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uncle dave | 19.05.2004 11:56 | London


just saw the blair meister flour bombed in parliament..
now thats what i call reality TV

uncle dave


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:-) day 13 of the anti-womble offensive!

19.05.2004 15:35

wasn't me.
i'm waiting on my cake.

o as if


19.05.2004 19:32

Fathers for justice have claimed responsibility for the top effort! Below is pasted from Reuters:

Flour bombs hit Blair
Wed 19 May, 2004 16:24
Disturbances in parliament

Fathers' group takes protest to Blair


By Katherine Baldwin

LONDON (Reuters) - Protesters have penetrated the heart of democracy to throw condoms filled with purple flour at Prime Minister Tony Blair as he spoke in a packed House of Commons.

In the second security lapse this week, shocked lawmakers brushed the flour off Blair's left shoulder and hurried him out of the chamber amid fears the substance may have been noxious.

On Monday, a man tricked his way into the Queen's country residence of Windsor Castle on Monday by pretending to be a police officer.

The protest renewed concerns about security in parliament, just weeks after a screen was erected in the public gallery in response to a specific intelligence warning that attackers could release anthrax or ricin into the chamber.

"This was a serious incident. I have asked for an immediate report on the circumstances and what additional security provisions may be necessary," said government minister Peter Hain.

The Conservatives called the protest "profoundly disturbing" and said in a statement that the chamber should have been sealed until the thrown substance had been identified.

Blair was unruffled by the protest, according to a senior aide, and parliament resumed after a break of about 70 minutes.

A fathers' rights pressure group claimed responsibility for the incident, which happened around 12:20 p.m. as the chamber was full for the weekly prime minister's questions session. Two men were arrested.


"Fathers 4 Justice", which campaigns for equal rights of access to children for divorced fathers, said the stunt was one of a series of protests it planned in the run-up to Father's Day on June 20. Purple powder is the international colour for equality, a spokesman said.

"Tony Blair should appreciate what it would be like without children because he himself is a father," he added.

The two men, dressed in suits, gained access to the historic debating chamber from the VIP area of the gallery, which is not protected by the security screen. MPs or members of the House of Lords must sign visitors in to the privileged gallery.

Martin ordered the immediate suspension of the rights of Lords to sign people into the House of Commons.

Droves of tourists who flock to the Houses of Parliament are subject to airport-like screening before going in to the chamber but metal detectors would not pick up a powder ball.

"All the committees will now have to reconsider how detailed the searches are on distinguished guests," said MP Derek Conway.

The current security screen was erected during the Easter recess as a temporary measure. MPs agreed in April to install a permanent screen, to be erected in the summer of 2005, to protect against a possible chemical or gas attack.

"If an al Qaeda group managed to throw a phial of anthrax or ricin into the chamber, or maybe even worse a suicide agent released it without anybody noticing, which we're advised is quite feasible, the particles would immediately begin spreading throughout the chamber," Hain told parliament in April.

Britain's parliament was the target of a major security breach in March when two men protesting against the Iraq war scaled its landmark Big Ben clock tower. Blair was also heckled at question-time in February by anti-war protesters.


"top effort"

19.05.2004 22:36

yeah, just the thing to dominate front pages tomorrow morning, pushing US massacre of 40+ at wedding, Israeli massacre in Gaza, right down the agenda, great job well timed!

The perpetrators were working for Tony Blair, weren't they????



19.05.2004 22:42

....oh yeah son!! and what did you do today?

uncle dave

Quite, fruitloops

19.05.2004 23:13

However much joy is experienced seeing Mr Tony hit with a condom full of purple powder, it's moderated by seeing this as pure PRS and diversionary


what happened to those arrested

20.05.2004 11:42

Does anyone know what happened to those arrested? I'd be interested to see what they were charged with, whether they have been remanded, and whether/which anti-terrorism laws are being used.

Aunty Nora


20.05.2004 13:24

hey DH, you sure your grandma's not a CIA spy reporting back your every move to the men?
whacko conspiracy theorys...christ this is real life not james bond or something.


uncle dave

Thanks Fathers4Justice

20.05.2004 19:51

Now the government has all the excuse they needed to erect a barbed wire security wall around The House of Commons, with armed police. That's why Tony just smirked, thinking to himself "what a coup!"

Nice One