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Do Summat... Have a picnic (Outdoor meeting)

Do Summat | 03.06.2004 14:22

Do Summat outdoor meeting @ All Saints Park, Friday 4th June, 6pm

Hey all,

Do Summat are having an outdoor meeting on Friday 4th June to discuss ideas and plan actions for the summer. People have been mentioning club nights, subvertising workshops and actions, more Get Clued Up events, community events and loads of other stuff, so we're having a big general meeting type thing to have a bit of a natter and decide on some things to do over the summer.

Given that lovely weather is possible, we'll be meeting in All Saints Park on Oxford road at 6pm and talking about all this stuff while lounging in the sun. If the mancunian rain decrees a sun-drenched chillout is not to be, we shall move to Sandbar just across the road (if you don't know it just ask around, if we do move there will probably be someone still at all saints park pointing the way for latecomers).

If you've never been to a Do Summat event before, please do! We need lots of people with energy and passion!

We'll have a little sign or something so that if you don't know who we are you'll be able to find us.

Hope to see lots of you there!

PS Feel free to bring picnicy stuff and pop and crisps to make it a nice little party!

Do Summat
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03.06.2004 17:10

... and some of us are goin to the circus afterwards in hulme so the meetin will only be lastin fer an hour.. so dont worry bout havin to commit yerself to a massively drwan out ting... and come to the circus after.. yeyepypeyep...x

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