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Respect Sex Segregation

Gustav | 01.06.2004 18:54 | Analysis

George Galloway's Respect coalition has come into further criticism after this weekends meeting at the Leeds Islamic Centre. Although attendance at the meeting was high it was spoiled by Respect stewards insisting that muslim men and women sit on opposite sides of the room.

The respect website describes the meeting as a "wonderful event" -obviously E for equality in Respects title does not extend to muslim women.

This comes after last months public meeting where leading Respect candidates announced they would vote in favour of anti-abortion laws in the Euro-Parliment and would refuse to support legislation forcibly extending womens rights to the accession countries of europe.

In Birmingham Respect is embroiled in a further row after a homophobic leaflet was jointly published by Respect and BJP. The leaflet -which was hastily "withdrawn" after only a few hundred copies had been distributed- criticised Lib Dem councillors for voting to spend money on gay rights issues. Embarassingly Galloway was pictured shaking hands with the anti-gay authors of the leaflet.



Display the following 49 comments

  1. well yes of course — LOLA
  2. No actually — RG
  3. The thing is Lola... — Poon
  4. George Galloway eats babies shocker!! — Goliath
  5. I'm with Goliath — LOLA
  6. ...and another thing — Goliath
  7. excuse my ignorance, but... — thoughtyoushouldknow
  8. With Goliath — r.e.s.p.e.c.t.
  9. The SUN +sexist crap — Gustav
  10. . — .
  11. Ghost of Dr Verwoed — Brett Lock
  12. makes me sick — Andrew
  13. Respect??? Don't make us laugh — LoneStar
  14. a womans opinion — a woman not a muslim
  15. Interesting — ?
  16. Iraq's on Fire - Let's attack Respect — Vote Respect on June 10th
  17. what sort of absurd logic is that? — Andrew
  18. not good enough — a woman
  19. stop whining goliath — forfucksake
  20. why not form an alliance with the pope as well? — feminist and proud of it
  21. More of this discussion: — Tom
  22. Latest SWP hypocrisy — Ian
  23. Interesting? Really? — Brett Lock
  24. Racism — respect
  25. I Won't Vote for Respect — Miss Point
  26. Racism? — rick
  27. Um, um... amnesia — Brett Lock
  28. Predictable as always — Andrew
  29. by deception..... — What ever next ?
  30. Huh? — Brett Lock
  31. Respect, Muslims and sexism: questioning assumptions — reporter
  32. ignore muslim invitation? like fxxk — red letter
  33. Racist stereotypes? — Brett Lock
  34. answer pleaseer — a woman
  35. Hidden Agendas — Goliath
  36. Evidence — Respect voter
  37. Evidence? Of what? — Brett Lock
  38. ... — ...
  39. Reply to Goliath — Gustav
  40. fuck'n brilliant — another woman - and no fan of 'respect' (swp/george galloway's survival party)
  41. Confusing race and religion — Brett Lock
  42. ... — ...
  43. "Muslim" is not a race — Brett Lock
  44. get real! — type
  45. This is serious — Brett Lock
  46. Diversion tactics — Andrew
  47. ... — ...
  48. on the swp — Danny
  49. Historic Election Results — Lindsay Bhurka