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Wolfensohn & Greenpeace - More talk

Time you is a Zapatista | 19.05.2004 11:30 | London

Mr.Wolfensohn delivered the Greenpeace UK Business Lecture in London May 13th.

(A larger version of this rant, with explanations fully qualified will be appearing soon. I am angry )

It seemed that Greenpeace kept it pretty quiet ( what more bad publicity after the departure of Greenwash guru Melchett?) that on Monday they had invited World Bank President James Wolfensohn to talk on "Tackle Poverty and Protect the Environment". One might be cycical and suggest this would be like inviting George Bush to speak about ethical foreign policy ( duh ).

Given James and his big business buddies in the WB, WTO, IMF, PCF ( and their uber-Greenwash project with carbon trading, as well as their previous stuctural adjustment
( ie. corporate looting )programmes, to invite him over to speak is an insult to every activist in the UK and everybody on the planet suffering under their 'reforms' and bullshit PR,.

Greenpeace kept it pretty well under their hat that his was visiting. And quite right, too:- Any reasonable activist group would like to have taken the opportunity to lynch the smarmy gangster.

Still NGOs have a lot of explaining to do, given their running costs and corporate images and trying to marry liberal pluralistic greed and saving communitiues and the environment - which in this stage of the development of the capitalist project awould appear to be INCOMPATIBLE. Reformist notions may look glamorous and you may make a nice little earner without getting ones hand particularly dirty - but that's it. More investigation needs to be done with regard to charity groups in this country re their efficacy, what they are really doing, and how much money they are vacuuming. ( and a big hello to all those scumbag charity muggers in the streets- there appear to be more of you than homeless - and at £8h - how much are your yuppie bosses getting and how much go to the actual NEEDS of the people you are campaigning about).

Where's your guts!

Time you is a Zapatista


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19.05.2004 18:04

Greenpeace have clearly helped Wolfensohn pull off his greatest PR stunt yet...
