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Palestine ..... Trafalgar Square

shaun | 16.05.2004 14:09 | London

Palestine Rally in Trafalgar Square.





just a couple of pics...ta

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Oil Painting Placard

17.05.2004 14:29

Note on picture 2: The artist is Mark Kestevan, the man holding the placard, and as with all his amazing works, there is a completely different second side to the picture. Mark has been painting his own masterpieces/placards for well over a year, and they always draw interest. At some point I hope to impress upon him the need for an exhibition of his work. Each is painted specially for the demonstration, although some make further outings for stalls.

Rebel W

Why upload such HUGE pictures?

17.05.2004 21:45

You've obviously got a decent camera. It's just a shame that you haven't bothered to learn how to resize the pictures to an appropriate size for the internet. This means that it's well nigh impossible for anyone connecting with a modem to actually see your pictures because it would take about 15 minutes for them to download - one of them is over 2 meg which is ridiculous. Not only that but because the dimensions of the pics are so huge, one can only see a small percentage at a time of each picture on the average screen.

Other publishers with digital cameras also note. In your graphics program - Image/Resize


picture 2

17.05.2004 21:58

such a discusting anti-semitic picture (pic.2)and nobody recognize it???!!!

oh no


17.05.2004 23:48

hey mat and all the 56k posse
my camera aint that decent, i do know how to resize..i just think its nicer for a picture to be larger rather than smaller
once one has waited the 15mins or so for it to load one can copy them to ones desktop and view them for nothing in all there splendor, then bin them at ones leisure.

one is really very sorry for any despair or anger that one might have caused in the viewing of these wafer thin pics
