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Anti-American |
28.05.2004 14:59
Micheal Moore is everything bad about America personified, he is extremely rich, bigoted, fat and greedy. His films are nothing more than self promotional egoism, mixed with right wing Americanism. He is the voice of the American right.
People should boycott his right wing propaganda films and not help fund this right wing bigot by paying to see them. He probably gives generous donations to the Republican party from the profits of his so called comedy films.
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28.05.2004 15:04
It is known to hit PCs that work well.
28.05.2004 15:49
an IMC admin
A con job
28.05.2004 15:56
His first work "Roger and Me" concerning General Motors was probably 50% fiction and yet still I hear people quoting from it as though it were all true.
Moore uses the liberla left like the Sun uses the mouth breathing dim British public, give 'em what they want and don't worry about the truth.