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BP palms off it's sins as necessary.

IMF | 24.05.2004 21:05

I hope plenty of people will be supporting the action week with Rising Tide in the coming month. Coz we are better than BP. See links for details.



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'Greenwash or Us: The 1st Annual Exhibition of Resistance to Big Oil etc...

25.05.2004 09:22

Inspired by the above, I thought I'd mention this...

Here's a plug for Greenwash or Us: The 1st Annual Exhibition of Resistance to Big Oil & the Corporate Hijacking of 'the Arts', June 15th-21st 2004, which is in part a celebration of the beginning of the end of BP's sponsorship of the National Portrait Award.

It would be great if you could help out by either sending us your photos and/or your art, music, film etc., as well as publicising it in your circles. And if you're in or near London, we hope you'll drop by and see us in our temporary gallery space, (which we'll also be filling with films, talks, foods, music etc.) Address info will go out nearer to the time.

Here below is the call to send in photos, followed by a more general text.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer,

a London Rising Tider
Calling all image-makers...

London Rising Tide is producing a slideshow-based installation for the Exhibition of Resistance to Big Oil & the Corporate Hijacking of 'the Arts'. We are looking for photographs and other still images of the oil industry, and all related political, economic and ecological issues, including climate change activism and hope-full resistance.

Send hard copies to LRT, c/o LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES, or digital files (as high resolution as possible, on CD or by e-mail to

Send an SAE if you want your work returned, and please let us know if you would be willing for the work to go into the rising tide pictorial archive.

Many thanks!

Greenwash or Us: The 1st Annual Exhibition of Resistance to Big Oil & the Corporate Hijacking of 'the Arts', June 15th-21st 2004

- a celebration of DIY expression and organisation, fighting corporate control with creativity -


To celebrate the beginning of the end of BP's sponsorship of the National Portrait Award, come and help London Rising Tide (LRT) put together An Exhibition of Resistance to Big Oil& the Corporate Hijacking of 'the Arts', from June 15th-21st 2004.

We're asking you to rub your eyes, wipe away the mirage of 'sustainable development' and 'beyond petroleum', and create a true portrait of an oil company. It's time to strip away the greenwash. In fact it's time to reclaim the whole planet from these 21st century robber barons and their bloody oil wars, climate chaos and massive pay hikes. We know there are better worlds out there, worlds that have nothing to do with profit or fossil fuels...or art markets for that matter.

It's our desire to see London ablaze with powerful, passionate, positive, independent art with attitude during the week - on our streets, on our airwaves, in galleries, in social centres and squats, cinemas, name it.

We've got a few plans we'd love help with, (including the setting up of our own temporary exhibition space), but it would also be great if you and your mates were able to sort your own events.

Here are some dates to keep free:
* Sunday 6th June, midday-9pm, LARC (, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES: a day of making, painting, planning, chatting & eating
* Wednesday June 16th, 4pm: march of the true portraits from BP HQ (1 St. James' Square, SW1) to the private view of Portrait Award finalists, National Portrait Gallery [NPG, St. Martin's Lane, WC2])
* Monday June 21st: (summer solstice; Award winner announced at big NPG party.)

Contacts and further information: LRT, part of the Rising Tide UK and international networks, takes creative action to combat the root causes of climate chaos and to help build movements for social & ecological justice.
Tel: 07969 786770;,
c/o 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES.
Check for regular updates.
See also,, & Peoples' Global Action:

Let's mobilise our creativity to kick the corporations out of the galleries, museums, opera, Planet Earth etc.

Boris the Surprising Rider