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Earth First! Summer Gathering dates

EF! summer gathering | 27.05.2004 18:38 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Social Struggles

Earth First! Summer Gathering: a place to share skills and ideas on
direct action for people & planet.

Dates & roughly where EF! Summer Gathering announced - contact us for flyers to distribute

Earth First! Summer Gathering 2004
Every day we see those in power continue to wreak havoc on the planet and its inhabitants. Wage slavery and consumer culture dominate our lives. Vibrant diverse life is replaced by cold monotonous concrete. Forests are cut down. Animals are tortured and killed for profit. Billions are spent bombing, killing, maiming and destroying, while other people lack the means to meet their most basic survival needs.

But all around the world resistance is growing - Genetically Modified crops trashed, bulldozers destroyed, war machinery sabotaged, land squatted, offices disrupted, billboards subvertised… Involved in some of this resistance are people active with Earth First!

Earth First! is not an organisation or a campaign but a convenient banner for those who share similar ideas to act under. The general principles behind the name are non-hierarchical organisation and the use of direct action to confront, stop and eventually reverse the forces that are responsible for the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants.

Since 1992, the Earth First! Summer Gathering has been a space for everyone involved or interested in getting involved with ecological direct action, from around Britain and abroad, to come together, learn new skills and discuss ideas and plans for action.

For more details of what's happening and how it all works, look at the website or contact us.

EF! summer gathering
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27.05.2004 19:12

4-9th August 2004, East Midlands