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Formation of the Cambridge Action Network

dissenter | 28.05.2004 11:56 | G8 2005 | Cambridge

The formerly nameless group of people who perpetrated the fearsome May Day Picnic in the Grafton Centre has now decided after a vigourous debate to call itself the Cambridge Action Network. The group has also adopted the PGA Hallmarks and affiliated to the Dissent! Network organizing against the G8 summit to be held in Scotland next year.

Expect more information soon as things develop.



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More information

28.05.2004 14:40

PGA (People's Global Action) is a decentralised, non-hierarchical organisation intended to facilitate groups from around the world organising opposition to capitalist globalisation. The 'hallmarks' are five criteria for organising activities under their banner. More info at: .

Dissent is a network of autonomous groups, working along the lines of the PGA hallmarks. They have a website at:,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/ .

Finally, you can find out about the inspiring revolutionary activity that was the Grafton Centre Picnic at .

The next Cambridge Action Network meeting will be on Thursday 3rd June at 6.30, on Midsummer Common by the Fort St. George pub (or inside the pub if it's wet). Anyone interested in taking action against capitalist globalisation, and the G8 in particular, in Cambridge or elsewhere, is welcome.

Voluntary Slave

And now a website...

16.09.2004 09:43

The Cambridge Action Network now has a website, were you can find out when we're meeting and doing actions and so on. It is at

Voluntary Slave
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