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Organising a Demo

CA | 25.05.2004 12:19

What's the best way to get it right ?

There has been a constant repition on Indymedia of people having trouble getting large numbers of people out for demonstrations. We have seen a number of events were despite widespread publicity in the activists community as little as 5 to 10 people will attend.

The website detailed here gives practical advice on how we succeded with a recent London event. Unprecedented numbers of people on the streets and vast media coverage.

- Homepage:


Hide the following 3 comments


25.05.2004 12:43

Exactly what is the point of this?
the link just leads to a page advertising a demo that happened in sep 2002 which I dont recall even seeing in the media.
have you put the wrong link?



25.05.2004 16:49

Non-news, you're just reposting an advert for a CA march that happened two years ago.

Some real news would be welcome.


an IMC admin

Wot a lot of tosh

25.05.2004 17:59

1 - it wasn't the most successful demo in history. Ever heard of Feb 15th?
2 - it isn't what we're looking for as a form of activism, most of us here (and not so necassarily myself) are fed up with Marches, Rallys, Public Meetings and the occaisional sit down.
3 - Successful in doing what? Getting thousands of people to move over a set course and maybe get watched by the cameras. I'd like to bet most of those demonstrators can't even chant. It was a well crafted stunt for a welcoming press. If you wanna do stuff, you risk getting manhandled off the road and abused by the police by placing your ass on the tarmac in Whitehall one Saturday afternoon. Think I'm being extreme? That was LAST Saturday, as in, not the day before when I was stopped and searched. How about we measure success in economic damage? What did the countryside demo do? Crap all. Atleast F15 caused John Lewis, Oxford St to make a total loss that one day.
-- Graham

Rebel W