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Photos from The Wall Must Fall demo

M Skelton | 16.05.2004 21:17 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | London | Oxford

A group of people from Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign went to join the PSC demo in Trafalgar Square on May 15th. Here are the photos!

Main speaker from Palestine: Jamal Jumaa - Director of Stop the Wall Campaign

Also: Afif Safieh, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Richard Burden MP, Jenny Tonge MP, Caroline Lucas MEP, Jocelyn Hurndall, Keith Sonnet deputy general secretary UNISON, Jeremy Hardy and others

The rally was supported by: Association of Palestinian Community, Al Awda, Arabmediawatch, UNISON, MAB, Stop the War Coalition, JustPeaceUK, Trade Union Friends of Palestine, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Pax Christi

M Skelton
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I hope...

16.05.2004 21:59

all those placards and posters were made with recycled paper.

Think of all those trees that were destroyed to make them.

The Innapropriate Responder


17.05.2004 14:16

I would agree as far as the question is: why are there suicide bombers? What exactely is the point of blowing up civilians and (from the point of the sucide bomber) much more important why ending the own life? It can´t have anything to do with improving your own life nor is it about improving the lives of your family members. at least now after saddam hussein's price money of 25.000 $ for the martyr's family is history.
so what is there to be gained by ending innocent lifes as well as your own? no land, no water, no better conditions for living and certainly no freedom. it blocks any peace process and destroys any chance for the establishment of a palestinian state. so the question has to be: is there any rationality in suicide bombing?
is there more about it than killing people just because they are jews? and isn´t it obvious that the promise of islamic paradise after shahada only lures teenagers into sacrificing themselfes FOR NOTHING AT ALL? so why mourn the dead religious leaders that are to no little extend involved in making the lives of palestians so miserable?

and there is another side that has to be considered: that israel is the refuge of people who have been persecuted for centuries. between 1933 and 45 6 millions jews were slaughtered by the nazis; these 6 millions had no state to go, no place to hide, no power, no arms, they were completely defenceless. therefore the state of israel was founded in 1948 on land that was bought by the jewish agency. (not mainly from the people who lived there of course, because they were not the owners. but that's a problem of capitalism itself...) one day after the declarence of independence (and 3 years after the end of world war II and the holocaust) israel was attacked by its arab neighbours.

israel's history is not one of spontaneous occupation and ruthless oppression as it is often seen by antiimperalists as well from the left as from the right. it is the history of centuries of antisemitism.
and palestinians are not only victims but also executioners of a barbaric ideology that aims to destruction of the jewish state and all its inhabitants.



whats the point of black.berry ?

17.05.2004 17:42

hey black.berry you wrote
"israel is the refuge of people who have been persecuted for centuries. between 1933 and 45 6 millions jews were slaughtered by the nazis"
of course it is unaceptible to murder people in camps as well as jews there were hundreds of thousands of gays gypsies physical and mentally disabled and many other ethnic groups
i dont see any of the above groups bulldozing houses and systimaticly killing populations.
so if israel is the refuge of people who have been persecuted ,WHY is it right for them to do it to others
2 wrongs dont make a right
if you grew up in a Palistian town and knew nothing but a war on you and your familly and everything around you, youd be pretty disturbed and knowing that your going to die anyway, some people would be driven to give up their own life and take a few of their oppressors with them . Im not saying its right far from it but i can see why people are driven to those extreams if you cant then i suggest you go for a holiday in Gazza and stay with a palistinian familly


dear zacat...

18.05.2004 14:20

obviously you know very little about the shoa.
while jews and sinti&roma were killed because they were considered to be a threat to german people`s survival, other system enemies (socialists, communists, gays, priests etc.) were not to be sent to the gas chambers but imprisoned in work camps. lots of them died from exhaustion, diseases and hunger, were brutally beaten or shot, but it wasn´t like the nazis were planing to kill them as efficiently by their death industry of the killing camps auschwitz, treblinka, etc.
there are statistics of average survival in concentration camps that show which captives were hated most, who was still considered human and who wasn't.

to the point of blaming israel on doing exactely the same as the nazis:
that's absolute ridiculous. it's so farfetched, i don't know if it is necessary to prove it wrong.
there are no plans of killing all palestinians. it´s a war.
surely, you are one of those who wouldn't believe any proof because of theories of media conspiracy and stuff, so give up. but maybe you should think about reading some books about antisemitism... some time...


@ b.b

23.05.2004 20:12

cit. : ...theories of media conspiracy...

as you dont seem to belive in that, just read:

"Media Control" by Noam Chomsky

Even if you dont think there is a plan in killing palestinians israeli authorities are still behaving like the dirtiest fascist garbage as they clean up gaza-strip etc. for example...!

swiss indyan
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New Palestine news blog:

23.05.2004 20:20

Announcing a new blog with news headlines from Palestine, updated daily:

Maintained by members of Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign

M Skelton
- Homepage:

Here we are again happy as can be.

02.07.2004 13:45

When will the PSC realise that we will never convince the Government by hanging around Trafalgar square?

It didn't work for Iraq or anything else but for the Poll Tax.

We will fight them on the High Streets and in the town halls, never in the history of part time campaigner has so much been expected of so few.

My name is Ariel Sharon, You were only supposed knock the bloody walls down.

PSC rules OK!

Abraham Lincoln