Over 250.000 protested in Tel Aviv (15.05.2004)
translation | 23.05.2004 18:25
15.05.2004 - Supporting the theme: "Destruction of the settlements - start to talk" over 250 000 people demonstrated against Sharon's politic in Tel Aviv.
Rabin - Square, Tel Aviv, Israel: Over 250.000 people gather for one of the biggest mass demonstration in Israel for a long time.
The organisers speak of about 400 000 demonstrators, the police of about 200 000.
One of the main organisers was Shalom Achshav (Peace Now).
Peace Now was founded in 1978 and the members come from different groups, with the main aim to put pressure on the israeli government by taking to the streets, so that the settlements get decreased and there is soon a permanent and equal peace between Israel and the arab neighbours.
Peace Now is persuing campaigns and actions with palestinians and arab isaraeli, whereby they understand themselves as a basis movement from below, as "grassroots", who are active in a direct dialogue with and by the people.
Also israeli anmarchists, israeli communists, workstruggle activists, trade unions and other left israeli youth groups participated at the demonstration.
Rabin - Square, Tel Aviv, Israel: Over 250.000 people gather for one of the biggest mass demonstration in Israel for a long time.
The organisers speak of about 400 000 demonstrators, the police of about 200 000.
One of the main organisers was Shalom Achshav (Peace Now).
Peace Now was founded in 1978 and the members come from different groups, with the main aim to put pressure on the israeli government by taking to the streets, so that the settlements get decreased and there is soon a permanent and equal peace between Israel and the arab neighbours.
Peace Now is persuing campaigns and actions with palestinians and arab isaraeli, whereby they understand themselves as a basis movement from below, as "grassroots", who are active in a direct dialogue with and by the people.
Also israeli anmarchists, israeli communists, workstruggle activists, trade unions and other left israeli youth groups participated at the demonstration.

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