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Dramatic pictures and film from Chechnya

translation | 01.06.2004 07:34 | Anti-militarism | Repression | World

Dramatic video published, which documents russian war crimes against prisoners in Chechnya. Anna Politkowskaja, a brave Russian journalist strikes again:
Threatened with murder already several times and allocated with bans on writing, she does not stop to point out the desperate situation of people in Chechnya.
Politkowskaja is now able to prove torture, inhuman treatment and homicide in Chechnya with a video, which is dated 21st of March 2000.

A 22- year old Russian sergeant had then recorded the film and passed it on after years conscience-stricken and following depressions to the critical journalist.

The film is now on the internet available to download:
(Real Player 30 MB).

Half-naked prisoners of war are reloaded, beaten and kicked from on an overcrowded lorry of the Russian Ministry of Justice.
Dead and severly injured are dragged, partly thrown out of the lorry.
One person has an open, untreated arm fracture.

All this has been filmed by a Russian soldier in March 2000.
The prisoners were fighters, who had been promised an amnesty by Putin if they surrender, see ,
they had surrendered in the battle of Komsomolskoje

None of the shown 76 prisoners is thought to have survived.

The film is also mirrored by a major Polish daily newspaper:

The page:,34180,2094524.html

Then click on the right box below.


¤ Obejrzyj film [30,76MB]; plik Real Media

Or to download directly:

link to the film Real Player Format:

- Homepage:


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What can you expect?

08.10.2004 20:02

What can you expect from Putin and his henchmen. The guy was an aparatchik at the Dresden office of the KGB. In other words, a scumbag. When scumbags rule countries, is gives the many other scumbags in those countries free rein. Look at Russia. Look at the USA. Look at the UK.

The world is close to the slide.

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