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Ten Easy Steps

IMF | 20.05.2004 16:59

The ten easy steps is based on the attack on Ecuador which led to it's dollorization in 2000. Incidentally 'dolor' is pain in Spanish and the process was called 'dolorizacion' by a large portion of the country ... not of course by the media. It is produced to be forwarded of course but also to give an easier way to remember a good example to explain exactly how the US operates when in the middle of a conversation. If you have other short examples then please let me have them




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20.05.2004 17:05

Exam Notes US / Latin American Foreign Policy
(how to ensure control)

1. Devalue currency to destabilize country.
2. Step in with 'AID' on proviso of acceptance of IMF economic package including.
a. Sale of gas / water utilities etc to foreign (US) corporations.
b. Sale of telecommunications systems to foreign (US) corporations.
c. Sale of media to foreign (US) corporations.
3. Raise prices on utilities to compound pressure on currency and force regular black use of US dollar.
4. Ask now 'friendly' telecommunications owners for permission to monitor calls for 'terrorist threats'. Coincidentally monitoring all groups opposed to US interests, ranging from environmental and human rights groups to regular political parties.
5. Only provide media coverage of the latest Hollywood movie.
6. Identify leaders of any opposition, threaten family and children to obtain their silence.
7. Continue with steps 1 and 3 until country is coming to starvation and has no option but to exchange domestic currency for the dollar.
8. Report acceptance of the dollar using terms such as "adoption" in world press to avoid impression of having rammed dollar down said countries throat.
9. Tie acceptance of dollar to acceptance of military bases.
10. Begin using media and black operations to generate border conflicts with neighbours, i.e. next targeted country.