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P10K Palestine

Paul | 24.05.2004 14:12 | London | Oxford

Ian Hodgson has been in Palestine helping set up this initiative which if supported can make a great difference to the peace iniitative.

A great opportunity to make a difference in a real way. Depends on how strong our convictions are I guess

Even if you take some offence to some of what he says it is obviously from the heart and with great conviction.

A great initiative that has potential to make a real diference.

So how much do you want to make a difference?

>From: "Ian Hodgson"
>Subject: [oxford] P10K - Palestine 10,000
>Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 11:23:37 +0000
>Hello all serious activists in Oxford
>I really recommend that everyone takes a look at
>Our best endorsement so far:
>"This (P10K) is a very imaginative, creative, and courageous
>initiative. If it receives the support it merits it could have a
>major impact on moves towards reconciliation, peace, and hopes for
>justice and freedom in this tortured corner of the world." - Noam
>I'm currently in Ramallah, and have been for the last 5 weeks. The
>P10K plan is this - to bring at least 10,000 wetsern citizens
>(internationals) to the Occupied Palestinian Territories by
>September 11th this year. If we manage to do this, it's almost
>guaranteed that the Palestinian militant resistance will end their
>offensive attacks in Israel, for as long as this number stays here.
>So immediately we save Israeli lives, and our presence saves
>Palestinian lives as it becomes much more difficult for the IOF to
>continue business as normal - ie what they've been doing in Rafah
>this week. Ultimately, the mission is to stay until the end of the
>This plan is very real, and see the endorsements page to find out
>what sort of support we already have. The plan is in the hands of
>the militants, and we're expecting an answer any day soon. All
>people we've met with think that they won't disagree with it, but
>may be reluctant to go public at this sensitive time. So for the
>launch press conference here in Ramallah in about a week / week and
>a half, we may have pubic confirmation from at least some of the
>groups, or private assurances.
>Obviously this is only a quick idea of P10K - have a look at the
>website for all the details.
>What I ask from as many of you as possible is that you register for
>P10K in the next week, so that at the press conference we can
>announce that we already have 50-100 or so people registered. At
>the moment it's about 25.
>I know many of you are busy with other things - I've been reading
>the emails about OCSET and G8 stuff etc to keep track of what's
>going on. In all fairness though, P10K has much greater potential
>than any of these - G8 will be just another protest where we bang
>our heads against the riot shields. P10K allows us to protest at
>the heart of the problem - right here in Palestine.
>I have already mentioned this to several people by email and sent it
>out on takecation, and to be honest, the response has been
>completely underwhelming. Maybe I didn't really stress that this
>isn't just some project about Palestine. This is about taking
>action where it counts, in Palestine, instead of just watching more
>videos and protesting futilely outside embassies or whatever.
>I know many of you probably don't know exactly who I am, because I'm
>on the fringes of the 'Oxford activist scene' - maybe because of my
>involvement with Stop the War Coalition you don't completely respect
>or trust my opinion.
>Well this is my position. I think Stop the War was important in
>widening the issue of Iraq and educating more and more people about
>other related issues. Not eveyone is ready to jump straight into
>direct actions. I certainly would not have done the DSEI one and
>the one at Albright's talk had I not been eased into activism. So
>on a sort of sliding scale, I think most people get involved in the
>light stuff first, then move into more serious stuff.
>I completely believe in direct action, but Iraq showed that in the
>UK at least, when it really came down to it, not enough people were
>up for it. All thatcrap about when the war starts the country stops
>(mainly uttered by SWP I think), and calls for sitting down to block
>roads which just pisses off people we're trying to bring around to
>our ideas, gets loads of token arrests, but doesn't really achieve
>very much.
>DSEI was an excellent, well planned action, but we still didn't stop
>the arms fair. I'm not saying P10K will end the occupation, but for
>me it's a more intelligent way of trying to make a big difference in
>the world. Before you get too excited though, P10K is not about
>direct action ISM style. The direct action is getting here in
>enough numbers to shine a spotlight on the region and report the
>truth oursleves, and hopefully force the corporate media to report
>it (at least a bit more) truthfully. There's a whole media strategy
>in place.
>Kate Holcombe and her friend Prajna have just become seriously
>involved in the last week, and anyone else who can help out is more
>than welcome. Email me at
>IT suport would be particularly useful at the moment.
>Anyhow, no intention to offend anyone, but I've been working on this
>since December and have put a lot of time, effort, energy and money
>into it, and would find it strange that everyone who's getting this
>email doesn't at least spend 20 mins taking a serious look at the
>website. If you can't do that then you either have absolutely no
>respect for me, or aren't really serious. Even if you're working on
>something unrelated, P10K has the potential to create a seismic
>shift in people's minds, which will benefit all other activist
>issues far more than any current campaigns.
>P10K will be huge, and the earlier people get involved and the more
>effort that's put into it, the bigger and more effective it'll be.
>Please take a look and register, and take care, Ian
>PS -



Hide the following 13 comments


24.05.2004 15:03

This is an absolutely fantastic idea, I just hope it succeeds and he gets enough people. Be careful, the Zionists will be jumping on your case soon spouting off bullshit about how Palestinians are "terrorists" warned!



