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Pix from Iraq Demo Saturday May 22nd

Bolshie Photos | 23.05.2004 23:29 | Indymedia | London

Pix from demonstration against the occupation of Iraq, London 22/05/04

Front of march
Front of march

Theatre of war-1
Theatre of war-1

George & Lindsey
George & Lindsey

Fluffy pic No.1
Fluffy pic No.1

Theatre of war-2
Theatre of war-2

Fluffy pic No.2
Fluffy pic No.2


Victory to Iraq!
Victory to Iraq!


Bolshie Photos
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Mr Livingstone I presume

24.05.2004 18:32

Livingstone bangs the radical drum when it suits him. Remember when he said… "on 1 May we are faced not with an attempt to exercise the peaceful right to protest but by a deliberate attempt by small groups of people to promote violence and destruction of property in London."


"I have met the Commissioner of the Police for a full briefing on the planned May Day events... Anyone whose intention it is to engage in criminal activities should be arrested and charged. In particular, I would hope that attention will be paid, even before any trouble starts, to those attempting to conceal their identity."
Many business figures consider him a reliable defender of their interests.

Would you buy a used slogan from this man?
