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Corporate Watch | 25.05.2004 12:34

New Corporate Watch newsletter uncovers: Which right-wing pro war corporation is in line to own your radio station (and everyone else's)? Who's being threatened by the Olympics? Who's raising the stakes in Venezuala? What did we win from Bayer? and more...

The Corporate Watch newsletter: free, and fancy free.


Corporate Watch


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Unfortunate choice of name...?

25.05.2004 12:54

If you are anything like 'HealthWatch' I wouldn't trust anything you have to say. I hope I'm wrong but you sound like another fake backlash orginisation.



25.05.2004 13:06

the article on clear channel doesn't mention that the company as well as running billboards everywhere, also makes serious cash in the Band/music promotion racket

they are in the business of cultural hegemony, plain & simple...
everything from festivals to gigs they are unavoidable...

corporo-fascist values...a takeover has happened

look at this place- it's a cultural desert...

boycott these corporate gigs folks ...and fast...

or try and put on something in your local area and see what happens!!!!

there is also the major problem they face
has happened in the states

local news in the huge country of the US is important
especially for hurricane warnings and other such stuff...

the FCC and clear channel are making a centralized news factory
with only propaganda and cosmetic 'showtunes'

In the UK is apparent to see that we have hardly any history of
free access media...real local outlets for information...Pirate radio
[like the 25 year old Birmingham roots station [sorry can't remember its tag]
have had all thier equipment taken
under the lamoid excuse that they use emergency frequencies...
Don't you think someone with 20 odd years experience would have
a bit more of a clue...I DO!

therefore : the door has been open for this media coup for a while...

Our Radio and TV is shite...and a disgrace...

Captain Wardrobe

to cautious...

25.05.2004 14:08

before calling them a 'fake backlash' organisation. Ask some of your friends if they have heard of them. Look at their website and have a read.

They are real, they do real work and get real results. They are a useful organisation as they find a hell of a lof of stuff out.

mail e-mail:

Cpomprehensive investigation - including tours/bands

25.05.2004 15:19

The article covers that aspect in the second paragraph no less:

Clear Channel Entertainment already have over 1,000,000,000 listeners worldwide - that’s a sixth of the world’s population. In the US, they have an audience of 103,000,000. Clear Channel US (aka SFX, one of their more well-known subsidiaries) owns and operates over 200 venues across the country. They are in 248 of the top 250 radio markets, controlling 60% of all rock programming. They outright own the tours of musicians like Janet Jackson, Aerosmith, Pearl Jam, Madonna and N’Sync. They own the network which airs Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, Casey Kasem, and the Fox Sports Radio Network, and which used to air Howard Stern.


Thanks Fredrico

25.05.2004 21:00

I did say: "I hope I'm wrong"... And yes, I did take a look at their site before commenting. I still hope I'm wrong, and I'm more than happy for someone to reasure me, if anyone can.

I'll explain:

It wasn't just the name that spooked me. Another reason for saying what I did was because there seemed to ample use of the royal "we" splashed about (which made my bullshitometer peek) e.g. "Once in a while we actually win." ..were Corporate Watch members personaly responsible for the GM defeat then....??

FYI, my personal beef is with the vaccine manufacturers/drug companies, but alsa I could not find ONE article about these HUGE companies on the Corporate Watch website, strangely enough. I personaly find this rather odd considering there is now an average of at least one autistic child in every street in the country. If I'm not mistaken they (Corporate Watch) have been going for 7 years now, but have not noticed this trend it seems. (maybe I'm mistaken and you can point me to one such article(s) which deals with vaccine manufacturers/drug companies?)

Perhaps (in light if this comment) you could pass a message on to the folk at Corporate Watch to request they take a good hard look at the pharmacutical giants (that manipulate peer review studies to suit a predetermined outcome, and therebye controll medical research and journals) poisoning our children at such an alarming rate, and all for profit, rather than need. And, (incase your mistaken) it's not just vaccines, the whole pharmacutical industry needs exposing as THE biggest corporate perverts of all.

Well, I'm waiting.....?


just because...

25.05.2004 23:29

...they have not done something about your specific 'beef' as you call it , does not mean they are a bad organisation.

They do a lot of research about Genetics, Agriculture, Supermarkets and other companies such as oil companies and GSK.

Send them an email and see what they have to say about Vaccination and drugs companies or better yet, do it yourself and pass it on.

Also, i do not mean to sound abrupt, its just that i do a lot of emailing and posting about the internet every day and try to keep my responses short and to

mail e-mail:


25.05.2004 23:33

Here is a link to the page with a list of pharmas they have looked at:

mail e-mail:

I was wrong.

26.05.2004 01:36

Corporate Watch are the dogs whotzits!

Appologies all round fredrico, and thanks for taking the time to provide the link. I can understand your frustration, I hope you will mine?


glad you

26.05.2004 10:51

have changed your mind. I can understand cautiousness as i am fairly cautious myself.

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