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It's Greener On The Other Side

Zaskar | 15.05.2004 19:28

Bristol and Badminton.

Badminton and Bristol, you might say they share little but for the same first letter.

A village inhabited mainly by estate workers living in rental property owned by the lord of the manor and a conurbation inhabited by many owner occupiers but outnumbered by those renting from the council, housing associations and private landlords.

Two opposites sharing a common denominator. The need for social housing and landlords with differing views of their role, provision or profit?

What was the rural is now the urban, what is the city contains the country. A juxtaposition, a tapestry of two conflicting zeitgeists in disharmony, there is much shouting but little debate across a social divide where both sides assert they are the needy.

Perhaps the environment is the vector for the disease that is poverty and decisive in what symptoms present.

This week I had a walk around Badminton and Bristol and was struck by the contrast and the similarities.

If you would be known, and not know, vegetate in a village; If you would know, and not be known, live in a city.
Charles Caleb Colton (1780 - 1832)

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this is a beautiful thing

16.05.2004 02:25

there is something extraordinary happening here.

what a beautiful thing it is.

