Bring back the ballot box!!!!
Kai Andersen | 26.05.2004 22:12 | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool
The SLP in Liverpool are calling for the return of the ballot box. We say there are many reasons why the ballot box evolved as the best method for voting for the majority in this society. The ease of voting, won't in our opinion, mean a higher turn out. All voters should still retain the option of voting by post if they apply as they previously had the right to.
The rush to push through the total postal vote for the North West region after being rejected five times by the house of lords is being shown up for the mess it is, delays in printing ballot papers. Also for the political parties, particularly the smaller less well resources parties, it means we have less than two weeks between having our nomination papers being accepted as valid and then getting out leaflets printed and getting them delivered. Frankly the campaign ends as soon as the ballot papers arrive with the voters. Liverpool City Council told us they would be put in the post on Wednesday May 26th, meaning we could still be leafletting on the 26th and the 27th. Well many have arrived today May 26th. There is also the fact that the head of household can choose to vote for all other voters, by merely getting the voter to sign their ballot paper and being the witness for everyone else. Where as you previously go to the ballot station and go into the booth and vote in secret without your wife or husband or other family members breathing down your neck.
I believe this is cross-party issue, ie bring back the ballot box, anyone else support?
I believe this is cross-party issue, ie bring back the ballot box, anyone else support?
Kai Andersen
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27.05.2004 10:47
At a local level, grassroots campaigns from Kai in Norris Green, the Greens in Central and perhaps the Greens / SA in Greenbank, might lead to better turnouts. As does anti-racist leafleting in areas where the BNP have local candidates. We have to give people hope and a reason to vote.
I've got a lot more questions than answers on this. Anyone else?
what's the difference?
27.05.2004 13:40
I think we should introduce a 'none of the above option' in elections. Who do you vote for if your views are not represented by the candidates on offer?
tekno anarchist
RON or None of the above
27.05.2004 22:09
"I think we should introduce a 'none of the above option' in elections. Who do you vote for if your views are not represented by the candidates on offer?"
I fully agree, but you can also 'spoilt your ballot form' as I did with my European Vote, "Socialist Labour" [Out of Europe - Into the World]
In National Union of Students elections at conference they always had "Re-Open Nominations" ie R.O.N. and RON won many times.
Kai Andersen