhabitants, God will not pour His wrath out upon His children and that is the comfort all those who are His can have. With that, here is the article.
Aussie Bloke
1:12 am EDT
As I keep saying...LOOK TO THE SKIES! It would seem some people out there are doing this...keep it up...but I must warn you all of something. The last time I told EXACTLY what I know the forum I posted it on was shut down and another one was so screwed up with virus freaks that it lost the plot. I cannot say which forum it was because if I do they will be onto me and shut this one down too...and that would be a real shame. This forum so far has been one of the best. Lots of different people with different opinions and some of you actually have brains and functioning eyeballs. Hopefully some of you have a decent set of lenses and a good dose of common sense. DON'T believe the crap the government keeps throwing at you. I used to work for them...I know how they operate. Just keep on looking...its there...nasty....real...and imminent. Its only a matter of time now.
I will post a SWAN pic of the three comets (the third one is an anomaly - not certain what it is). Here’s the link to the pic:

much more at:

Is this psyops intended as double bluff?
a false staged armegeddon?
to inspire a theocratic state of martial law?
more weirness here:

strangeness abounds
via capt wardrobe
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