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Uk does not torture?

Guido | 15.05.2004 17:31 | Anti-racism

The pictures of the Mirror werefake, what about the pictures from last year?

May 30 2003

"A British soldier has been arrested on suspicion of taking the pictures, including one showing an Iraqi, bound and gagged, hanging from netting on a fork-lift truck."

"ANOTHER picture showed a pair of white legs and the head of a male Iraqi.

The hand of a man behind the Iraqi’s head appeared to be forcing him to perform oral sex."

"A THIRD picture showed a pair of bare backsides. One Iraqi man was on his knees on the floor with his body bent.

Another was pressed behind him, tightly moulding his body like a spoon in what seemed to be a sexual position.",,2003250508,00.html

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16.05.2004 15:05

This story was also published in the Guardian and in local Midlands papers.
It was a big local story.

Why have the media 'forgotten' this story.
Surely all it takes is for someone to ask some questions

British soldier held over Iraq PoW 'torture'

Keep circulating this story all over the world then we will not forget.