25.05.2004 08:41

I'd hate to throw a spanner in the works, but I thought we were opposed to the West Bank being full of settlers who oppose the Palestinian resistance. At present the Zionist state builds settlements and fills them with people, many of whom have emigrated from Western countries. Apart from its 'peace' flavour, isn't this the same thing???


To ..

25.05.2004 08:54


Sure there will be objections. There are always objections. And we may be called anti-semitic (last time I checked the definition of Semite it described all of those said to be descended from Shem or speaking a Semitic language; i.e. Assyrian, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, Arabic, Etheopic and other languages of this Afro-Asiatic subfamily.)

We can stop all war simply by withdrawing our support for it. Your world is not going to change until you do. We collectively have the wisdom and knowledge to have a peaceful planet, we even have the basis for laws to ensure it stays that way - since 1948 we have had the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - but until people discover that their true nature is peace and they withdraw their support (overt or tacit) for war and oppression and rape of the planet things will not change.

There are only two ways that one person or one people can exercise power over another - either by violence or consent. At the moment all who do not actively oppose the current state of affairs are contributing to the chaos in this world. All the time that you do not withdraw your consent in a very practical way you contribute to the situation that fosters violence and oppression.

So many people are frustrated that they came out against this war in Iraq and it appeared that nothing changed. Well things did change. But one protest or 10 protests is not going to change the balance of power. But something like P10K WILL change the situation completely. If you are not convinced then have a look at the history of some of those involved in P10K and see what they have already changed. Captain Paul Watson (, Splitting the Sky ( and Ken O’Keefe ( have already achieved great things in protecting nature and human rights.

If you are too busy protecting your affluence and privilege to take a direct role in changing the world then you could, at the very least, support those who are prepared to ‘do what it takes’ to bring peace to this world.

“If you think that something small can’t make a difference try going to bed with a mosquito”

See for yourself at - bear in mind that P10K has not officially launched yet. Be in at the beginning, pass the word around and let’s make a REAL difference.

Love, peace equality
Prajña Pranab

- Homepage:


25.05.2004 10:04

I don't think its the same as Settlers at all?!?! We're not going there to steal Palestinian land and build settlements and roads for Westerners only, and we're not going armed with machine guns to shoot at the Palestinians, and we're not going to go into the Palestinian villages and threaten the villagers, and we're not going to cut down or set fire to the Palestinian olive trees, and we're not going to live above the market in Hebron and throw rubbish and excrement down onto the Palestinians living below us, and we're not going to go around at night painting the Star of David onto the doors of Palestinian houses. And we're going to leave if the Palestinians don't want us there. And we're not being funded by the Israeli government.

I think there's quite a big difference between this and the Settler movement, somehow...


not settlers

25.05.2004 10:37

Ok, fair enough. But what worried me most about the original posting was that its FIRST aim was to stop the militant Palestinian resistance attacking targets in Israel, and its second to stop the IDF attacking Palestinians. I am completely in favour of anything that stops the second of these but I think that whatever anyone involved in solidarity with Palestine might feel on a private level about the methods of the resistance is irrelevant and how the resistance fights Israeli oppression is up to it. Put crudely, yes I'd sit in front of an Israeli tank if I thought it would stop it bulldozing Palestinian homes (and not just bulldoze me instead) but no I wouldn't sit in front of a Palestinian mission off to do whatever it felt necessary in Israel. The two are not the same and I am sure those calling for this initiative don't think they are either, but they are still being equated too much in my view.


It's not the same at all.

25.05.2004 11:44

The difference is that we go with an absolute commitment to non-violence. We do not support any kind of violence on either side and we intend to show the power of peaceful resistance. Our connection with Islamic militants is simply our commitment to them that we will stay until the occupation is ended and their commitment to us that they will not carry out violence whilst they have our support (and they will only have our support whilst they desist from violence).

The simple fact that the militants are prepared to make this commitment to peace whilst the IDF are not should tell people something. Certainly many things will be alleged about P10K - such things are always defamed. Read about Splitting the Sky's experiences in Canada and the US (link in my previous post above) and you will see the kind of reaction that peaceful resistance can provoke. But then it is always worth doing since it is the only thing that has ever overcome violence.

love, peace, equality

- Homepage:

solidarity with the resistance

25.05.2004 13:34

Well, good luck (seriously, not cynically). I am not defaming you. I think you are brave and committed.

However, I don't think that people who go to Palestine in solidarity with the resistance should dictate to the resistance what tactics it uses. By all means be committed to non-violence in your own actions, but just as I wouldn't expect the Palestinian movement to tell activists outside Palestine the best way to demonstrate their solidarity, I certainly wouldn't expect solidarity activists to dictate to the resistance movement what tactics it can and can't use.

The people of Palestine are fighting for their lives - they pursue that fight in a hundred ways. I don't feel in a position to tell them which ones I approve of and which ones I don't, nor to withdraw my support because they choose a tactic not to my personal liking. If I support the uprising, the resistance, the intifada, I support it. I don't support it until it actually does some resisting using 'violence' and then withdraw that support. That is just patronising - and although I agree the settler analagy is a bit silly, it is another example of people from imperialist countries who are at the heart of the oppression, telling the oppressed how they should run their struggle against imperialism.


