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Mcr wet Critical Mass+anarchist picnic!

huw | 29.05.2004 08:53

It rained...

This months critical mass happened in the damp air of manchester...the turn out was pretty good considering it was raining, maybe about 20-30. Thge pictures dont show everyone, but i still might be over estimating. anyway, people still enjoyed themselves.
We set of at around 5:30 and headed around town, getting quite pissed off at being held back by traffic (they really dont need us to block traffic they do it themselves), we all cycled to join the anti BNP protest at the BBC, stayed there for quite a while and then headed off again with slightly less people.

We headed to alexandra park where Peoples Kitchen were cooking for everyone. A anarchist picnic commenced! with samba, nice vegan food (thanks cooks) and a few drinks. We played in the park on our bikes and a jolly time was had by all.

Hopefully next month more people will show because it WILL BE SUNNY (please lord)

heres some pictures for your viewing pleasure.



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it was fun, shall we do it again next cm?

29.05.2004 13:26

we can use my kitchen again if you want because i've found more BIG pans..

as u can see by the last pic even darth vader turned up in the end...
or maybe it is an evil witch

a cook