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Electric Lady Land

IMF | 30.05.2004 18:55


don't get numb to the torture.... it's so easy to do with 24/7 coverage
don't get numb to the torture.... it's so easy to do with 24/7 coverage




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I think

30.05.2004 20:29

this is the best one you've done yet...

any thoughts on Tracy Emmins comments

regarding the great art fire

she apparently said something about how crass it
was and how offended she was that the 'great british public'
laughed at all thier corporate cosmetics going up in smoke...

Ignorant Nazi book burning-esque public?

or out of touch avant guard?

i wonder how many people laughed at Blur signiture tune
going tits up on Mars with the beagle?

Captain Wardrobe

we aim to improve

30.05.2004 22:31

If anyone has any good copyleft cartoon drawings of Blair looking particularly frantic, stressed and or smarmy I could very much use them.. unfortunately I am a shit drawer.
And cheers captain it's always good to know you're not completely unnoticed.


with regard to burning

30.05.2004 22:35

who the fucks Tracey Emmin?

I must be the out of touch bastard.

But I was gutted the Beagle didn't make it I have to say.


maybe she would appreciate this

30.05.2004 22:43

Get involved with the Exhibition of Resistance against corporate oil overraking of the art field.

June 17th-21st


wot software

01.06.2004 00:41

wot software are you using to create these cool images imf?



01.06.2004 17:14

Well most of what you see is done at the film processing stage, i.e. to get the eyes with the electricity tower is just a couple of slides being processed together.

The pixel by pixel writing though is done using a matlab script I wrote, matlab is a technical computing software which most engineers, mathematics, scientists etc have access to at work. Just save the script below as addtext.m in a text file and run it in matlab with two arguements addtext('mypicture.jpg','text.jpg') and the rest is easy to figure out, (just type help addtext). I attach the example picture - the underlying image is under my copyright (yes I do believe in copyright as well as copyleft... I have to live)

function [I] = addtext(filename,textname,posx,posy,red,green,blue,darker)
%written by 01/05/2004
%function [I] = addtext(filename,textname,posx,posy,red,green,blue,darker)
%filename is the image.jpg name you wish to write on.
%textname is the text.jpg name you wish to apply to image.
%DEFAULT is to write the text in a lighter colour and only
%requires the first two arguements. To write
%text in darker colour than image all 8 arguements must be filled.
%posx is the position of the top right hand corner of the txt
%on your image along the x axis of the image in percentage.
%DEFAULT for for posx if not entered is to center txt
%posy is the position of the top right hand corner of the text
%on your image along the y axis of the image in percentage
%DEFAULT for for posx if not entered is to center txt
%example command addtext('mypicture.jpg','mytxt.jpg',25,50);
%will write mytxt.jpg over mypicture.jpg starting at a quarter
%of the width of the picture in from the right and half way down.
%Colours take values of 1 up increasing values mean smaller differences
%from the original i.e 1 is the brightest thus red green blue values
%of 2,1,2 will make light green writing but 4,6,6 will make dark red
%darker if this variable is filled (with anyimput then the text is
%is written in a darker colour than the original
%This file automatically writes a new jpg with your text written on
%it called filename2.jpg
%Have Fun!!!

T = imread([textname]);
T = im2double(T);
T = T(:,:,1);
[row, col] = find(T size(I,1)
rsz(1) = size(I,1)/size(T,1)
fprintf('Warning text.jpg is longer than image.jpg... will be resized\nthis coul
d result in wierdness\n\n')
if size(T,2) > size(I,2);
rsz(2) = size(I,2)/size(T,2);
fprintf('Warning text.jpg is wider than image.jpg... will be resized\nthis could
result in wierdness\n\n')
% if the text is too big it will resize by the largest overrun. This
if sum(rsz) > 0
[p,v] = max(rsz);
T = imresize(T,p*0.9);

%postions txt default is to centralize
if nargin size(I,2)
error('Oi yer text is too far off to the right! Reduce x coordinate.')
%fills ones to right of T
z = [z ones(size(T,1), size(I,2)-size(z,2))];
%fills ones above T
z = [ones(posy-1,size(I,2));z];
if size(z,1) > size(I,1)
error('Oi yer text is too far down! Reduce y coordinate.')
%fills ones below T
z = [z; ones(size(I,1)-size(z,1),size(I,2))];

cheer = z;

%checks colour values are OK
if nargin == 8
fprintf('\nIncreasing colour values increases contrast of text to image\nif you
have a problem start ');
fprintf('with the values 0.2 for all \nand adjust up from there - take note the
re is no default!\n');
r = linspace(red,0,20);
g = linspace(green,0,20);
b = linspace(blue,0,20);
[row,col] = find(cheer 0.05);
for jj = 1:length(row)
[rgb,pos] = max([I(row(jj),col(jj),1) I(row(jj),col(jj),2) I(row(jj),col(jj),3)]

I(row(jj),col(jj),1) = (I(row(jj),col(jj),1)*1+(cheer(row(jj),col(jj),1)/red))
I(row(jj),col(jj),2) = (I(row(jj),col(jj),2)*1+(cheer(row(jj),col(jj),1)/green
I(row(jj),col(jj),3) = (I(row(jj),col(jj),3)*1+(cheer(row(jj),col(jj),1)/blue)
if I(row(jj),col(jj),1) > 1
I(row(jj),col(jj),1) = 1;
if I(row(jj),col(jj),2) > 1
I(row(jj),col(jj),2) = 1;
if I(row(jj),col(jj),3) > 1
I(row(jj),col(jj),3) = 1;


I = im2uint8(I);
newname = [filename(1:length(filename)-4) '2' filename(length(filename)-3:end)];


shit the system screwed the file

01.06.2004 17:46

indymedia put in lots of new lines on the text file so it'll not run you can email me if you want the file and I'll send it to you.


Ethnic Community Arts Festival

24.10.2005 20:36

I'm looking for people who would like to contribute to an Ethnic Community Arts festival which is going to held in South Wales (UK) in August 2006

Please Visit my site and email me if you have stuff and ideas you'd like to contribute. From what I gather anything goes though its all starting off small for the first festival


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