To Rifka

25.05.2004 15:33

I don't propose to tell anyone how to run their intifada. What I do propose to do is to point out my belief that violence begets violence and non-violence combined with truth can defeat violence and lies - and I am prepared to put myself between the occupied Palestinians and the violent IDF to prove it, just so long as the militant Islamic organisations will commit to non-violence in order to support what I am doing. The fact of the matter is that we have assurances from those we have spoken to so far that they are grateful for what we are proposing and that they will support it by guaranteeing a ceasefire.

P10K do not 'tell' anyone anything - we offer. We offer our practical, on the ground, support to prevent violence as a true (i.e. unarmed) peacekeeping force and, it appears that this makes sense to the Palestinians. Their willingness to support this initiative demonstrates that their struggle for justice is genuine and puts a lie to the bigoted diatribe that Zionists use in an attempt to justify their continued violence, oppression and occupation of Palestine.

This is not something we are imposing on Palestinians; this is an offer and we are begging to help but we could not succeed if we did not have, as a precondition, a guaranteed ceasefire on their part. I don't see your problem, Rifka.

Love, peace, equality,



25.05.2004 16:16

I'm not quite sure how you aim to achieve your goals here - you say that, as a precondition, "the militant Islamic organisations will commit to non-violence" in return for which you (and many more) will put yourselves in front of IDF tanks, settlers and snipers.

Firstly, I don't think you will have much success in negotiating with the totality of Palestinian armed resistance if you fefer to them in these terms - although there are militant Islamic organisations within this resistance, they are by no means the only ones. In fact this is just one such imposition that the Palestinians are resisting - albeit one imposed more by the israelis in a crude attempt to appropriate and associate with the war on terror.

Armed Palestinian resistance may indeed agree to the ceasefire [again] under the right conditions. These do not probably include any kind of guarantee from the israeli govenment - as worthless as is the veiw of Palestinian lives from the zionist perspective.

Secondly, those tanks, settlers and snipers that you will expose yourself to, might well see your actions as irrelivant - if not hostile. That is to say, bulldoze through you. I hope that you are willing to accept this as a possibilty?

And then, of course, there is the thorny problem of actually getting into the prison in the first place!?!

Not exactly known for their loose immigration policy[sic], israel is conversly very good at controling all the legal entrances and exits into Palestinian areas - do you propose to smuggle yourselves in?

As much as I am in favour of the idea of an international brigade - it is not a practicable solution at the present times.

What is, is to start agitating for a UN presence in Palestine, administrating the legal borders between Palestine and israel.

From that, issues of justice, refugees and reparation can begin.

Better to attempt 100 000+ marches upon the UN centres of the world?

mail e-mail:


25.05.2004 19:29

I think it's a good idea. The more westerners out there the better, and the airport security aren't going to turn everyone away, as long as you're good at pretending you're some church party or something. Getting into the West Bank will be easy enough, Gaza will be impossible.

Things won't go as expected. Non-violence doesn't mean much to a man who has had his family home bulldozed with his family inside, or has been constantly humiliated by an illegally occupying army since his birth, however, the gesture of thousands going to Palestine to stop the occupation will be a touching one for them. They feel seriously alone. The West doesn't care about them, the Arab states don't care about them, to be honest, people going there just to be with them is probably the best thing that can be done at this moment in time, because we can march all we like here, no one is listening...

I think the point about not preaching to the Palestinians how to resist is a valid point, actually. Drawing a moral equivalence with the Settlers is not, but I agree with you. Sometimes I've noticed an attitude when I was out there of 'we're going to go out there with our values of non-violence and show the Palestinians how to do it'. The Palestinians have a tradition of non-violent resistance. It involves simply getting on with their day to day lives despite ridiculous Israeli demands and harrassment. But if a Palestinian chains himself to his house that's about to be knocked down, it will be knocked down on his head. If he lies in front of a tank to get in its way, the tank will run him over. I think there's a point where the only thing he can do is take up arms.

However, although Palestinians can't engage in effective non-violent action safely, Westerners and Israelis can, up to a point. I think they killed Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall to try and shatter that idea, but certainly, they are more loathe to kill Westerners than Palestinians, because it loses them the support in the West they are totally dependent on. And thousands of Westerners in Palestine to do this would be quite amazing, actually.

Anyway, best wishes on this mission...I hope it succeeds


Thanks Hermes

26.05.2004 09:27

Thanks for your good wishes, Hermes. To both you and Jack, you will find answers to some of your questions and an alternate view on some aspects on the site (, especially in the FAQ.

Truth, justice, peace,



26.05.2004 15:23

I would like to go, but I am a student, and cannot afford the fees. But if there is anything else I could do, like advertise it where I live, I will.


Exellent, Matt

26.05.2004 22:45

Yes, spread the word. Keep an eye on the website and the forums and you will find plenty to be involved with.

Truth, Justice, Peace
