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victor ace | 28.05.2004 16:18

The F**king nazis are on the box tonight

Channel 5 won't run it

BBC1 after Jonathan Ross...

Question how will thier policies be any different than Neo labour

or the c*ntservatives or the liberals

[who harped on about the fake terror war in thier broadcast...]

notice the timing

same day as Abu Hamza is plastered all over the papers
being extradited by a foreign power for exercising free speech
[eve if it is a crock of shit]

Is this all part of the PSYOPS to goad Islam???

how about we extradite the NAZIS, Mr Ashcroft / Mr Blunkett...

Hmm...maybe not.... the CIA would probably hire them!!!!

sad day for Britain as these racists will attempt
to pin sexual offfences on the Asian youth...

victor ace


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29.05.2004 11:54

"Griffin’s attempts to make the party respectable fall down when the criminal records of his core membership are exposed ; Roger Griffin notes that the respectable front behind which some fascist groupings camouflage their activities enable them to act as a permanent fifth column for their perennial enemy, racial intolerance ; this is precisely the tactic that the BNP is employing under the leadership of Nick Griffin. So whilst right-wing populist parties appeal to the resentments, prejudices and traditional values, offering simplistic solutions to problems , the BNP adheres to an ideology that at its core consists of a ‘palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism’ aiming to bring about a rebirth of the nation – through revolution –, by mobilising the national community so it rises ‘phoenix-like after a period of encroaching decadence’ . This fascist ideological commitment under the leadership of Nick Griffin remains unchanged from that of the previous leader. Modern election techniques, media-friendly gimmicks and some toned down rhetoric do not detract from the fact that the BNP remains as fascist at the core as it ever has been".

- Homepage:

anti fascists can overcome with logic

29.05.2004 12:56

The BNP and other fascist parties are actually going to be hoisted
by their petard.

Their politics is based on racial purity / sexual normality being the basis for national identity...

In a multi-cultural / multi-racial / multi-sexual society
they will soon find that themselves have been a minority...for quite some time

in fact historically all of their own membership are a result of the Viking Hoardes and Norman conquest
and the Roman invasion [an empire which included Syrian and Arab/Moorish peoples]

and will learn that treating minorities with acceptance and respect
has a valid purpose in society...

At any time any one of us could lose a limb , or one of our senses...
then we would soon find what it was like to be even more of a minority...

Of course the message is for everyone to treat everyone else with acceptance
The concept of 'Tolerance' is bandied about as if it means the same thing.
It is an excuse for simmering hatred to be justified...

equally it is not to say that we should be 'allowed' to think things by a state or governing body...

The indications are that the Neo-liberal empiricism is teaching similar ideolgical
values with regard to National identity:

"We need to export our values in order to make us safer." - Tony Blair

means that eventually the BNP could become swallowed up in a coalition similar to that of the
Italian leadership:

a five-party government coalition which includes Forza Italia, National Alliance, Northern League, Democratic Christian Center, United Christian Democrats...

fight the power

Captain Wardrobe

Griffin-the twisted twat.

29.05.2004 14:13

I 'watched' the broadcast- It made me sick to hear the twisted lies of Griffin and to
see him standing next to the Battle of Britain memorial statue and spitfire. (They are
situated above the cliff at Capel-le-Ferne,Nr Folkestone in Kent).
They may,for some,be a symbol etc of a 'capitalist' war but to see and hear Griffin
misuse (actually defile it) to spread his/their racist/fascist propaganda was appalling.

My family came from near there, My uncle faught with Montgomery in N.Africa and was
at Monte Cassino against the Nazi's-who are Griffin's inspiration/mentors. Another uncle
was in the RAF. My parents had to be evacuated because of the bombing-whilst my gran
stayed in the area.

Personally,i'd like to get to the memorial with some 'air freshner/mop & bucket etc'
to at least symbolically cleanse the stain/stench of Griffin from it.

The first respondant above inadvertantly got it right with his 'title',they ARE nazi's.


Comment removed

29.05.2004 15:47

What a pity !

If you don't want comments why not just remove the whole thread........

educating me please

BNP troll comments hidden

29.05.2004 20:29

As usual.


an IMC admin