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Tommy Franks to be Knighted...!!!! I kid you not!!!

capt wardrobe | 26.05.2004 22:42

this is sooo unbelievable...

my jaw hit the floor...

Thursday 27th May, 2004

General Tommy Franks To Be Knighted

Big News Wednesday 26th May, 2004

The U.S. general who led the initial coalition attack against Iraq last year is in Britain for a high but private honor, the Mirror reported Tuesday.

Gen. Tommy Franks was set to receive the honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire in a private ceremony Tuesday.

Geoff Hoon, Britain's defense secretary and a friend of Franks, will present the honor in a private award ceremony.

Various politicians criticized the award and its privacy.

On Monday Liberal Democratic defense spokesman Paul Keetch questioned why the honor was being kept under wraps.

"Given the faith the British government has continuously placed in the American administration one wonders why this visit is not being publicized," Keetch said.

Labor MP Alice Mahon called the award the ultimate in bad taste.

capt wardrobe