Undercurrents takes media activism to Zagreb.
undercurrents | 20.05.2004 22:55 | Oxford | World
Press release- Undercurrents, Paul O’Connor, 01792 455900
May 20 2004
On Monday, a media organisation will travel to Zagreb to present British perspectives on world events. Producers from the award winning Undercurrents group will join Balkan journalists from Belgrade radio station B92. Their discussions will centre on how the media can be used to reconcile differences and bring about positive change. The B92 station became world famous when they continued to broadcast despite severe censorship and state-sanctioned violence against independent journalists by President Milosevic during the Yugoslavia war of 1996-99.
Paul O’Connor and Helen Iles from Undercurrents will train young Croatian people in basic video skills at the MEDIANet gathering in Zagreb from May 24.-27. They will also screen activist documentarie about environmental and Mental health issues.
Undercurrents will present their latest video compilation of news which includes opposition to the invasion of Iraq.
Undercurrents producer Helen Iles said
‘ This invitation to Zagreb is a display of how our work is increasingly being recognized outside Britain. By forging links with other media groups we can find the documentaries from other countries that offer very different perspectives from the mainstream broadcasters. We hope to bring videos back from Zagreb to present at one of our monthly screenings.’
For further info see
http://www.undercurrents.org or phone 01792 455900
May 20 2004
On Monday, a media organisation will travel to Zagreb to present British perspectives on world events. Producers from the award winning Undercurrents group will join Balkan journalists from Belgrade radio station B92. Their discussions will centre on how the media can be used to reconcile differences and bring about positive change. The B92 station became world famous when they continued to broadcast despite severe censorship and state-sanctioned violence against independent journalists by President Milosevic during the Yugoslavia war of 1996-99.
Paul O’Connor and Helen Iles from Undercurrents will train young Croatian people in basic video skills at the MEDIANet gathering in Zagreb from May 24.-27. They will also screen activist documentarie about environmental and Mental health issues.
Undercurrents will present their latest video compilation of news which includes opposition to the invasion of Iraq.
Undercurrents producer Helen Iles said
‘ This invitation to Zagreb is a display of how our work is increasingly being recognized outside Britain. By forging links with other media groups we can find the documentaries from other countries that offer very different perspectives from the mainstream broadcasters. We hope to bring videos back from Zagreb to present at one of our monthly screenings.’
For further info see
